The New York Times has issued a strong editorial "A Vote for a Smarter Census" declaring that "a persuasive new report from the National Research Council" makes the Census Bureau's current practice of counting people in prison as residents of the prison town "hard to defend".

by Peter Wagner, September 18, 2006

New York Times editorialThe New York Times has issued a strong editorial A Vote for a Smarter Census declaring that “a persuasive new report from the National Research Council” makes the Census Bureau’s current practice of counting people in prison as residents of the prison town “hard to defend”.

Prison Policy Initiative board member Barbara Fedders and Barbara Kaban have released a new report "Do you know where the children are? A Report of Massachusetts Youth Unlawfully Held Without Bail", which was featured in today's lead Boston Globe editorial "Fair hearings for children".

by Peter Wagner, September 15, 2006

report thumbnail
Prison Policy Initiative board member Barbara Fedders and Barbara Kaban have released a new report Do you know where the children are? A Report of Massachusetts Youth Unlawfully Held Without Bail, which was featured in today’s lead Boston Globe editorial Fair hearings for children.

The New York Times quotes Executive Director Peter Wagner in "Panel recommends change in how prisoners are counted in U.S. Census".

by Peter Wagner, September 15, 2006

newspaper thunbnail
The New York Times quotes Executive Director Peter Wagner in Panel recommends change in how prisoners are counted in U.S. Census.

Added press release announcing that National Academies report calls for Census Bureau to collect alternative addresses for people in prison to the PPI in the news page.

by Peter Wagner, September 14, 2006

report thumbnail Added press release announcing that National Academies report calls for Census Bureau to collect alternative addresses for people in prison to the PPI in the news page.

by Peter Wagner, September 6, 2006

Added Ezekiel Edwards’ article Counting Off Upstate: Just Say Moo, in The Brooklyn Rail to the PPI in the News page.

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