Articles by Meredith Booker
- Animated GIF: Jail conviction status
We created an animated GIF showing the growth of the unconvicted population in jails compared to those convicted
May 26, 2016
- BJS data shows graying of prisons
The Bureau of Justice Statistics released a report exploring the fastest growing portion of the prison population, those 55 or older.
May 19, 2016
- President Obama’s record on clemency: A premature celebration
With a little over 6 months left in his term, President Obama is on track to become the President who has granted the smallest portion of clemency requests in history.
May 17, 2016
- 20 years is enough: Time to repeal the Prison Litigation Reform Act
Professor Margo Schlanger's data shows how the Prison Litigation Reform Act closed the courthouse door on incarcerated people seeking protection of their civil rights.
May 5, 2016
- The wealth of incarcerated versus non-incarcerated men over a lifetime, visualized
We make two graphs from Zaw, Hamilton, and Darity's groundbreaking dataset to illustrate the racial, ethnic and wealth disparities in incarceration.
Apr 26, 2016