Quoted in Idaho: Census bungles prison populations
by Peter Wagner, October 9, 2008
Nathaniel Hoffman quotes Peter Wagner in this Boise Weekly article about the prison miscount:
Census bungles prison populations.
by Peter Wagner, October 9, 2008
Nathaniel Hoffman quotes Peter Wagner in this Boise Weekly article about the prison miscount:
Census bungles prison populations.
by Peter Wagner, September 29, 2008
We’ve added our newest census report Importing Constituents: Prisoners and Political Clout in Wisconsin to the Prisoners of the Census site.
by Peter Wagner, September 28, 2008
The Smith College Sophian previews Peter Wagner’s Tuesday talk in Expert on Voting Rights to Speak at Smith.
by Peter Wagner, September 12, 2008
Brandon White writes about the Census Bureau’s prison miscount in The 5/3 Compromise on The SuperSpade.
by Peter Wagner, July 26, 2008
Today we published our newest report: The Geography of Punishment: How Huge Sentencing Enhancement Zones Harm Communities, Fail to Protect Children. Also see Jo-Ann Moriarty’s coverage in Springfield’s The Republican: Drug free zones facing review.
by Peter Wagner, June 2, 2008
Aubrey Fox cites the impact of the prison miscount on the political process when he asks Can New York Break Its Incarceration Habit? in the Gotham Gazette.
by Peter Wagner, April 7, 2008
Elizabeth Tuttle writing in the Smith College Sophian covers Peter Wagner’s recent lecture:
Prison Reform Lecture Series Brought to Smith
by Peter Wagner, January 8, 2008
TomPaine.com has published Prisons Warp the Vote by PPI law clerk Brett Blank. The piece traces the pre-Reynolds history of redistricting in New Hampshire — which was based on wealth — and juxtaposes that against the prisoner miscount, where prisons are the only economic interest that gets a boost from the decennial census.
by Peter Wagner, December 2, 2007
Sharon Kyle cites our research on incarceration rates in Are California Progressives Blind to the Prison-Industrial Complex? on the California Progress Report
by Peter Wagner, November 8, 2007
Will Doolittle writes about our campaign for Census reform in the Glens Falls Post-Star in Political Power of Prisons.
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