Gotham Gazette: Counting Convicts
by Peter Wagner, November 2, 2007
Andrea Senteno and Jay Cerrato write about the campaign for Census reform in the Gotham Gazette: Counting Convicts.
by Peter Wagner, November 2, 2007
Andrea Senteno and Jay Cerrato write about the campaign for Census reform in the Gotham Gazette: Counting Convicts.
by Peter Wagner, November 1, 2007
David Sommerstein at North Country Public Radio has a 4 minute piece about St. Lawrence County Legislator Tedra Cobb asking the U.S. Census Bureau to change how it counts people in prison: Inmate count debate opens old wounds.
by Peter Wagner, August 16, 2007
Professor Marie Gottschalk cites our census research in an editorial in yesterday’s Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
No prison like home
: For the U.S. census, convicts are counted as ‘residents’ of towns and counties outside the walls.
by Peter Wagner, August 7, 2007
The New York Times writes about our Phantom constituents in the Empire State report in this excellent article by Sam Roberts: Inmates Have Political Pull in Some New York Counties.
by Peter Wagner, July 23, 2007
The New York Times cited our Phantom Constituents in the Empire State report in today’s editorial Phantom Voters in New York.
by Peter Wagner, July 19, 2007
Our report about how the Census burdens New York counties is receiving a lot of great press. Various versions of an Associated Press article have appeared in the Albany Times Union, the Daily Freeman, the Syracuse Post-Standard and in papers across upstate New York.
by Peter Wagner, July 18, 2007
We released a new report, “Phantom constituents in the Empire State: How outdated Census Bureau methodology burdens New York counties” today.
by Peter Wagner, July 16, 2007
Our long-time GIS Analyst, Rose Heyer, has a two-page color map, “The American Archipelago: U.S. Prison Proliferation 1900-2004 published in a new book Warfare in the American Homeland edited by Joy James. The new map updates her earlier map, U.S. Prison Proliferation 1900-2000.
by Peter Wagner, July 14, 2007
The July/August issue of Dollars & Sense magazine has a new article by PPI Policy Analyst Will Goldberg Imprisoned in Low Wages: Limited access to education for people in prison leads to economic exclusion.
by Peter Wagner, June 27, 2007
On June 25, New York State Senator Eric Schneiderman wrote in the Spanish-language daily newspaper, El Diario, about S2754, the Prisoner Census Adjustment Act, which would correct where prisoners are counted prior to redistricting. Read the op-ed: Phantoms of the Census / Fantasmas del Censo (link no longer available).
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