by Peter Wagner, April 7, 2008

Elizabeth Tuttle writing in the Smith College Sophian covers Peter Wagner’s recent lecture:
Prison Reform Lecture Series Brought to Smith

by Peter Wagner, January 8, 2008 has published Prisons Warp the Vote by PPI law clerk Brett Blank. The piece traces the pre-Reynolds history of redistricting in New Hampshire — which was based on wealth — and juxtaposes that against the prisoner miscount, where prisons are the only economic interest that gets a boost from the decennial census.

by Peter Wagner, December 2, 2007

Sharon Kyle cites our research on incarceration rates in Are California Progressives Blind to the Prison-Industrial Complex? on the California Progress Report

Will Doolittle writes about our campaign for Census reform in the Glens Falls Post-Star in Political Power of Prisons.

by Peter Wagner, November 8, 2007

Post-Star article
thumbnailWill Doolittle writes about our campaign for Census reform in the Glens Falls Post-Star in Political Power of Prisons.

by Peter Wagner, November 2, 2007

Andrea Senteno and Jay Cerrato write about the campaign for Census reform in the Gotham Gazette: Counting Convicts.

by Peter Wagner, November 1, 2007

David Sommerstein at North Country Public Radio has a 4 minute piece about St. Lawrence County Legislator Tedra Cobb asking the U.S. Census Bureau to change how it counts people in prison: Inmate count debate opens old wounds.

by Peter Wagner, August 16, 2007

Professor Marie Gottschalk cites our census research in an editorial in yesterday’s Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
No prison like home
For the U.S. census, convicts are counted as ‘residents’ of towns and counties outside the walls.

The New York Times writes about our Phantom constituents in the Empire State report in this excellent article by Sam Roberts: Inmates Have Political Pull in Some New York Counties.

by Peter Wagner, August 7, 2007

New York Times article thumbnailThe New York Times writes about our Phantom constituents in the Empire State report in this excellent article by Sam Roberts: Inmates Have Political Pull in Some New York Counties.

The New York Times cited our Phantom Constituents in the Empire State report in today's editorial Phantom Voters in New York

by Peter Wagner, July 23, 2007

New York Times editorialThe New York Times cited our Phantom Constituents in the Empire State report in today’s editorial Phantom Voters in New York.

Our report about how the Census burdens New York counties is receiving a lot of great press. Various versions of an Associated Press article have appeared in the Albany Times Union, the Daily Freeman, the Syracuse Post-Standard and in papers across upstate New York.

by Peter Wagner, July 19, 2007

Republican article thumbnailOur report about how the Census burdens New York counties is receiving a lot of great press. Various versions of an Associated Press article have appeared in the Albany Times Union, the Daily Freeman, the Syracuse Post-Standard and in papers across upstate New York.

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