HELP US END MASS INCARCERATION The Prison Policy Initiative uses research, advocacy, and organizing to dismantle mass incarceration. We’ve been in this movement for 23 years, thanks to individual donors like you.

Can you help us sustain this work?

Thank you,
Peter Wagner, Executive Director

Incarceration clock

Put the incarceration clock on your website in 3 easy steps

Feel free to include the incarceration clock on your website. We ask only that you leave the credit line intact and use the version of the script on our server. We update the clock at least twice a year based on the newest statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Step 1

Put this code in the <head></head> of your page:

<script src="//" 

Step 2

Change your <body> tag to read:

<body onload="startclock()">

Step 3

Put this code in the <body></body> of your page:

<form name="clock" onsubmit="0" action=""> 
<p>As of <span id="clockface">--:--:-- -.-.</span> 
today, there are an estimated <span id="prisonpop">-,---,---,
</span> people in U.S. prisons and jails.
<span class="credit"> (Source: 
<a href="">
Prison Policy Initiative</a>)</span></p></form>

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