Staff/volunteer interviews
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Issues in prison gerrymandering
In each episode we talk with different voting rights experts about ways in which state and local governments can change the Census and avoid prison-based gerrymandering.
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Radio interviews (select)
- Is Video Visitation Sufficient For Inmates and Families?, Bernadette Rabuy on OPB's Think Out Loud, February 5, 2015
- Aleks Kajstura on The Bill Newman Show, WHMP (MA), December 20, 2013
- Leah Sakala on The Bill Newman Show, WHMP (MA), January 2, 2013
- Interview with Peter Wagner on Metro Watch (audio), with Gloria Minott, WPFW (DC), December 7, 2011
- Inmates to be excluded from North Country districts (audio), by David Sommerstein, North Country Public Radio (NY), August 5, 2010
- Prison Gerrymandering Still an Issue for the Eastern Shore, by Karen Hosler, WYPR (Baltimore, MD) July 20, 2010.
- The Fancy Broccoli Show with Peter Wagner on WVKR Vassar College, March 14, 2010, Poughkeepsie NY
- Census and Counting Prison Populations with Bob Paquette on WFCR, February 16, 2010, Amherst, MA
- On the Count: The Prison & Criminal Justice Report with Eddie Ellis on WBAI New York interviews New York Senator Schneiderman and Executive Director Peter Wagner about legislation pending in New York State to end prison-based gerrymandering. January 16, 2010 mp3 25:50
- Census: Where Should We Count Prison Inmates? Dodge County Wisconsin Supervisor Jim Leyman and Peter Wagner discuss prison-based gerrymandering with Celeste Headlee on The Take Away, December 31, 2009. Listen: mp3, 6:40
- TalkBack! with Hugh Hamilton, WBAI New York. Hugh interviews Brenda Wright of Demos about the Census, mass incarceration and the lessons of Michael Cady. December 30, 2010 mp3 28:13
Prisons and City Elections, by Joyce Russell, Iowa Public Radio, November 3, 2009. Listen: mp3
- Prisoners: North Country Residents? by David Sommerstein, North Country Public Radio (New York), March 5, 2004 (transcript, Listen Real audio )