Join our Young Professionals Network!

New opportunity for working people to improve our criminal justice system

by Bernadette Rabuy, February 18, 2015

Our new comedy videos taking on the video visitation industry’s outrageous claims that charging $29.95 for a crappy video visit is “just like Skype” are one of the first products from our new Young Professionals Network.

We’re building a list of working people who want to use their skills to improve our criminal justice system. Historically, most of our volunteer or internship opportunities have been based in our office around regular working hours. But our new network allows less frequent but more focused contributions.

We learn about your skills and then keep you or the whole group informed when interesting opportunities come up. Want to learn more and see examples of past collaborations? Fill out our form and introduce yourself! (MSWord) Then, send the completed form to pwagner [at]

6 responses:

  1. George Citizen says:

    Hopefully this is a Young (at heart) Professional Network and not a discriminatory statement.

    I can think of a hundred good reasons to use this title and target this demographic, so my comment is somewhat in jest. However when tackling a big problem it’s never good to leave any tool at home.

    1. Peter Wagner says:

      That’s right, George. The network is open to everyone.

      We already have some ways to collaborate with folks still in school (internships, etc.) and folks much further along in their careers (board of directors, etc.) so this network was intended to fill the gap between the two. So please do send us your info if you’d like to participate.

  2. […] partnership with Daniel Kopf of our Young Professionals Network, we analyzed U.S. Census data on the race and ethnicity of people incarcerated in given counties […]

  3. […] And thanks again to Stephen for drafting the comment! (You may remember Stephen from his work in rebutting local government officials who insisted that jail phone kickbacks were necessary.) If you’d like to join our growing group of skilled volunteers, check out our Young Professionals Network. […]

  4. […] could not have been completed without the support of our intern Emily Widra and two members of our Young Professionals Networkwho were essential to unlocking the offense data for people in jails. Dan Kopfdid some early […]

  5. […] zones. With the help of two of our interns, Elydah Joyce and Arielle Sharma, and a member of our Young Professionals Network, Jacob Mitchell, we produced an animation that we expect will help other states follow […]

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