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by Leah Sakala, September 23, 2011

PPI supports a common-sense revision to the short-sighted Massachusetts school zone drug penalty law. This change would allow the law to more effectively protect children without disproportionately punishing urban communities.

We added Maureen Turner's Valley Advocate article Rethinking Drug-Free School Zones: Gov. Patrick proposes changing a policy critics say is unfair and ineffective to our PPI in the News page and to the page about our sentencing enhancement zone work.

by Peter Wagner, February 14, 2011

article thumbnailWe added Maureen Turner’s Valley Advocate article Rethinking Drug-Free School Zones: Gov. Patrick proposes changing a policy critics say is unfair and ineffective to our PPI in the News page and to the page about our sentencing enhancement zone work.

by Peter Wagner, January 18, 2011

Eric Weld has an article about Peter Wagner’s course at Smith College: Interterm Course Focuses on U.S. Prison System in the Gate.

by Peter Wagner, May 9, 2010

Peter Wagner is quoted in the Patriot Ledger regarding Mass.’s plan to bill prison inmates for room and board. Because most people in prison are poor, this counter-productive policy “is like spending money to squeeze blood from a stone.”

by Peter Wagner, February 17, 2010

Artist Paul Rucker’s new installation, Proliferation, inspired by the map of U.S. Prison Proliferation, 1900-2000 by PPI’s Rose Heyer was just reviewed in CityArts (link no longer available).

Added Most upstate counties with prisons agree: A prison cell is not a residence [PDF] to the New York organizing page.

by Peter Wagner, February 14, 2010

poster thumbnail Added Most upstate counties with prisons agree: A prison cell is not a residence [PDF] to the New York organizing page.

by Peter Wagner, January 19, 2010

We added links to recent radio interviews on WBAI, The Take Away and shows to our In the News page.

by Peter Wagner, January 15, 2010

Matt Kelley cites PPI’s research on sentencing enhancement zones in a post saluting New Jersey’s first-in-the-nation reform of these short-sighted laws.

The Valley Advocate honors us on a best of 2009 list.

by Peter Wagner, December 31, 2009

Award from the Valley Advocate

The Valley Advocate salutes the Prison Policy Initiative for how far we stretch your generous contributions.

The Valley Advocate honors us on a best of 2009 list.

by Peter Wagner, November 25, 2009

The Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network has twice featured our work on their blog in the last week or so. One article by George Pillsbury features our research on Mississippi, and another on our work behind the New York TimesGerrymandering: Pure and Corrupt editorial.

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