Augusta Geogia HB1059 exclusion zones

Data Source: Augusta GIS department. (Map: Peter Wagner, 2006)

This map originally appeared in Affidavit of Peter Wagner submitted on August 14, 2006.

The map text reads:

Richmond County Population (2000): 199,775
County Seat: Augusta

This map reflects 1,000 foot buffers drawn around school bus stops, schools, churches, skating rinks, child care facilites and parks mapped on top of the county's parcel database. All data was provided by the Augusta GIS department.

The original files provided by the County showed that large portions of the county were off limits to sex offenders under HB1059. However, on closer examination, we saw that only 4,565 of the 5,668 school bus stops in the county were placed on the map.

We ran the remaining bus stops through the Streetmap 2003 Geocoding service, and were able to place 463 more bus stops on the map. Using google and the address information in the parcel database were were able to manually place an additional 8 Richmond bus stops and one Burke County bus stop on the map. More than 11% of the total school bus stops in the county are still not reflected on this map.

Of the 78,150 parcels in the county, 75,863 are entirely within the prohibited zone. An additional 1,478 parcels are also off-limits to people on the registry because the parcel property line crosses in to the exclusion zone. A further 299 parcels were excluded because they are entirely within Census Blocks that contain no population or because the parcel layer made it explicit that they were non-residential (a cemetary, a waterfront access road, and a median strip.)

This methodology means that the maximum number of parcels remaining not subject to HB1059 exclusion is 510, but many of these parcels are agricultural, industrial, timber, or unfinished subdivisions.

In addition, the remaining unmapped school bus stops may also reduce this number even further.

A manual examination of the remaining 510 parcels would determine how many contain potential homes, and on-site investigation would determine how many are available are for rent or for sale.

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