Figure 15. Additional detailed analysis of Assembly Districts. This table is similar to Figure 11 but contains additional demographic data about the districts and includes the size of the incarcerated Latino population in each Assembly district.
Assembly District Population Non-Hispanic White Percent Non-Hispanic White White Percent White Non-Hispanic Black Percent Non-Hispanic Black Black Percent Black Hispanic Percent Hispanic Prisoners Non-Hispaic Black Prisoners Hispanic prisoners
1 131,139 115,855 88.35% 120,610 91.97% 5,128 3.91% 5,325 4.06% 7,022 5.35% 0 0 0
2 131,139 107,279 81.81% 115,453 88.04% 6,683 5.10% 7,002 5.34% 12,846 9.80% 0 0 0
3 131,138 101,241 77.20% 109,759 83.70% 9,780 7.46% 10,367 7.91% 15,064 11.49% 0 0 0
4 131,140 109,312 83.36% 114,712 87.47% 3,753 2.86% 4,049 3.09% 8,405 6.41% 0 0 0
5 131,141 118,895 90.66% 124,000 94.55% 1,269 0.97% 1,395 1.06% 6,844 5.22% 0 0 0
6 131,139 44,415 33.87% 68,732 52.41% 24,307 18.54% 26,396 20.13% 55,139 42.05% 0 0 0
7 131,139 121,310 92.50% 124,879 95.23% 907 0.69% 977 0.75% 4,612 3.52% 0 0 0
8 131,140 117,422 89.54% 122,547 93.45% 2,344 1.79% 2,536 1.93% 7,560 5.76% 0 0 0
9 131,139 118,349 90.25% 122,331 93.28% 1,808 1.38% 1,883 1.44% 5,635 4.30% 0 0 0
10 131,137 104,722 79.86% 111,258 84.84% 7,258 5.53% 7,569 5.77% 12,272 9.36% 0 0 0
11 131,139 79,832 60.88% 87,726 66.90% 30,201 23.03% 31,261 23.84% 15,827 12.07% 0 0 0
12 131,139 118,346 90.24% 122,728 93.59% 2,720 2.07% 2,833 2.16% 6,248 4.76% 0 0 0
13 131,136 103,320 78.79% 109,948 83.84% 7,973 6.08% 8,314 6.34% 10,968 8.36% 0 0 0
14 131,138 105,243 80.25% 112,678 85.92% 6,407 4.89% 6,689 5.10% 12,678 9.67% 0 0 0
15 131,138 99,202 75.65% 107,573 82.03% 6,450 4.92% 6,725 5.13% 14,048 10.71% 0 0 0
16 131,137 103,607 79.01% 109,144 83.23% 3,167 2.42% 3,318 2.53% 8,471 6.46% 0 0 0
17 131,138 106,768 81.42% 112,300 85.63% 5,635 4.30% 5,848 4.46% 9,197 7.01% 0 0 0
18 131,139 22,385 17.07% 35,150 26.80% 68,653 52.35% 70,762 53.96% 34,224 26.10% 0 0 0
19 131,140 111,658 85.14% 117,706 89.76% 4,091 3.12% 4,383 3.34% 11,139 8.49% 0 0 0
20 131,138 108,133 82.46% 114,759 87.51% 5,513 4.20% 5,787 4.41% 11,928 9.10% 0 0 0
21 131,140 88,058 67.15% 95,047 72.48% 19,075 14.55% 19,807 15.10% 12,566 9.58% 0 0 0
22 123,855 22,567 18.22% 35,036 28.29% 5,777 4.66% 6,395 5.16% 25,141 20.30% 0 0 0
23 123,856 74,199 59.91% 84,992 68.62% 13,666 11.03% 14,662 11.84% 23,309 18.82% 0 0 0
24 123,856 63,325 51.13% 69,568 56.17% 10,323 8.33% 10,871 8.78% 11,579 9.35% 0 0 0
25 123,855 40,472 32.68% 52,430 42.33% 9,582 7.74% 10,485 8.47% 25,146 20.30% 0 0 0
26 123,858 85,133 68.73% 92,032 74.30% 2,065 1.67% 2,199 1.78% 10,899 8.80% 0 0 0
27 123,850 62,488 50.45% 76,071 61.42% 9,195 7.42% 10,036 8.10% 26,334 21.26% 0 0 0
28 123,854 84,947 68.59% 93,648 75.61% 1,936 1.56% 2,159 1.74% 13,679 11.04% 0 0 0
29 123,859 5,968 4.82% 11,084 8.95% 83,291 67.25% 85,763 69.24% 15,724 12.70% 0 0 0
30 123,852 63,559 51.32% 79,125 63.89% 2,356 1.90% 2,943 2.38% 30,991 25.02% 0 0 0
31 123,848 9,750 7.87% 17,820 14.39% 72,321 58.39% 75,237 60.75% 23,603 19.06% 0 0 0
32 123,851 2,951 2.38% 8,999 7.27% 84,580 68.29% 87,319 70.50% 20,269 16.37% 0 0 0
33 123,853 13,647 11.02% 18,422 14.87% 78,538 63.41% 80,599 65.08% 13,279 10.72% 0 0 0
34 123,855 23,472 18.95% 53,713 43.37% 2,547 2.06% 3,633 2.93% 63,242 51.06% 0 0 0
35 123,851 16,960 13.69% 38,498 31.08% 23,595 19.05% 25,674 20.73% 48,502 39.16% 0 0 0
36 123,857 66,472 53.67% 81,130 65.50% 1,759 1.42% 2,226 1.80% 29,313 23.67% 0 0 0
37 123,856 38,196 30.84% 58,585 47.30% 12,327 9.95% 13,856 11.19% 52,130 42.09% 604 343 178
38 123,857 47,506 38.36% 64,151 51.79% 5,228 4.22% 6,449 5.21% 43,478 35.10% 0 0 0
39 123,856 11,283 9.11% 47,421 38.29% 3,745 3.02% 5,683 4.59% 79,987 64.58% 0 0 0
40 121,209 6,540 5.40% 13,008 10.73% 81,191 66.98% 86,676 71.51% 27,760 22.90% 0 0 0
41 121,209 54,487 44.95% 57,901 47.77% 47,203 38.94% 48,788 40.25% 8,007 6.61% 0 0 0
42 121,205 16,205 13.37% 20,683 17.06% 79,083 65.25% 83,408 68.82% 17,227 14.21% 0 0 0
43 121,237 12,117 9.99% 13,456 11.10% 95,040 78.39% 98,668 81.38% 8,450 6.97% 0 0 0
44 121,204 64,299 53.05% 72,797 60.06% 11,393 9.40% 12,453 10.27% 20,720 17.10% 0 0 0
45 121,214 94,849 78.25% 98,427 81.20% 1,575 1.30% 1,766 1.46% 6,999 5.77% 0 0 0
46 121,212 69,924 57.69% 78,069 64.41% 16,053 13.24% 17,583 14.51% 19,383 15.99% 0 0 0
47 121,212 81,856 67.53% 87,944 72.55% 1,852 1.53% 2,202 1.82% 10,676 8.81% 0 0 0
48 121,202 85,859 70.84% 90,452 74.63% 1,099 0.91% 1,375 1.13% 9,471 7.81% 0 0 0
49 121,212 79,610 65.68% 85,046 70.16% 331 0.27% 460 0.38% 10,356 8.54% 0 0 0
50 121,209 69,893 57.66% 79,655 65.72% 14,282 11.78% 15,783 13.02% 25,808 21.29% 0 0 0
51 121,209 20,536 16.94% 46,344 38.23% 7,425 6.13% 9,557 7.88% 68,890 56.84% 0 0 0
52 121,209 72,090 59.48% 82,320 67.92% 14,541 12.00% 16,062 13.25% 23,688 19.54% 0 0 0
53 121,210 12,737 10.51% 39,283 32.41% 11,596 9.57% 15,488 12.78% 88,189 72.76% 0 0 0
54 121,211 3,356 2.77% 19,079 15.74% 40,570 33.47% 45,665 37.67% 65,996 54.45% 0 0 0
55 121,211 1,180 0.97% 6,925 5.71% 92,110 75.99% 97,112 80.12% 24,470 20.19% 0 0 0
56 121,214 1,043 0.86% 4,065 3.35% 101,039 83.36% 104,688 86.37% 14,848 12.25% 0 0 0
57 121,209 11,538 9.52% 15,455 12.75% 85,459 70.51% 89,697 74.00% 16,268 13.42% 0 0 0
58 121,202 4,617 3.81% 6,063 5.00% 103,856 85.69% 106,609 87.96% 6,800 5.61% 0 0 0
59 121,203 62,143 51.27% 66,528 54.89% 42,334 34.93% 43,651 36.01% 9,129 7.53% 0 0 0
60 121,210 94,146 77.67% 102,575 84.63% 1,997 1.65% 2,362 1.95% 13,455 11.10% 0 0 0
61 121,214 57,084 47.09% 66,658 54.99% 30,037 24.78% 32,240 26.60% 24,987 20.61% 0 0 0
62 121,213 108,651 89.64% 113,548 93.68% 951 0.78% 1,081 0.89% 6,611 5.45% 959 471 332
63 121,214 86,088 71.02% 93,766 77.36% 7,270 6.00% 7,890 6.51% 13,240 10.92% 0 0 0
64 128,095 35,070 27.38% 44,319 34.60% 6,482 5.06% 7,861 6.14% 21,978 17.16% 0 0 0
65 128,115 103,919 81.11% 108,821 84.94% 4,530 3.54% 4,782 3.73% 7,570 5.91% 0 0 0
66 128,091 99,343 77.56% 104,739 81.77% 4,789 3.74% 5,103 3.98% 8,807 6.88% 0 0 0
67 128,116 95,300 74.39% 102,751 80.20% 6,892 5.38% 7,801 6.09% 14,815 11.56% 0 0 0
68 128,080 11,854 9.26% 33,585 26.22% 46,551 36.35% 53,211 41.55% 63,379 49.48% 376 190 147
69 128,053 59,614 46.55% 71,287 55.67% 23,954 18.71% 27,213 21.25% 31,642 24.71% 0 0 0
70 128,074 3,329 2.60% 11,862 9.26% 76,449 59.69% 82,029 64.05% 43,454 33.93% 0 0 0
71 128,114 20,496 16.00% 35,088 27.39% 37,156 29.00% 42,260 32.99% 64,172 50.09% 449 205 217
72 128,128 9,014 7.04% 29,924 23.35% 7,918 6.18% 14,104 11.01% 107,548 83.94% 0 0 0
73 128,096 106,846 83.41% 112,000 87.43% 3,119 2.43% 3,462 2.70% 7,500 5.85% 0 0 0
74 128,094 71,857 56.10% 84,196 65.73% 9,746 7.61% 11,477 8.96% 29,405 22.96% 0 0 0
75 128,119 87,231 68.09% 97,038 75.74% 7,112 5.55% 7,999 6.24% 17,546 13.70% 438 244 152
76 121,151 6,962 5.75% 32,568 26.88% 35,173 29.03% 41,195 34.00% 68,834 56.82% 0 0 0
77 121,157 1,554 1.28% 17,653 14.57% 48,343 39.90% 55,094 45.47% 67,009 55.31% 0 0 0
78 121,111 14,674 12.12% 36,692 30.30% 22,050 18.21% 27,783 22.94% 74,119 61.20% 0 0 0
79 121,160 1,749 1.44% 20,107 16.60% 51,267 42.31% 58,612 48.38% 65,355 53.94% 232 87 140
80 121,153 46,488 38.37% 63,171 52.14% 21,120 17.43% 23,960 19.78% 41,438 34.20% 0 0 0
81 121,130 53,275 43.98% 66,303 54.74% 20,702 17.09% 23,623 19.50% 35,173 29.04% 0 0 0
82 121,147 56,515 46.65% 71,939 59.38% 25,781 21.28% 27,927 23.05% 32,119 26.51% 0 0 0
83 121,151 5,154 4.25% 12,569 10.37% 88,240 72.83% 92,244 76.14% 21,787 17.98% 0 0 0
84 121,158 1,756 1.45% 26,988 22.28% 30,381 25.08% 37,682 31.10% 85,687 70.72% 0 0 0
85 121,157 3,043 2.51% 27,727 22.89% 40,910 33.77% 47,423 39.14% 73,027 60.27% 0 0 0
86 121,175 2,481 2.05% 22,286 18.39% 32,371 26.71% 39,464 32.57% 80,157 66.15% 0 0 0
87 131,484 32,054 24.38% 44,282 33.68% 53,315 40.55% 55,493 42.21% 36,187 27.52% 0 0 0
88 123,909 80,445 64.92% 90,053 72.68% 15,521 12.53% 16,049 12.95% 18,265 14.74% 0 0 0
89 123,910 102,294 82.56% 108,281 87.39% 4,984 4.02% 5,276 4.26% 9,907 8.00% 1,318 699 367
90 131,559 96,313 73.21% 104,818 79.67% 12,552 9.54% 13,189 10.03% 16,804 12.77% 2,264 1,241 722
91 123,909 82,578 66.64% 95,876 77.38% 8,266 6.67% 8,785 7.09% 26,323 21.24% 0 0 0
92 131,485 92,963 70.70% 100,471 76.41% 13,013 9.90% 13,598 10.34% 14,069 10.70% 0 0 0
93 131,483 82,836 63.00% 92,071 70.03% 16,680 12.69% 17,762 13.51% 21,561 16.40% 0 0 0
94 128,971 90,220 69.95% 98,273 76.20% 10,709 8.30% 11,413 8.85% 17,314 13.42% 0 0 0
95 128,970 91,158 70.68% 96,413 74.76% 18,721 14.52% 19,284 14.95% 9,297 7.21% 0 0 0
96 129,618 109,556 84.52% 116,090 89.56% 5,240 4.04% 5,646 4.36% 10,665 8.23% 0 0 0
97 128,970 107,702 83.51% 114,287 88.62% 6,211 4.82% 6,764 5.24% 10,704 8.30% 1,497 811 455
98 129,730 100,988 77.84% 108,882 83.93% 9,888 7.62% 10,861 8.37% 14,878 11.47% 1,784 876 567
99 128,986 115,143 89.27% 119,984 93.02% 2,434 1.89% 2,652 2.06% 7,349 5.70% 0 0 0
100 129,732 79,314 61.14% 87,823 67.70% 25,397 19.58% 26,506 20.43% 20,082 15.48% 3,650 1,934 1,161
101 127,675 108,045 84.63% 112,513 88.12% 6,734 5.27% 7,213 5.65% 8,312 6.51% 2,119 1,091 754
102 129,098 105,986 82.10% 110,352 85.48% 8,539 6.61% 8,929 6.92% 7,823 6.06% 1,342 683 413
103 128,212 113,419 88.46% 116,493 90.86% 5,694 4.44% 5,955 4.64% 5,286 4.12% 2,793 1,436 816
104 128,373 103,510 80.63% 105,560 82.23% 13,585 10.58% 14,081 10.97% 4,625 3.60% 0 0 0
105 131,592 112,758 85.69% 116,133 88.25% 8,263 6.28% 8,775 6.67% 6,686 5.08% 0 0 0
106 128,373 98,742 76.92% 100,455 78.25% 19,981 15.56% 20,686 16.11% 4,523 3.52% 0 0 0
107 126,984 121,615 95.77% 122,862 96.75% 1,344 1.06% 1,424 1.12% 1,958 1.54% 0 0 0
108 128,375 119,062 92.75% 120,582 93.93% 3,703 2.88% 3,870 3.01% 2,836 2.21% 1,798 930 579
109 130,727 119,295 91.26% 120,619 92.27% 3,642 2.79% 3,774 2.89% 2,253 1.72% 0 0 0
110 131,594 122,342 92.97% 123,749 94.04% 2,701 2.05% 2,847 2.16% 2,445 1.86% 0 0 0
111 127,962 121,921 95.28% 123,059 96.17% 1,835 1.43% 1,945 1.52% 1,795 1.40% 257 148 69
112 129,570 123,727 95.49% 124,790 96.31% 2,143 1.65% 2,245 1.73% 1,934 1.49% 3,611 1,849 1,072
113 132,139 126,290 95.57% 127,411 96.42% 1,941 1.47% 2,049 1.55% 1,933 1.46% 999 436 345
114 132,349 117,237 88.58% 118,819 89.78% 5,879 4.44% 6,257 4.73% 4,032 3.05% 9,251 4,623 2,983
115 127,626 123,832 97.03% 124,442 97.51% 726 0.57% 753 0.59% 883 0.69% 0 0 0
116 127,574 103,994 81.52% 107,247 84.07% 12,264 9.61% 12,824 10.05% 6,772 5.31% 6,187 2,986 2,196
117 128,121 123,444 96.35% 124,371 97.07% 1,265 0.99% 1,344 1.05% 1,551 1.21% 492 253 174
118 128,234 117,607 91.71% 119,011 92.81% 3,986 3.11% 4,207 3.28% 3,123 2.44% 4,245 2,238 1,474
119 128,805 88,967 69.07% 90,887 70.56% 27,824 21.60% 28,570 22.18% 5,065 3.93% 0 0 0
120 128,805 104,891 81.43% 106,621 82.78% 10,876 8.44% 11,286 8.76% 4,082 3.17% 0 0 0
121 129,651 121,009 93.33% 121,923 94.04% 2,653 2.05% 2,711 2.09% 1,435 1.11% 0 0 0
122 128,001 116,421 90.95% 117,862 92.08% 4,916 3.84% 5,095 3.98% 3,769 2.94% 1,046 553 350
123 125,924 119,366 94.79% 120,299 95.53% 2,689 2.14% 2,782 2.21% 1,745 1.39% 1,999 1,038 544
124 128,431 123,792 96.39% 124,694 97.09% 746 0.58% 798 0.62% 1,629 1.27% 0 0 0
125 125,447 108,485 86.48% 110,349 87.96% 3,629 2.89% 3,846 3.07% 3,397 2.71% 0 0 0
126 130,213 113,295 87.01% 114,730 88.11% 5,663 4.35% 5,944 4.56% 3,349 2.57% 0 0 0
127 128,004 120,407 94.07% 122,409 95.63% 2,233 1.74% 2,362 1.85% 3,099 2.42% 1,310 709 392
128 127,260 119,068 93.56% 120,412 94.62% 3,220 2.53% 3,313 2.60% 2,618 2.06% 537 289 158
129 126,644 117,947 93.13% 119,366 94.25% 3,345 2.64% 3,589 2.83% 2,988 2.36% 1,271 659 376
130 126,482 115,463 91.29% 116,747 92.30% 3,423 2.71% 3,515 2.78% 2,123 1.68% 0 0 0
131 126,274 87,829 69.55% 91,525 72.48% 21,297 16.87% 22,144 17.54% 10,212 8.09% 0 0 0
132 126,271 107,841 85.40% 110,177 87.25% 7,734 6.12% 8,004 6.34% 4,674 3.70% 0 0 0
133 126,272 43,359 34.34% 48,349 38.29% 60,081 47.58% 61,612 48.79% 17,123 13.56% 101 35 14
134 126,349 116,735 92.39% 118,452 93.75% 3,371 2.67% 3,472 2.75% 3,052 2.42% 0 0 0
135 125,311 116,816 93.22% 118,056 94.21% 2,164 1.73% 2,226 1.78% 1,909 1.52% 0 0 0
136 123,347 118,672 96.21% 119,301 96.72% 1,459 1.18% 1,486 1.20% 1,024 0.83% 0 0 0
137 126,784 116,642 92.00% 117,582 92.74% 5,462 4.31% 5,634 4.44% 1,996 1.57% 3,033 1,665 781
138 128,027 111,188 86.85% 112,089 87.55% 11,111 8.68% 11,238 8.78% 1,712 1.34% 0 0 0
139 127,916 117,453 91.82% 118,902 92.95% 4,648 3.63% 4,911 3.84% 3,102 2.43% 2,851 1,528 847
140 125,058 119,916 95.89% 120,940 96.71% 1,224 0.98% 1,262 1.01% 1,491 1.19% 0 0 0
141 131,863 32,765 24.85% 33,813 25.64% 91,028 69.03% 91,944 69.73% 3,605 2.73% 0 0 0
142 128,618 121,870 94.75% 122,761 95.45% 3,033 2.36% 3,091 2.40% 1,501 1.17% 1,095 562 244
143 133,038 126,716 95.25% 127,505 95.84% 3,016 2.27% 3,069 2.31% 1,170 0.88% 0 0 0
144 131,862 92,304 70.00% 98,212 74.48% 15,852 12.02% 16,760 12.71% 16,642 12.62% 0 0 0
145 131,861 125,622 95.27% 127,393 96.61% 968 0.73% 1,046 0.79% 3,018 2.29% 0 0 0
146 131,864 120,794 91.60% 122,430 92.85% 3,884 2.95% 4,043 3.07% 3,146 2.39% 3,864 1,767 1,045
147 125,572 116,125 92.48% 117,520 93.59% 4,359 3.47% 4,556 3.63% 2,969 2.36% 6,386 3,269 1,738
148 125,055 111,296 89.00% 112,422 89.90% 4,508 3.60% 4,575 3.66% 1,645 1.32% 0 0 0
149 125,994 119,918 95.18% 120,605 95.72% 989 0.78% 1,042 0.83% 1,099 0.87% 0 0 0
150 125,969 115,000 91.29% 117,859 93.56% 2,786 2.21% 3,015 2.39% 5,772 4.58% 1,308 601 452

Sources and methodology

Total district population as reported on page 2 of the pdf district map by the New York State Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment.
Non-Hispanic White
Non-Hispanic White district population as reported on page 2 of the pdf district map by the New York State Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment.
Percent Non-Hispanic White
This is the number of non-Hispanic Whites in the district divided by the total population of the district.
This is the White population of each district, as published in the shapefile created by Empire State Development and distributed on the New York State GIS clearinghouse.
Percent White
This is the number of Whites in the district divided by the total population of the district.
Non-Hispanic Black
Non-Hispanic Black district population as reported on page 2 of the pdf district map by the New York State Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment.
Percent Non-Hispanic Black
This is the number of non-Hispanic Blacks in the district divided by the total population of the district.
This is the Black population of each district, as published in the shapefile created by Empire State Development and distributed on the New York State GIS clearinghouse.
Percent Black
This is the number of Blacks in the district divided by the total population of the district.
This is the population of each district that is Hispanic as published in the shapefile created by Empire State Development and distributed on the New York State GIS clearinghouse. This also matches the data published by the New York State Legislative Taskforce on Redistricting and Reapportionment.
Percent Hispanic
This is the number of Hispanics in the district divided by the total population of the district.
Each prison was mapped from the Department of Correctional Services facility list and driving directions, and where that was unsuccessful, prisons were mapped with the assistance of the assessor's offices in several upstate towns. The individual prison populations were drawn from Department of Correctional Services, State of New York, The Hub System: Profile of Inmates Undercustody on January 1, 2000, table 1, "total" column, and then aggregated to the district level.
Non-Hispanic Black Prisoners
Each prison was mapped from the Department of Correctional Services facility list and driving directions, and where that was unsuccessful, prisons were mapped with the assistance of the assessor's offices in several upstate towns. The individual prison populations were drawn from Department of Correctional Services, State of New York, The Hub System: Profile of Inmates Undercustody on January 1, 2000, table 3, "African-American" column, and then aggregated to the district level. This column refers to Non-Hispanic Blacks.
Hispanic Prisoners
Each prison was mapped from the Department of Correctional Services facility list and driving directions, and where that was unsuccessful, prisons were mapped with the assistance of the assessor's offices in several upstate towns. The individual prison populations were drawn from Department of Correctional Services, State of New York, The Hub System: Profile of Inmates Undercustody on January 1, 2000, table 3, "Hispanic" column, and then aggregated to the district level.

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