Number of people in prison in 2020 from each Colorado county

FIPS code, 2020 Colorado counties Number of people in state prison from each county, 2020 Census population, 2020 Total population, 2020 Imprisonment rate per 100,000
08001 Adams 1,599 519,572 521,171 307
08003 Alamosa 95 16,376 16,471 577
08005 Arapahoe 1,372 655,070 656,442 209
08007 Archuleta 21 13,359 13,380 157
08009 Baca 7 3,506 3,513 199
08011 Bent 21 5,650 4,520 465
08013 Boulder 362 330,758 331,120 109
08014 Broomfield 61 74,112 74,173 82
08015 Chaffee 32 19,476 18,506 173
08017 Cheyenne 6 1,748 1,754 342
08019 Clear Creek 21 9,397 9,418 223
08021 Conejos 29 7,461 7,490 387
08023 Costilla 9 3,499 3,508 257
08025 Crowley 3 5,922 3,603 83
08027 Custer 1 4,704 4,705 21
08029 Delta 41 31,196 30,843 133
08031 Denver 2,712 715,522 717,090 378
08033 Dolores 3 2,326 2,329 129
08035 Douglas 191 357,978 358,169 53
08037 Eagle 37 55,731 55,768 66
08039 Elbert 25 26,062 26,087 96
08041 El Paso 2,378 730,395 732,773 325
08043 Fremont 91 48,939 45,096 202
08045 Garfield 73 61,685 61,594 119
08047 Gilpin 3 5,808 5,811 52
08049 Grand 9 15,717 15,726 57
08051 Gunnison 11 16,918 16,929 65
08053 Hinsdale 1 788 789 127
08055 Huerfano 20 6,820 6,840 292
08057 Jackson 2 1,379 1,381 145
08059 Jefferson 1,172 582,910 583,976 201
08061 Kiowa 2 1,446 1,448 138
08063 Kit Carson 12 7,087 7,099 169
08065 Lake 22 7,436 7,458 295
08067 La Plata 91 55,638 55,729 163
08069 Larimer 575 359,066 359,641 160
08071 Las Animas 49 14,555 14,201 345
08073 Lincoln 20 5,675 4,973 402
08075 Logan 89 21,528 19,667 453
08077 Mesa 655 155,703 156,358 419
08079 Mineral 0 865 865 0
08081 Moffat 56 13,292 13,348 420
08083 Montezuma 62 25,849 25,911 239
08085 Montrose 71 42,679 42,750 166
08087 Morgan 82 29,111 29,193 281
08089 Otero 76 18,690 18,766 405
08091 Ouray 3 4,874 4,877 62
08093 Park 12 17,390 17,402 69
08095 Phillips 8 4,530 4,538 176
08097 Pitkin 7 17,358 17,365 40
08099 Prowers 48 11,999 12,047 398
08101 Pueblo 793 168,162 168,122 472
08103 Rio Blanco 7 6,529 6,536 107
08105 Rio Grande 44 11,539 11,583 380
08107 Routt 14 24,829 24,843 56
08109 Saguache 11 6,368 6,379 172
08111 San Juan 0 705 705 0
08113 San Miguel 5 8,072 8,077 62
08115 Sedgwick 4 2,404 2,408 166
08117 Summit 32 31,055 31,087 103
08119 Teller 43 24,710 24,753 174
08121 Washington 7 4,817 4,824 145
08123 Weld 800 328,981 329,781 243
08125 Yuma 17 9,988 10,005 170

Sources and methodology

FIPS code, 2020
FIPS (Federal Information Processing Series) Codes are codes used by the Census Bureau to uniquely identify counties and county equivalents in the US. The first two digits are the FIPS state code (e.g., 08=CO); and the last three digits are the FIPS county code within the state (e.g., 001=Adams County). These are the FIPS Codes used in the 2020 Census.
Colorado counties
This is the county or county equivalent as defined by the Census Bureau for Census 2020.
Number of people in state prison from each county, 2020
This is the number of people from each county in state prison as of 2020. See the methodology section of the report.
Census population, 2020
This is the population of the county as reported in the 2020 Census.
Total population, 2020
This is the total population of the county as reflected in the 2020 Census plus the imprisoned population.
Imprisonment rate per 100,000
This is the number of imprisoned people divided by the total population and then multiplied by 100,000. It allows ready comparison of the frequency of imprisonment between each county of different population sizes.

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