Number of people in prison in 2022 from each Shreveport neighborhood

Shreveport neighborhoods   Number of people in state prison from each Shreveport neighborhood, 2022   Census population, 2020   Total population, 2020   Imprisonment rate per 100,000  
Agurs 13 2,661 2,434 534
Airport 0 0 0 0
Allendale 71 3,426 3,497 2,030
Anderson Island 17 2,790 2,807 606
Boggy Bayou 27 4,055 4,082 661
Broadmoor 16 9,545 9,561 167
Brookwood 13 3,152 3,165 411
Caddo Heights 68 4,010 4,078 1,667
Cargill Park 14 1,378 1,392 1,006
Cedar Grove 111 6,767 6,878 1,614
Central Business District 19 704 723 2,628
Cherokee Park 39 2,675 2,714 1,437
Choctaw Bayou 12 1,590 1,602 749
Country Club 53 4,016 4,069 1,303
Dixie Garden 5 3,553 3,558 141
Dixie Highway 0 93 93 0
East Ridge 1 1,354 1,355 74
Fairfield 4 3,106 3,110 129
Fox Crossing 19 4,209 4,228 449
Garden Valley 26 2,479 2,505 1,038
Greenwood Acres 2 164 166 1,205
Hearne Extension 0 0 0 0
Highland 140 8,729 8,869 1,579
Hollywood 36 1,918 1,954 1,842
Huckleberry Ridge 5 5,411 5,416 92
Huntington Park 18 2,594 2,612 689
Hyde Park 20 2,702 2,722 735
Idlewood 29 5,310 5,339 543
Ingleside 58 2,299 2,357 2,461
Keith Road 21 4,516 4,537 463
Lakeside 17 1,478 1,495 1,137
Lakeview 7 1,328 1,335 524
Ledbetter Heights 16 505 521 3,071
Madison Park 7 942 949 738
Martin Luther King 96 6,693 6,789 1,414
Mooretown 95 5,537 5,632 1,687
North Highland 5 2,302 2,307 217
Northwood 6 3,369 3,375 178
Page Bayou 2 438 440 455
Pierremont 2 1,372 1,374 146
Pine Island 12 2,632 2,644 454
Pinecroft 3 490 493 609
Queensborough 121 5,452 5,573 2,171
Reisor 3 109 112 2,679
Robson Plantation 7 2,920 2,927 239
Shorewood Hills 6 1,951 1,957 307
Shreve Island 8 4,516 4,524 177
Solo Hood 0 18 18 0
South Broadmoor 6 6,883 6,889 87
South Highland 6 3,000 3,006 200
South Lakeshore 27 4,293 4,320 625
Southern Hills 33 10,962 10,995 300
Southwood 17 5,646 5,663 300
St. Vincent 15 1,775 1,790 838
Stoner Hill 23 1,594 1,615 1,424
Suburban Acres 5 1,329 1,334 375
Summer Grove 25 6,106 6,131 408
Sunset Acres 59 3,712 3,771 1,565
Town South/Spring Lake 16 10,420 10,436 153
Wallace Lake 3 5,877 5,880 51
Wallace Lake Heights 2 1,525 1,527 131
Walnut Hills 7 1,223 1,230 569
Waterside 0 223 223 0
Werner Park 66 3,203 3,269 2,019
West Cedar Grove 65 3,649 3,714 1,750
West Cooper Road 2 528 530 377
Western Hills 23 3,910 3,933 585
Westpark 13 2,732 2,745 474
Westwood 9 2,228 2,237 402
Wilton Place 10 3,493 3,503 285
Yarborough 8 1,717 1,725 464

Sources and methodology

Shreveport neighborhoods
This is the City of Shreveport’s neighborhoods as drawn by the city as of February 2023].
Number of people in state prison from each Shreveport neighborhood, 2022
This is the number of people from each Shreveport neighborhood in state prison as of 2022. See the methodology section of the report.
Census population, 2020
This is the population of the Shreveport neighborhood as reported in the 2020 Census.
Total population, 2020
This is the total population of the Shreveport neighborhood as reflected in the 2020 Census plus the imprisoned population.
Imprisonment rate per 100,000
This is the number of imprisoned people divided by the total population and then multiplied by 100,000. It allows ready comparison of the frequency of imprisonment between each Shreveport neighborhood of different population sizes.

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