Number of people in prison in 2020 from each Great Falls neighborhood council

Great Falls neighborhood councils   Number of people in state prison from each neighborhood council, 2020   Census population, 2020   Total population, 2020   Imprisonment rate per 100,000  
Council 1 5 5,957 5,962 84
Council 2 26 5,320 5,346 486
Council 3 7 10,397 10,404 67
Council 4 8 8,103 8,111 99
Council 5 8 5,245 5,253 152
Council 6 18 6,023 6,041 298
Council 7 63 6,458 6,521 966
Council 8 17 7,097 7,114 239
Council 9 21 7,462 7,483 281

Sources and methodology

Great Falls neighborhood councils
This is the Great Falls neighborhood council as provided by the city’s GIS department. Neighborhood councils are formal local government organizations representing neighborhoods.
Number of people in state prison from each neighborhood council, 2020
This is the number of people from each Great Falls neighborhood council in state prison as of 2020. See the methodology section of the report.
Census population, 2020
This is the population of the Great Falls neighborhood council as reported in the 2020 Census.
Total population, 2020
This is the total population of the Great Falls neighborhood council as reflected in the 2020 Census plus the imprisoned population.
Imprisonment rate per 100,000
This is the number of imprisoned people divided by the total population and then multiplied by 100,000. It allows ready comparison of the frequency of imprisonment between each Great Falls neighborhood council of different population sizes.

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