Number of people in prison in 2020 from each Yonkers neighborhood

Yonkers neighborhoods   Number of people in state prison from each neighborhood, 2020   Census population, 2020   Total population, 2020   Imprisonment rate per 100,000  
Riverdale 4 3,570 3,574 112
Radford 27 7,991 8,018 337
Ludlow Park 8 3,784 3,792 211
Getty Square 67 18,500 18,567 361
Rockledge Heights 25 7,135 7,160 349
McLean Heights 12 4,085 4,097 293
Park Hill 8 5,304 5,312 151
Nodine Hill 20 4,865 4,885 409
Old 7th Ward 55 11,170 11,225 490
Locust Hill 24 5,576 5,600 429
Lamartine Heights 34 6,237 6,271 542
St. Joseph’s 11 3,900 3,911 281
Glenwood 15 5,079 5,094 294
Monastery Heights 8 5,889 5,897 136
Woodstock Manor 12 5,101 5,113 235
Homecrest 10 8,183 8,193 122
Nepera Park 2 6,344 6,346 32
Homefield - Runyon Heights 4 4,950 4,954 81
Nepperhan Heights - The Hollows 22 6,656 6,678 329
Bryn Mawr - Lockwood 4 6,851 6,855 58
Dunwoodie 4 4,115 4,119 97
Seminary Heights 2 4,229 4,231 47
Lincoln Park North 4 3,328 3,332 120
Lincoln Park 1 1,796 1,797 56
Tibbetts Hills 2 3,399 3,401 59
Beverly Crest 3 4,263 4,266 70
Wakefield Park 5 10,461 10,466 48
Kimball 6 6,133 6,139 98
Fleetwood 1 6,123 6,124 16
Sunnyside Park 0 3,250 3,250 0
Lawrence Park West 3 4,375 4,378 69
Armour Villa - Cedar Knolls 4 6,916 6,920 58
Sprain Lake Knolls 3 4,546 4,549 66
Hearthstone - Westchester Hills 3 7,338 7,341 41
Beech Hill - Victory Heights 0 2,312 2,312 0
Crestwood Lake 4 4,106 4,110 97
Colonial Heights - Mohegan Heights 2 5,951 5,953 34

Sources and methodology

Yonkers neighborhoods
This is the neighborhood as provided by the City of Yonkers GIS Department and last updated in 2006.
Number of people in state prison from each neighborhood, 2020
This is the number of people from each neighborhood in state prison as of 2020. See the methodology section of the report.
Census population, 2020
This is the population of the neighborhood as reported in the 2020 Census.
Total population, 2020
This is the total population of the neighborhood as reflected in the 2020 Census plus the imprisoned population.
Imprisonment rate per 100,000
This is the number of imprisoned people divided by the total population and then multiplied by 100,000. It allows ready comparison of the frequency of imprisonment between each neighborhood of different population sizes.

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