Number of people in prison in 2010 from each New York City Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) as existed in 2019

Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA). 2019 Number of people in state prison from NYC PUMA, 2010 Census population, 2010 Total population, 2010 Imprisonment rate per 100,000
3701 174 108,011 108,185 161
3702 444 138,366 138,810 320
3703 168 114,751 114,919 146
3704 258 123,764 124,022 208
3705 936 161,372 162,308 577
3706 509 127,405 127,914 398
3707 734 134,257 134,991 544
3708 699 139,293 139,992 499
3709 745 181,318 182,063 409
3710 892 156,118 157,010 568
3801 703 198,593 199,296 353
3802 659 127,399 128,058 515
3803 1,141 118,665 119,806 952
3804 935 117,569 118,504 789
3805 100 219,920 220,020 45
3806 277 193,892 194,169 143
3807 238 144,664 144,902 164
3808 116 151,010 151,126 77
3809 585 164,937 165,522 353
3810 101 148,688 148,789 68
3901 83 159,715 159,798 52
3902 133 133,121 133,254 100
3903 547 175,310 175,857 311
4001 283 147,577 147,860 191
4002 767 129,253 130,020 590
4003 1,117 134,217 135,334 825
4004 433 118,579 119,012 364
4005 214 106,002 106,216 201
4006 897 123,018 123,915 724
4007 1,149 119,578 120,727 952
4008 911 154,541 155,452 586
4009 353 193,723 194,076 182
4010 441 135,648 136,089 324
4011 412 107,129 107,541 383
4012 234 147,374 147,608 159
4013 90 121,790 121,880 74
4014 92 163,547 163,639 56
4015 368 158,639 159,007 231
4016 136 147,739 147,875 92
4017 136 181,636 181,772 75
4018 311 114,698 115,009 270
4101 294 174,174 174,468 169
4102 269 183,339 183,608 147
4103 197 248,328 248,525 79
4104 49 116,848 116,897 42
4105 357 198,974 199,331 179
4106 136 154,017 154,153 88
4107 161 146,141 146,302 110
4108 47 111,988 112,035 42
4109 94 133,918 134,012 70
4110 179 170,331 170,510 105
4111 171 143,047 143,218 119
4112 912 221,519 222,431 410
4113 172 112,970 113,142 152
4114 448 114,860 115,308 389

Sources and methodology

Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA). 2019
Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) are statistical georaphic areas defined for the dissemination of Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data and the American Community Survey (ACS) estimates. PUMAs have a minimum population of 100,000, and are aggregated from Census tracts and Community Districts. For information on PUMAs from the Census Bureau, see:
Number of people in state prison from NYC PUMA, 2010
This is the number of people from each NYC PUMA in state prison as of 2010. See the methodology section of the report.
Census population, 2010
This is the population of the NYC PUMA as reported in the 2010 Census.
Total population, 2010
This is the total population of the NYC PUMAas reflected in the 2010 Census plus the imprisoned population.
Imprisonment rate per 100,000
This is the number of imprisoned people divided by the total population and then multiplied by 100,000. It allows ready comparison of the frequency of imprisonment between PUMAs of different population sizes.

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