Number of people in prison in 2010 from each New York State Senate distict as drawn in 2012

New York State Senate Districts, 2012 Number of people in state prison from Senate District, 2010 Census population, 2010 Total population, 2010 Imprisonment rate per 100,000
District 1 521 314,642 315,163 165
District 2 180 314,984 315,164 57
District 3 656 314,507 315,163 208
District 4 569 314,594 315,163 181
District 5 170 314,993 315,163 54
District 6 522 314,641 315,163 166
District 7 186 314,977 315,163 59
District 8 567 314,596 315,163 180
District 9 216 314,948 315,164 69
District 10 1,066 318,047 319,113 334
District 11 206 318,908 319,114 65
District 12 431 319,097 319,114 135
District 13 460 318,655 319,115 144
District 14 818 318,294 319,112 256
District 15 297 318,818 319,115 93
District 16 210 318,903 319,113 66
District 17 221 317,801 318,022 69
District 18 1,780 316,242 318,022 560
District 19 1,319 316,700 318,019 415
District 20 1,427 316,594 318,021 449
District 21 850 317,171 318,021 267
District 22 223 317,799 318,022 70
District 23 913 317,108 318,021 287
District 24 215 318,723 318,021 68
District 25 2,082 315,939 318,021 655
District 26 553 317,468 318,021 174
District 27 438 317,748 318,021 138
District 28 165 317,856 318,021 52
District 29 1,465 316,554 318,019 461
District 30 2,326 315,897 318,021 731
District 31 1,064 317,063 318,021 335
District 32 1,701 316,320 318,021 535
District 33 1,562 316,581 318,019 491
District 34 464 317,557 318,021 146
District 35 608 306,855 307,463 198
District 36 1,045 316,978 318,023 329
District 37 138 308,417 307,463 45
District 38 251 297,668 296,208 85
District 39 643 293,245 293,888 219
District 40 173 304,295 302,408 57
District 41 470 309,382 306,760 153
District 42 627 298,606 292,711 214
District 43 336 293,228 292,750 115
District 44 1,527 291,222 292,749 522
District 45 592 304,585 293,101 202
District 46 490 295,032 292,750 167
District 47 931 296,953 293,195 318
District 48 404 296,037 292,870 138
District 49 821 292,360 292,749 280
District 50 516 293,659 292,444 176
District 51 421 293,077 292,344 144
District 52 655 291,720 292,375 224
District 53 1,311 291,281 292,445 448
District 54 638 294,034 292,445 218
District 55 886 291,420 292,306 303
District 56 1,546 290,820 292,307 529
District 57 494 292,369 292,081 169
District 58 678 295,046 292,933 231
District 59 250 301,278 292,392 86
District 60 530 292,032 292,562 181
District 61 678 291,629 292,307 232
District 62 674 293,383 292,166 231
District 63 1,796 290,766 292,562 614

Sources and methodology

New York State Senate Districts, 2012
This is the New York State Senate District as drawn in 2012.
Number of people in state prison from Senate District, 2010
This is the number of people from each Senate District in state prison as of 2010. See the methodology section of the report.
Census population, 2010
This is the population of the Senate District as reported in the 2010 Census.
Total population, 2010
This is the total population of the Senate Districtas reflected in the 2010 Census plus the imprisoned population.
Imprisonment rate per 100,000
This is the number of imprisoned people divided by the total population and then multiplied by 100,000. It allows ready comparison of the frequency of imprisonment between districts of different population sizes.

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