Number of people in prison in 2020 from each Rhode Island State Senate district

State Senate Districts Number of people incarcerated from each State Senate district, 2020 Census population, 2020 Total population, 2020 Incarceration rate 100,000
District 1 136 30,238 30,374 448
District 2 132 29,951 30,083 439
District 3 13 27,579 27,592 47
District 4 51 29,812 29,863 171
District 5 90 30,065 30,155 298
District 6 151 30,193 30,344 498
District 7 115 30,234 30,349 379
District 8 67 28,071 28,138 238
District 9 54 29,205 29,259 185
District 10 20 28,332 28,352 71
District 11 13 28,272 28,285 46
District 12 19 29,535 29,554 64
District 13 48 28,284 28,332 169
District 14 36 27,509 27,545 131
District 15 73 30,262 30,335 241
District 16 112 29,042 29,154 384
District 17 19 27,462 27,481 69
District 18 48 28,381 28,429 169
District 19 20 29,386 29,406 68
District 20 57 27,804 27,861 205
District 21 8 28,123 28,131 28
District 22 22 30,185 30,207 73
District 23 17 29,310 29,327 58
District 24 93 27,570 27,663 336
District 25 31 27,460 27,491 113
District 26 32 28,205 28,237 113
District 27 37 31,190 29,204 127
District 28 77 29,207 29,284 263
District 29 32 27,574 27,606 116
District 30 21 29,818 29,839 70
District 31 30 27,616 27,247 110
District 32 8 28,407 28,415 28
District 33 26 27,702 27,728 94
District 34 16 28,498 28,514 56
District 35 20 30,300 30,320 66
District 36 12 30,073 30,085 40
District 37 6 27,634 27,640 22
District 38 18 28,890 28,908 62

Sources and methodology

State Senate Districts
This is the Rhode Island State Senate district as drawn in 2022.
Number of people incarcerated from each State Senate district, 2020
This is the number of people from each State Senate district incarcerated as of 2020. See the methodology section of the report.
Census population, 2020
This is the population of the State Senate district as reported in the 2020 Census.
Total population, 2020
This is the total population of the State Senate district as reflected in the 2020 Census plus the incarcerated population.
Incarceration rate 100,000
This is the number of incarcerated people divided by the total population and then multiplied by 100,000. It allows ready comparison of the frequency of incarceration between each State Senate district of different population sizes.

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