
Many thanks to the following colleagues around the country for looking at parts of the Index at various stages in its development: Judy Greene, Tracy Huling, Sarah Kowalski, Scot Nakagawa, Becca Neel, Kathleen Pequeno, Donna Slepack, Frank Smith, Geoff Sugerman, Rebecca Young, Jon Yount and Jason Ziedenberg. Your advice, suggestions and corrections were invaluable in getting all of this information into one cohesive package. Any errors in the published text are solely our responsibility and likely stemmed from failing to adequately follow your advice in the first place.

Thanks to the hard-working production team: David Smigelski, Jack Danger and the staff at Bridgetown Printing in Portland. Your professionalism and commitment to this project, as well as your willingness to patiently accommodate numerous revisions and requests for changes is deeply appreciated. Thanks also to our good friend Matt Wuerker for the original drawings used in the Index.

We'd also like to thank the foundation partners that currently provide support to the Western Prison Project and thereby made this publication possible: the Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock, JEHT Foundation, the Norman Foundation, Ford Foundation, Peace Development Fund, the Community Advocacy Project of Open Society Institute, Funding Exchange, and the Democracy Funding Circle of the Ms. Foundation for Women.

And finally, our thanks and appreciation to the many activists and advocates throughout the U.S. who are increasingly bringing attention to the high costs of current crime control policies and offering pro-active, alternative visions for building long-term community safety and security.

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