One Size Fits None:

How 'standard conditions' of probation set people up to fail

By Emily Widra
October 2024

Appendix Table 1: Standard probation conditions

This appendix table accompanies our 2024 report, One Size Fits None: How 'standard conditions' of probation set people up to fail, where we located and analyzed the standard probation conditions for 76 jurisdictions. Below, we have provided the relevant standard conditions across 18 types of conditions for all 76 jurisdictions in our sample, as well as the source for these standard conditions.

State Jurisdiction Source Authority Year Offense level Number of standard conditions Obey all laws Movement: Geographic Movement: Specific places Movement: Residence changes Association Drug and alcohol use Drug and alcohol testing Work and/or school Financial: Probation fees Financial: Dependent support Financial: Drug tests Financial: Other Curfews Visits Searches “Be good” “Injurious or vicious habits” Truthful Other conditions of note
Alabama state State of Alabama Unified Judicial System, Form CR-50: Order of Probation court1 2023 both 22 Do not violate any Federal, State, or local law. Remain within a specified place, to-wit: _________________. Do not change residence or employment without the consent of the Probation Officer. Avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful conduct or character. Submit to substance abuse tests when ordered to do so by the Probation Officer. These tests may include urinalysis, breathalyzer, and blood samples, but are not limited thereto. Probationer will pay costs of tests. Work faithfully at suitable employment as much as possible.

Do not change residence or employment without the consent of the Probation Officer.
Pay to the Probation Officer $40.00 per month during the probation period, pursuant to law. Support his/her dependents to the best of his/her ability. Submit to substance abuse tests when ordered to do so by the Probation Officer. These tests may include urinalysis, breathalyzer, and blood samples, but are not limited thereto. Probationer will pay costs of tests. The defendant is ordered to pay fines, court costs, restitution, assessments, and other court-ordered monies at the rate of $__.__ per month. Permit the Probation Officer to visit defendant at home or elsewhere. Submit to searches by the Probation Officer of his person, residence, vehicle, or any property under his/her control. Avoid injurious or vicious habits.
Alaska state Superior Court for the State of Alaska, Rule 11 Agreement court 2019 both 12 Obey all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances. Secure the prior written permission of a probation officer of the Department of Corrections before changing employment or residence or leaving the region of residence to which assigned. Secure the prior written permission of a probation officer of the Department of Corrections before changing employment or residence or leaving the region of residence to which assigned. Do not knowingly associate with a person who is on probation or parole, or a person who has a record of a felony conviction, unless prior written permission to do so has been granted by a probation officer of the Department of Corrections. Make a reasonable effort to secure and maintain a steady employment. If you become unemployed, notify a probation officer of the Department of Corrections as soon as possible.

Secure the prior written permission of a probation officer of the Department of Corrections before changing employment or residence or leaving the region of residence to which assigned.
Make a reasonable effort to support your legal dependents. Report to your probation officer all purchases, sales, and trades of motor vehicles belonging to you, together with current motor vehicle license numbers for those vehicles.
Arizona state Arizona Code of Judicial Administration, Section 6-207: Uniform Conditions of Supervised Probation statute 2024 unspecified 9 I will obey all criminal laws. I will request and obtain APD approval before leaving the state. I will provide my current address to the APD, reside at the location approved by the APD, and provide the APD safe, unrestricted access to my place of residence. I will submit to drug and alcohol testing as directed by the APD. I will provide my current address to the APD, reside at the location approved by the APD, and provide the APD safe, unrestricted access to my place of residence. I will allow the search and seizure of my person and property by the APD without a search warrant. I will comply with the APD written regulations to help me establish a law-abiding lifestyle.
Arkansas state Arkansas Judiciary, Uniform Terms and Conditions of Probation court accessed June 2024 unspecified 13 You must obey all federal and state laws, local ordinances, and court orders. You must obtain prior approval from your supervising officer to change your place of residence, stay away from your approved residence overnight, or leave Arkansas or another area established by the Court or your supervising officer. You must not use, sell, distribute, or possess any controlled substance, or associate with any person who is participating in or is known to participate in the illegal use, sale, distribution, or possession of controlled substances, or be in places where such persons congregate. You must obtain prior approval from your supervising officer to change your place of residence, stay away from your approved residence overnight, or leave Arkansas or another area established by the Court or your supervising officer. You must not associate with convicted felons, persons who are engaged in criminal activity, or other persons specified by the Court or your supervising officer. However, contact with convicted felons at work, in counseling programs, in church, or in other locations and circumstances specifically approved by the Court or your supervising officer is not prohibited. If you are unsure about whether your contact with an individual is prohibited, you should seek clarification from your supervising officer or this Court.

You must not use, sell, distribute, or possess any controlled substance, or associate with any person who is participating in or is known to participate in the illegal use, sale, distribution, or possession of controlled substances, or be in places where such persons congregate.
You must not use, sell, distribute, or possess any controlled substance, or associate with any person who is participating in or is known to participate in the illegal use, sale, distribution, or possession of controlled substances, or be in places where such persons congregate. You may use or possess controlled substances pursuant to a legitimate prescription from a physician. You must be able to present proof of your prescription and provide the physician’s name when requested. You must submit to random testing for the use of controlled substances. Testing may be of your breath, blood, or urine at the direction of any supervising officer. You must maintain employment that is approved by this Court and/or your supervising officer or be enrolled in an approved educational program unless otherwise directed. You must obtain permission from this Court and/or your supervising officer before quitting your employment or educational program. If you lose your job or are dismissed from your educational program, you must notify your supervising officer within 48 hours. You must pay a monthly supervision fee and applicable program fees unless granted an exemption. You must meet your personal financial responsibilities including paying your share of household expenses and supporting your legal dependents. You are required to pay all court-ordered fines, fees, and/or restitution. You must submit your person, place of residence, motor vehicles, and/or any other area or property under your control to search and seizure at any time, day or night, with or without a search warrant by any Arkansas Community Correction officer or any other certified law enforcement officer. You must always cooperate with your supervising officer and the Court. All written and oral statements made by you to your supervising officer must be truthful.
California Los Angeles County Los Angeles County Probation Department: Adult Services Manual (2008), p. 600-625 & County of Los Angeles Probation: Permanent Instructions court (local) 2008; accessed June 2024 both unclear Obey all laws. Obey all orders, rules and regulations of the Probation Department and of any Court. (Adult Services Manual) You will be provided with permanent probation instructions, which include the rules and regulations of the Probation Department for all probationers under supervision. This will include instructions to…not leave the county of Los Angeles without the permission of the probation officer or the court. (Permanent Instructions) Keep the Probation Officer advised of your residence at all times. (Adult Services Manual) Seek and maintain training, schooling or employment as approved by the Probation Officer. (Adult Services Manual) Pay a restitution fine pursuant to PC1202.4. (Adult Services Manual)
California Riverside County Superior Court of California, County of Riverside: Sentencing Memorandum (NCR CR002) court (local) 2019 both 4 Obey all laws, ordinances, and court orders. Do not leave the State of California without first obtaining written permission of the Probation Department per the Interstate Compact Act. Pay court operations assessment fee of $40 per convicted charge.

Pay court conviction assessment fee of $30 per convicted misdemeanor/felony charge.
Colorado state Colorado Judicial Department: Adult Conditions of Probation (JDF 261 R09-13) court 2013, accessed June 2024 unspecified 16 I will abide by all local, state and federal laws. I will obtain written permission from the court or my probation officer before leaving Colorado. I will notify my probation officer of changes in my address, phone number, employment, or education status. I will not use alcohol (to excess)* or use or possess any illegal, dangerous, or abusable drugs or controlled substances without a prescription. _________. (*strike out as appropriate/determined by assessment.) I will submit to drug and alcohol testing as directed by probation. I understand I am responsible for the costs of testing, unless other arrangements have been made through my probation officer. I will maintain suitable employment and/or pursue employment, education, or vocational training.

I will notify my probation officer of changes in my address, phone number, employment, or education status.
I will submit to drug and alcohol testing as directed by probation. I understand I am responsible for the costs of testing, unless other arrangements have been made through my probation officer. I understand that my probation officer can visit me at reasonable times at home or elsewhere. I will provide probation safe access to my residence. I will submit to a search of my residence, vehicle or personal effects, including but not limited to any electronic devices, by probation, when there are reasonable grounds to search. I understand my personal property is subject to seizure if it violates any of the terms and conditions of my probation. I will submit to and pay for a genetic marker (DNA) sample as required in §16-11-102.4 C.R.S.
Connecticut state State of Connecticut Judicial Branch: Conditions of Probation (JD-AP 110) - retrieved via correspondance with state judiciary court 2023 both 17 Do not violate any criminal law of the United States, this state, or any other state or territory. Do not leave the State of Connecticut without permission from your Probation Officer. Tell your Probation Officer what your legal name, address, telephone number, cell phone number, e-mail address, and job are. If any of that information changes, you must tell your Probation Officer within 3 business days (Monday through Friday, except legal holidays). Allow your Probation Officer to visit you in the community (at your home, job, etc.) as they require. If you don't have a permanent address, tell your Probation Officer where you are staying. If that location changes, you must tell your Probation Officer within 3 business days. Take part in any risk/needs, medical, or behavioral health evaluation or treatment, substance use testing, and any other treatment services that the Court or your Probation Officer requires. Allow your Probation Officer to visit you in the community (at your home, job, etc.) as they require. Allow your Probation Officer and any other Probation Officer to search your person, possessions, vehicle, or residence when the Probation Officer requires you to do so. If the Court issues a violation of probation warrant, or if you are arraigned after an arrest without a warrant for violation of probation, it will put any time left on your probation on hold. However, you must continue following the conditions of your probation unless or until a Judge orders differently.
D.C. district D.C. Stat. §2.204 (2024) statute 2006 unspecified 19 Do not violate any law. You must not violate any law and must not associate with any person who is violating any law. Do not leave the district of supervision without permission. You must not leave the district of supervision without the written permission of your supervision officer. You must stay away from a place where a controlled substance is illegally sold, used or given away. Promptly inform the supervision officer of an arrest or questioning, or a change in your job or address. Within two days of your arrest or questioning by a law-enforcement officer, you must inform your supervision officer of the contact with the law-enforcement officer. You must also inform your supervision officer of a change in your employment or address within two days of the change. You…must not associate with any person who is violating any law.

Do not associate with a person with a criminal record. You must not associate with a person who has a criminal record without the permission of your supervision officer.
Do not illegally possess or use a controlled substance or drink alcohol to excess. You must not illegally possess or use a controlled substance and you must not drink alcoholic beverages to excess. Take drug or alcohol tests. You must take a drug or alcohol test whenever your supervision officer orders you to take the test. You must make a good faith effort to work regularly, unless excused by your supervision officer. You must support your children and any legal dependent. You must participate in an employment-readiness program if your supervision officer directs you to do so.

You must also inform your supervision officer of a change in your employment or address within two days of the change.
You must support your children and any legal dependent. You must make a good faith effort to pay any fine, restitution order, court costs or assessment or court-ordered child support or alimony payment. You must provide financial information relevant to the payment of such a financial obligation when your supervision officer asks for such information. You must cooperate with your supervision officer in setting up an installment plan to pay the obligation. You must allow the supervision officer to visit your home and workplace. You must allow the supervision officer to seize any item that the officer reasonably believes is an item you are prohibited from possessing (for example, an illegal drug or a weapon), and that is in plain view in your possession, including in your home, workplace or vehicle. You must answer the supervision officer completely and truthfully when the officer asks you for information. You must inform a person of your criminal record or personal history if your supervision officer determines that your relationship or contact with this person may pose a risk of harm to this person. The supervision officer may direct you to give this notice and then confirm with the person that you obeyed the officer’s direction. The supervision officer may also give the notice directly to the person.
Delaware state Delaware Department of Correction: Probation and Parole Fact Sheet Delaware Sentencing Accountability Commission (SENTAC) 2023 unspecified 9-142 You must not commit a new criminal offense or moving motor vehicle offense during the supervision period. You must have authorization from your Supervising Officer to leave the State of Delaware or your approved state of residence. You must report any changes of residence and/or employment within 72 hours to you [sic] Supervising Officer. You are not to possess or consume a controlled substance or other dangerous drugs unless prescribed lawfully. You are subject to random testing as directed by your Supervising Officer. You must be employed full-time or active in job training or school on a full-time basis. If not, you must attend a job search program or perform community service.3

You must not quit a job, training program, or school without prior approval of your Supervising Officer.

You must report any changes of residence and/or employment within 72 hours to you [sic] Supervising Officer.
You must abide by a curfew established by your Supervising Officer.4 You must... permit the Probation/Parole Officer to enter your home and/or visit places of employment.
Florida state Fla. Stat. §948.03 (2023) & Florida Department of Corrections: How to Succeed on Supervision court 2023 unspecified unclear The probationer or offender in community control shall…Live without violating any law. A conviction in a court of law is not necessary for such a violation of law to constitute a violation of probation, community control, or any other form of court-ordered supervision. (Fla. Stat. §948.03) The probationer or offender in community control shall…remain within a specified place. (Fla. Stat. §948.03)

You must request permission from your officer to travel outside your county of residence (How to Succeed)

You must obtain the approval of your probation officer before you change your residence or employment. (How to Succeed)
The probationer or community controllee may not knowingly visit places where intoxicants, drugs, or other dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed, or used. (Fla. Stat. §948.03) Report any expected or anticipated changes in residence or employment and report any contact with law enforcement immediately to keep your officer informed of your activities and whereabouts. (How to Succeed) The probationer or offender in community control shall...not associate with persons engaged in criminal activities. (Fla. Stat. §948.03) The probationer or offender in community control shall…be prohibited from using intoxicants to excess or possessing any drugs or narcotics unless prescribed by a physician, an advanced practice registered nurse, or a physician assistant. The probationer or community controllee may not knowingly visit places where intoxicants, drugs, or other dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed, or used. (Fla. Stat. §948.03) The probationer or offender in community control shall…submit to random testing as directed by the probation officer or the professional staff of the treatment center where he or she is receiving treatment to determine the presence or use of alcohol or controlled substances. (Fla. Stat. §948.03) Unless you are retired, disabled, or are a full-time student, you will be expected to work full time at legitimate employment. (How to Succeed)

Report any expected or anticipated changes in residence or employment and report any contact with law enforcement immediately to keep your officer informed of your activities and whereabouts. (How to Succeed)

The probationer or offender in community control shall…work faithfully at suitable employment insofar as may be possible. (Fla. Stat. §948.03)

You are required to tell your employer that you are on supervision - Your officer must contact your employer as well. (How to Succeed)

You must obtain the approval of your probation officer before you change your residence or employment. (How to Succeed)
The probationer or offender in community control his or her legal dependents to the best of his or her ability. (Fla. Stat. §948.03) Make reparation or restitution to the aggrieved party for the damage or loss caused by his or her offense in an amount to be determined by the court. (Fla. Stat. §948.03)

Pay any application fee assessed under s. 27.52(1)(b) and attorney's fees and costs assessed under s. 938.29, subject to modification based on change of circumstances. (Fla. Stat. §948.03)
Georgia state Georgia Department of Community Supervision: Standard Conditions of Supervision court 2024 felony 7 Individuals under supervision must abide by all local, state and federal laws. Individuals under supervision must...avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful. Individuals under supervision must...avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful character. Individuals under supervision may be required to undergo rehabilitative services and/or drug testing as directed by their community supervision officer. Individuals under supervision must work faithfully at suitable employment insofar as may be possible. Individuals under supervision may be ordered to pay restitution, fines and/or fees. Individuals under supervision must report regularly and allow their officers to visit them at their homes, place of employment and/or treatment offices. Individuals under supervision must avoid injurious and vicious habits and avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful character.
Hawaii state Hawaii Stat. §706-624 (2023) statute 2023 both 7 The court shall provide, as an explicit condition of a sentence of probation…That the defendant not commit another federal or state crime or engage in criminal conduct in any foreign jurisdiction or under military jurisdiction that would constitute a crime under Hawaii law during the term of probation. The court shall provide, as an explicit condition of a sentence of probation…That the defendant remain within the jurisdiction of the court, unless granted permission to leave by the court or a probation officer. The court shall provide, as an explicit condition of a sentence of probation…That the defendant notify a probation officer prior to any change in address or employment. The court shall provide, as an explicit condition of a sentence of probation…That the defendant notify a probation officer prior to any change in address or employment. The court shall provide, as an explicit condition of a sentence of probation…That the defendant make restitution for losses suffered by the victim or victims if the court has ordered restitution pursuant to section 706-646. The court shall provide, as an explicit condition of a sentence of probation…That the defendant permit a probation officer to visit the defendant at the defendant’s home or elsewhere as specified by the court
Idaho state Idaho Department of Correction: Agreement of Supervision court 2020 felony 21 I will obey all municipal, county, state, tribal, and federal laws. I will not leave the State of Idaho or my assigned district without first obtaining permission from my PPO. I will not purchase, possess, or consume alcoholic beverages in any form, and will not enter any establishment where alcohol is a primary source of income. I will not work in an establishment where alcohol is the primary source of income unless otherwise ordered by the Court/Commission or my PPO.

I will only purchase, possess, or consume controlled substances lawfully prescribed for me, and only in the manner prescribed. I will not use or possess any substance my PPO prohibits me from using or possessing.
I will reside in a location approved by my PPO and will not change my approved place of residence without first obtaining permission from my supervising officer. I will not knowingly be in the presence of, or communicate with, person(s) that have been prohibited by the Court, the Parole Commission, or any IDOC agent.

I will not have any direct or indirect contact with any past or present victim(s) without the approval of my PPO.
I will not purchase, possess, or consume alcoholic beverages in any form, and will not enter any establishment where alcohol is a primary source of income. I will not work in an establishment where alcohol is the primary source of income unless otherwise ordered by the Court/Commission or my PPO.

I will only purchase, possess, or consume controlled substances lawfully prescribed for me, and only in the manner prescribed. I will not use or possess any substance my PPO prohibits me from using or possessing.
I will submit to any test for alcohol or controlled substances as requested and directed by any IDOC agent. A dilute or adulterated sample or a failure to provide a sample will be deemed a positive test. I agree that I may be required to obtain tests at my own expense. I hereby waive any objection to the admission of those blood, urine, or breath tests results presented in the form of a certified affidavit. I will seek and maintain employment, or a program, including being a stay- at-home parent, approved by my PPO. I will not change my employment or program without first obtaining permission from my PPO.

I will not work in an establishment where alcohol is the primary source of income unless otherwise ordered by the Court/Commission or my PPO.
I will comply with Idaho Code 20-225, which authorizes the IDOC to collect a cost of supervision fee. I am responsible for paying my cost of supervision fees, and I will make timely payments as prescribed in my monthly cost of supervision bill. I will submit to any test for alcohol or controlled substances as requested and directed by any IDOC agent. A dilute or adulterated sample or a failure to provide a sample will be deemed a positive test. I agree that I may be required to obtain tests at my own expense. I hereby waive any objection to the admission of those blood, urine, or breath tests results presented in the form of a certified affidavit. I will observe curfew restrictions as directed by my PPO. I will answer the door promptly for any IDOC agent and allow him/her to enter my residence. I will grant access to other real property, my place of employment, and my vehicle for the purpose of inspection, visitation, and other supervision functions. I consent to lawful searches by any agent of the IDOC and understand that searches may be conducted of my person, residence, vehicle, personal property, and other real property or structures owned or leased by me, or for which I am the controlling authority. I hereby waive my Fourth Amendment rights under the Idaho and United States Constitutions concerning searches. I will answer truthfully questions posed to me by any agent of the IDOC. I will not reside at any location where firearms are present.

I will not possess, install, or use any monitoring instrument, camera, or other surveillance or security device that could alert me to a PPO's visit. I will not keep any vicious or dangerous dog or other animal on or in my property that an IDOC agent perceives as an impediment to accessing the property.
Illinois state 730 ILCS 5/5-6-3 (2023) statute 2023 both 13 The conditions of probation and of conditional discharge shall be that the person…not violate any criminal statute of any jurisdiction. The conditions of probation and of conditional discharge shall be that the person…not leave the State without the consent of the court or, in circumstances in which the reason for the absence is of such an emergency nature that prior consent by the court is not possible, without the prior notification and approval of the person’s probation officer. The conditions of probation and of conditional discharge shall be that the person…permit the probation officer to visit him at his home or elsewhere to the extent necessary to discharge his duties.
Indiana Allen County Allen County Adult Probation Department: Order of Probation (APR046) - not publicly available court (local) 2012 unspecified 7 You shall…obtain prior written consent of your probation officer to leave the state of Indiana. You shall report change of residence. You shall not abuse alcohol or use drugs. You are subject to field contacts and shall submit to a search and random drug testing at your expense, upon demand of any probation officer, law enforcement officer or community corrections officer. You shall be employed full-time. You shall pay an administration fee of $100.00, an initial probation user fee of $100.00 per convicted crime, and a supervision fee of $30.00 per month and all other expenses which may be required to complete your probation. You shall…support your dependents. You are subject to field contacts and shall submit to a search and random drug testing at your expense, upon demand of any probation officer, law enforcement officer or community corrections officer. You are subject to field contacts and shall submit to a search and random drug testing at your expense, upon demand of any probation officer, law enforcement officer or community corrections officer. You are subject to field contacts and shall submit to a search and random drug testing at your expense, upon demand of any probation officer, law enforcement officer or community corrections officer. You shall behave well and report for supervision as instructed.
Indiana Lake County Lake Superior Court: Formal Probation Conditions - not publicly available court (local) accessed 2016 unspecified 17 I shall comply with all municipal, county, state, and federal laws, ordinances, and orders. I shall remain within the jurisdiction of the Court unless I am granted permission to leave by the Court. I shall avoid former inmates or penal institutions, and individuals of bad reputation. I shall notify my Probation Officer of any change of address within three (3) days of said change. I shall avoid former inmates or penal institutions, and individuals of bad reputation. I shall not purchase, possess or drink any intoxicating beverages.

I shall not purchase, possess any narcotic drug, nor any dangerous drugs, unless first prescribed by a licensed physician.
I shall work faithfully at a suitable employment or faithfully pursue a course of study or vocational training that will equip me for employment.

I shall promptly notify the Court, or my Probation Officer of any change of employment.
I shall pay… Probation fees. I shall support my dependents, and meet other family responsibilities. I shall pay any fines and costs authorized by law, and any fees as assessed by the Court. I shall conduct myself as a good citizen.

I shall at all times cooperate with my Probation Officer, and my behavior, and attitude shall justify the opportunity granted to me by this Probation.
I shall answer all reasonable inquiries by the Court, or by my Probation Officer. I shall undergo available medical or psychiatric treatment and I shall remain in a specified institution if required for that purpose.

I shall consult my Probation Officer whenever problems arise or I do not understand what is expected of me.
Indiana Marion County Marion Superior Court: Order of Probation - retrieved via correspondance with state judiciary court (local) 2013 both 13 You shall…not be charged with any new criminal offense based upon probable cause. You shall…not leave the State of Indiana without permission. You shall... maintain a single, verifiable residence and notify your probation officer within 48 hours of any change of address. You shall…not associate with anyone who is in violation of the law or a convicted felon without approval of your probation officer. You shall…not use illegal drugs or any controlled substance (without a valid prescription). You shall…submit to drug screening as directed at your own expense. You shall…be employed full time, be actively seeking full-time employment, or perform community service, as directed. Probation User Fee: Misdemeanor Rate $50 + $20/month, Felony Rate: $100 + $30/month. You shall…support your dependent children, including establishing paternity if not done previously and abide by court orders for support. You shall…submit to drug screening as directed at your own expense. You shall…pay all Court-ordered fines, costs, fees and restitution as directed. You shall…permit the Probation Department, along with law enforcement, to enter your residence. You shall…submit to a search of your person, vehicle, or property at any time. You shall…communicate truthfully with the Probation Department.
Indiana Monroe County Northcutt Bohmert, M., Hatfield, T., Ying, M., Grommon, E., & Lowder, E. “Reducing Revocations Challenge: Phase II Policy Brief. Monroe County, Indiana.” Indiana University. p. 56 court (local) 2023 both 9 I will not commit a new criminal offense. You shall report to the Probation Department immediately following your sentencing hearing or, if incarcerated, within 72 hours of release.5 I will inform my probation officer where I am staying at each scheduled appointment. I will not use alcohol and I will not use controlled substances unless prescribed to me for valid medical reasons by a properly licensed healthcare provider. I will submit to drug/alcohol tests, at my expense, when requested by the probation department. I will submit to drug/alcohol tests, at my expense, when requested by the probation department. I will allow the probation department to visit me in my home or elsewhere.
Indiana Porter County Porter County Probation Department Agreement court (local) 2024 both 14 I shall comply with all Municipal, County, State and Federal Laws, Ordinances and Orders. I shall remain within the jurisdiction of the Court, unless I am granted permission to leave by the Court or by my Probation Officer. Written permission must be obtained to leave the State of Indiana for longer than 24 hours. I shall not enter bars or establishments where alcohol is sold. I shall immediately notify my Probation Officer of any change in address or employment. Former inmates of Penal Institutions and individuals of bad reputation shall be avoided. I shall not associate with anyone who is likely to influence me to commit any crime. I shall not purchase, possess, or drink any intoxicating beverages.

I shall not use, purchase, possess, give, sell or administer any narcotic drugs, nor any dangerous drugs, unless first prescribed by a licensed physician. I shall submit to narcotic or drug testing upon demand.
I shall submit to narcotic or drug testing upon demand.

I shall submit to alcohol testing upon demand.
I shall work faithfully at suitable employment or faithfully pursue a course of study or vocational training that will equip me for suitable employment. I shall report any changes in employment to my Probation Officer within 24 hours. I will also submit pay stub receipts upon request. If not employed, I must attempt to find a job.

I shall immediately notify my Probation Officer of any change in address or employment.
In addition to other conditions of Probation, all individuals on Probation shall pay an Administration Fee, an Initial User Fee, and a Monthly User Fee.

Probation User Fees: Felony Administration Fee of $100.00; Felony Initial User Fee of $25.00-100.00; Felony Monthly User Fee of $15.00-$30.00; Misdemeanor Administration Fee of $50.00; Misdemeanor Initial User Fee of $50.00; Misdemeanor Monthly User Fee of $10.00-$20.00
I shall also support my dependents and meet other family responsibilities. I shall pay my financial obligations to the Court in the specified time, mailing or personally delivering my Fines, Court Costs and Restitution to the Clerk. Probation User Fee payments are to be made payable to the Probation Department. I shall make restitution or reparation to the victim(s) of my crime(s) for the damage or injury that was sustained by the victim(s) as ordered by the Court. I shall permit my Probation Officer to visit me at my home or elsewhere. I shall waive my fourth amendment right and allow reasonable search of my home, vehicle and/or person by my Probation Officer and/or law enforcement with my Officer present. I shall conduct myself as a good citizen.

I shall at all times cooperate with my Probation Officer and my behavior and attitude shall justify the opportunity granted to me by this Probation.
I shall submit a written monthly report to the Probation Office before the 5th of each month. This report shall be true and correct in all respects. I shall undergo available medical or psychiatric treatment and I shall remain in a specified institution if required for that purpose.
Iowa Polk County Iowa District Court for Polk County: Terms of a new or continued probation (PCAO07112020) probation department operated by court (local) 2020 both 3 Defendant is ordered to obey all federal, state or city laws or ordinances while on probation. Defendant is to notify his/her probation supervisor immediately upon any arrest or change of address. Defendant shall pay any probation administration fees.
Kansas Shawnee County District Court of Shawnee County: Order of Probation (p. 5) court (local) 2015 both 15 You will not violate any law (federal, state or local). You will not leave Shawnee County, Kansas, without permission of your probation officer. You will not associate with persons or places where alcohol, cereal malt beverages, or illegal drugs are sold, distributed, or consumed. You will keep your probation officer informed, and provide proof, of your current address and notify your probation officer before making any changes in your address. You will not have contact with victims, witnesses, or co-defendant(s), in this or any other cases.

You will not associate with persons or places where alcohol, cereal malt beverages, or illegal drugs are sold, distributed, or consumed.
You will not consume alcohol, cereal malt beverages, or illegal drugs. You will submit to a breath, blood, or urine test upon the request of a probation officer, or any other law enforcement officer, at any time during the term of your probation and pay the costs of the test.

Be subject to random and reasonable drug and alcohol tests. (p. 3)
You will seek and maintain a lawful full-time job and provide proof of such to your probation officer. You will advise your employer of your probation, and you will maintain reasonable hours in your personal life, consistent with your work schedule.

You will notify your probation officer the next working day if you change or lose your job and report your progress in seeking a new job.
Pay the district court a correctional supervision fee of $60 (misdemeanor) or $120 (felony), which the judge may reduce or waive. (p. 3) You will support your legal dependents, to the best of your ability. You will submit to a breath, blood, or urine test upon the request of a probation officer, or any other law enforcement officer, at any time during the term of your probation and pay the costs of the test. You will make regular monthly payments consistent with your income on all court-ordered obligations (including restitution, costs, fines, fees, child support, civil, traffic, or the like). You will… permit visits at reasonable times. You will be subject to searches if there is reasonable suspicion the defendant has violated the conditions of probation or committed criminal activity. (p. 3) You will provide your probation officer with full and truthful information at all times.
Kansas Wyandotte County In the District Court of Wyandotte County: Order of Probation (p. 11) court (local) 2015 both 17 You shall not violate any local, state or federal laws. You shall not travel more than 250 miles outside of the State of Kansas without notifying your supervising officer of the destination, purpose and duration of your trip. You shall immediately notify your supervising officer of any change in address, phone number or employment. You shall not use drugs illegally. You shall be subject to immediate or random testing if any supervising officer has reason to believe you are using drugs illegally. You shall immediately notify your supervising officer of any change in address, phone number or employment. Pay the district court a correctional supervision fee of $60 (misdemeanor) or $120 (felony), which the judge may reduce or waive. (p. 3) You shall permit any Court Services Officer or Community Corrections Officer and any accompanying Law Enforcement Officers to visit you at your home or elsewhere.
Kentucky state Kentucky Department of Corrections, Probation & Parole: Regular Conditions court 2024 felony 11 I shall not violate any law o [sic] ordinance of this state, any other state or the United States. My designated area of supervision is and I will not leave this area without my officer’s permission. I understand that I shall not use or possess any alcoholic beverages (or enter any place where they are sold as the primary commodity, i.e. bars, nightclubs, liquor stores, etc.). I understand that I will maintain only one residence and shall not change my residence without approval of my officer. I understand that I shall avoid associating with any convicted felon and shall not visit residents of jails or prisons unless permission is obtained from my officer and institutional or jail authority. I understand that I shall not use or possess any alcoholic beverages (or enter any place where they are sold as the primary commodity, i.e. bars, nightclubs, liquor stores, etc.) or narcotics/controlled substances that are not currently prescribed to me by a licensed physician. I understand that I shall submit to alcohol and/or drug testing and shall pay for said testing if directed by my officer. I shall work regularly and support my legal dependents. I will immediately report to my officer and change or loss of employment. If unemployed I will make every attempt to obtain bona fide employment. I shall… support my legal dependents. I understand that I shall submit to alcohol and/or drug testing and shall pay for said testing if directed by my officer. I understand that my Probation and Parole Officer may visit my residence and place of employment at any time. I understand that I will maintain only one residence and shall not change my residence without approval of my officer. I understand that I shall be subject to search and seizure without a warrant if my officer has a reasonable suspicion that I may have illegal drugs, alcohol or other contraband on my person or property. I shall not falsify any written or oral report to any employee of the Kentucky Department of Corrections. I understand that I have lost the right to vote and hold public office. When I become eligible, I may apply for Restoration of Civil Rights at any Probation and Parole Office. Restoration of Civil Rights Does not five a convicted felon the right to purchase, own or possess a firearm.
Louisiana state Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections, Division of Probation and Parole: Conditions of Supervision statute and court6 2024 both 13 When the court places a defendant on probation, it shall require the defendant to refrain from criminal conduct. The defendant shall...remain within the jurisdiction of the court. The defendant shall...refrain from frequenting unlawful or disreputable places. The defendant shall...get the permission of the probation officer before making any change in his/her address or his/her employment. The defendant shall...refrain from ...consorting with disreputable persons. The defendant shall...submit himself/herself to available medical, psychiatric, mental health, or substance abuse examination or treatment or both when deemed appropriate and ordered to do so by the probation and parole officer. The defendant shall...devote himself/herself to an approved employment or occupation.

The defendant shall...get the permission of the probation officer before making any change in his/her address or his/her employment.
When the court places a defendant on probation, it shall require the defendant…to pay a supervision fee to defray the costs of probation supervision The defendant his/her specified family responsibilities, including any obligations imposed in a court order of child support. The defendant shall...make reasonable reparation or restitution to the aggrieved party for damage or loss caused by his/her offense in an amount to be determined by the court. The defendant shall...permit the probation officer to visit him/her at his/her home or elsewhere. The defendant shall...agree to searches of his/her person, property, place of residence, vehicle, or personal effects, or any or all of them, at any time, by the probation officer or the parole officer assigned to him/her, with or without a warrant of arrest or with or without a search warrant, when the probation officer or the parole officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that the person who is on probation is engaged in or has been engaged in criminal activity. The defendant shall...make a full and truthful report at the end of each month. The defendant shall...devote himself/herself to an approved reading program at his/her cost if he/she is unable to read the English language.
Maine state Maine Judicial Branch: Conditions of Probation/Supervised Release (CR-122) - not publicly available court 2021 both 11 You shall…refrain from all criminal conduct and violation of federal, state, and local criminal laws. You shall…not leave the State of Maine without written permission of your probation officer. You shall...obtain permission from your probation officer before changing your address or employment. You shall...obtain permission from your probation officer before changing your address or employment.

You shall…maintain employment and devote yourself to an approved employment or education program.
You to the Department of Corrections a supervision fee of $ __ per month. You shall…permit the officer to visit you at your home or elsewhere. You shall…answer all questions by your probation officer.
Maryland state (county probation agencies, but statewide conditions) District Court of Maryland: Probation/Supervision Order (CC-DC-026) court 2015 unspecified 10 Obey all laws. Get permission from your supervising agent before… leaving the State of Maryland. Get permission from your supervising agent before… changing your home address. Do not illegally possess, use, or sell any narcotic drug, controlled substance, counterfeit substance, or related paraphernalia. Work and/or attend school regularly as directed and provide verification to your supervising agent.

Get permission from your supervising agent before…changing your job.
Pay all fines, costs, restitution, and fees as ordered by the court or as directed by your supervising agent through a payment schedule. Permit your supervising agent to visit your home. Get permission from the court before owning, possessing, using, or having under your control any dangerous weapon or firearm of any description.
Massachusetts state (county probation agencies, but statewide conditions) Massachusetts Superior Court Department: Order of Probation Conditions (AOSC) - retrieved via correspondance with state judiciary court 2020 unspecified 11 You shall obey all local, state, and federal laws and all court orders. You shall not leave Massachusetts without the express permission of the Probation Service, and, if permission is granted, you shall sign a waiver of extradition and rendition before traveling You shall notify the probation officer immediately of a change of residence or employment. You shall not unlawfully receive, possess, control, or transport any drugs, weapons, explosives, firearms, or ammunition. You shall notify the probation officer immediately of a change of residence or employment. You shall pay the probation supervision fee, if required by law, unless waived by court order, or perform community service, if ordered by the court.7 You shall pay all other court ordered assessments and fees. You shall allow the probation officer to visit you at home, school, or place of employment at any time with or without notice.
Michigan state MCL 771.3 (2024) statute 2024 unspecified 8 The probationer shall not violate any criminal law of this state, the United States, or another state or any ordinance of any municipality in this state or another state. The probationer shall not leave the state without the consent of the court granting his or her application for probation. If sentenced in circuit court, the probationer shall pay a probation supervision fee as prescribed in section 3c of this chapter. The probationer shall pay the minimum state cost prescribed by section 1j of chapter IX.

The probationer shall pay restitution.
Minnesota Anoka County Anoka County Community Corrections: Rights and Responsibilities of Probationer court (local) 2024 both unclear There are standard rules required of everyone placed on probation, such as…remaining law abiding. Requests for travel outside of Minnesota requires approval, verification and must be made in a time frame as specified by your agent. Correctional service fees will be assessed according to the following 2024 fee schedule. This fee applies only one time for each file. Misdemeanor - $145; Gross Misdemeanor - $235; Felony - $340.
Minnesota Dakota County Dakota County Community Corrections: Conditions of Probation court (local) 2019, accessed June 2024 unspecified 9 Clients are expected to obey all state and federal laws. Travel out-of-state is limited. A client must obtain permission from his/her probation officer at least two weeks prior to travel. Travel outside the United States and its territories is prohibited. Clients cannot possess or use any illegal or non-prescribed drugs. Clients are expected to keep their probation officers informed of current employment, address, and all telephone numbers. Clients cannot engage in threatening or assaultive behavior.
Minnesota Hennepin County District Court, Fourth Judicial District: Probation Rules (HC 4444C) court (local) 2020 unspecified 9 Obey all laws, including local ordinances. Do not leave Minnesota unless you have the permission of your probation officer. Keep your probation Officer informed of your current address, telephone number and employment. Keep your probation Officer informed of your current address, telephone number and employment. Submit to the electronic and/or physical search of your person and/or premises upon the request of a probation officer per the search and seizure policies of the DOCCR. If you are required to register as a predatory offender, your Probation Officer will help you with any required registration; this is, however, always your responsibility. If you are homeless and you are required to register, you must check-in on a weekly basis at a local police station.
Minnesota Ramsey County Ramsey County Community Corrections: General Conditions of Probation - not publicly available court (local) undated unspecified 10 I will obey all federal, state and local laws, and any orders of the court. I will not leave the state of Minnesota without the consent of my probation officer. I will keep my Probation Officer informed of my residence and employment and will make no change in either without the knowledge and consent of my Probation Officer. I will abide by my probation officer’s instructions in the use of mood-altering substances, including alcohol.

I will not possess or use any other drugs without a doctor’s prescription.
I will submit to a chemical assessment, drug testing and/or breathalyzer testing on demand. I will keep my Probation Officer informed of my residence and employment and will make no change in either without the knowledge and consent of my Probation Officer. My person, place and personal property may be subject to search by my probation officer or an agent of the probation office, if the officer or agent has reasonable suspicion that such a search would produce evidence that I have engaged in criminal activity or other violation of probation. I will be truthful with my probation officer in all matters. Persons with criminal convictions may be restricted from certain jobs, such as those licensed by the Department of Human Services. An apartment owner may refuse to rent to a person with a felony conviction.

A person convicted of a felony loses the right to vote, hold office or serve on a jury until discharged from the sentence.
Mississippi state Circuit Court of Jackson County Sentencing Order8 court 2021 unspecified unclear The defendant shall…commit no offense against the laws of this or any other state of the United States or of the United States. The defendant shall…remain within a specified area as directed.

The defendant shall…remain within the state of Mississippi unless authorized to leave or proper application.
The defendant shall…avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful character. The defendant shall…avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful character. The defendant shall… abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages of any kind or character and from using illegal/narcotic drugs of any kind. The defendant shall… submit, as provided by §47-5-603 and 47-5-605 Mississippi Code of 1972 as annotated to any type breath, saliva, or urine chemical analysis test, the purpose of which is to detect the possible presence of alcohol or substance prohibited or controlled by law or the State of Mississippi or the United States. The defendant shall… work faithfully at suitable employment so far as possible. The defendant shall… pay to the Mississippi Department of Corrections such monthly reporting fee as authorized by the laws of Mississippi, said fees, to be paid monthly by Western Union. The defendant shall…support his dependents. The defendant shall… permit the Field Officer to visit him at home or elsewhere. The defendant shall…avoid injurious or vicious habits.
Missouri state Mo. Code Regs. tit. 14 §80-3.010 statute 2024 unspecified 10 I will obey all the federal and state laws, municipal and county ordinances. I will obtain advance permission from my probation and parole officer before leaving the state or the area in which I am living. I will obtain advance permission from my probation and parole officer before making any change in residency. I will obtain advance permission from my probation and parole officer before I associate with any person convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, or with anyone currently under the supervision of the Board of Probation and Parole. It is my responsibility to know with whom I am associating. I will not have in my possession or use any controlled substance except as prescribed for me by a licensed medical practitioner. I will maintain employment unless engaged in a specific program approved by my probation and parole officer. I will obtain advance permission from my probation and parole officer before quitting my job or program. In the event I lose my job or am terminated from a program, I will notify my probation and parole officer within forty-eight (48) hours. I shall pay a monthly intervention fee in an amount set by Missouri Department of Corrections pursuant to section 217.690, RSMo. This payment shall be due and payable on the first day of the first month following placement on probation, or acceptance of an interstate case in the state of Missouri or on the first day of the fourth month following parole or conditional release.
Montana state 20-7-1101, MCA (2024) statute 2024 unspecified 7 The offender is under the supervision of the department, subject to all requirements of a law-abiding citizen, and rules and regulations of adult probation and parole, including any sanctions. The offender must obtain permission from his/her supervising officer or the officer’s designee before leaving his/her assigned district. For any in-state travel, the offender must confer with their supervising officer about the travel permit policy. The offender must obtain prior approval from his/her supervising officer before taking up residence in any location. The offender shall not change his/her place of residence without first obtaining permission from his/her supervising officer or the officer’s designee. The offender must notify his/her supervising officer within 72 hours whenever the offender has a change in circumstances of employment or alternative approved programming, or any contact with law enforcement. The offender must make the residence open and available to an officer for a home visit. The offender will not own dangerous or vicious animals and will not use any device that would hinder an officer from visiting or searching the residence. Upon reasonable suspicion that the offender has violated the conditions of supervision, a probation and parole officer may search the person, vehicle, and residence of the offender, and the offender must submit to such search. A probation and parole officer may authorize a law enforcement agency to conduct a search, provided the probation and parole officer determines reasonable suspicion exists that the offender has violated the conditions of supervision.
Nebraska state NE Code §29-2262 (2023)9 court accessed June 2024 both unclear Require the refrain from unlawful conduct. Require the remain within the jurisdiction of the court. Require the refrain from frequenting unlawful or disreputable places. Require the offender…to notify the court or the probation officer of any change in his or her address or his or her employment. Require the refrain from...consorting with disreputable persons. Require the offender…to pay for tests to determine the presence of drugs or alcohol, psychological evaluations, offender assessment screens, and rehabilitative services required in the identification, evaluation, and treatment of offenders if such offender has the financial ability to pay for such services. Require the devote himself or herself to a specific employment or occupation.

Require the offender…to notify the court or the probation officer of any change in his or her address or his or her employment.
Require the meet his or her family responsibilities. Require the offender…to pay for tests to determine the presence of drugs or alcohol, psychological evaluations, offender assessment screens, and rehabilitative services required in the identification, evaluation, and treatment of offenders if such offender has the financial ability to pay for such services. Require the pay a fine in one or more payments as ordered.

Require the pay for all costs imposed by the court, including court costs and the fees imposed pursuant to section 2902262.06.
Require the permit the officer to visit his or her home.
Nevada state Nevada Department of Public Safety, Division of Parole and Probation: Probation Agreement and Rules - retrieved via correspondance with state corrections department court accessed June 2024 both 12 You shall comply with all municipal, county, state, and federal laws and ordinances. You shall not leave the state without first obtaining written permission from the Division of Parole and Probation. You shall not change your place of residence without first obtaining permission from the Division of Parole and Probation in each instance. You must have prior approval by the Division of Parole and Probation to associate with any person convicted of a felony, or any person on probation or parole supervision. You shall not have any contact with persons confined in a correctional institution unless specific written permission has been granted by the Division and the correctional institution. You shall not use, purchase, or possess any illegal drugs, or any prescription drugs, unless first prescribed by a licensed medical professional. You shall immediately notify the Division of Parole and Probation of any prescription received.

You shall not consume any alcoholic beverages __________.
You shall submit to drug testing as required by the Division or its agent.

Upon order of the Division of Parole and Probation or its agent, you shall submit to a medically recognized test for blood/breath alcohol content. Test results of .08 blood alcohol content or higher shall be sufficient proof of excess.
You shall seek and maintain legal employment, or maintain a program approved by the Division of Parole and Probation and not change such employment or program without first obtaining permission. All terminations of employment or program shall be immediately reported to the Division. You shall pay fees, fines, and restitution on a schedule approved by the Division of Parole and Probation. Any excess monies paid will be applied to any other outstanding fees, fines, and/or restitution, even if it is discovered after your discharge. You shall submit your person, property, place of residence, vehicle or areas under your control to search including electronic surveillance or monitoring of your location, at any time, with or without a search warrant or warrant of arrest, for evidence of a crime or violation of probation by the Division of Parole and Probation or its agent. You shall follow the directives of the Division of Parole and Probation and your conduct shall justify the opportunity granted to you by this community supervision. You are required to submit a written report each month on forms supplied by the Division. This report shall be true and correct in all respects.
New Hampshire state N.H. R. Crim. P. Rule 29 statute 2023 both 11 The probationer of good conduct and obey all laws. The probationer shall...obtain the probation/parole officer’s permission before…traveling out of state. The probationer shall...obtain the probation/parole officer’s permission before changing residence or employment. The probationer shall...not associate with any person having a criminal record or with other individuals as directed by the probation/parole officer unless specifically authorized to do so by the probation/parole officer. The probationer shall...not indulge in the illegal use, sale, possession, distribution, or transportation, or be in the presence, of controlled drugs, or use alcoholic beverages to excess. The probationer shall...obtain the probation/parole officer’s permission before changing residence or employment.

The probationer shall...diligently seek and maintain lawful employment, notify probationer’s employer of probationer's legal status.
The probationer dependents to the best of probationer's ability. The probationer shall...comply with all orders of the court, board of parole or probation/parole officer, including any order for the payment of money. The probationer shall...permit the probation/parole officer to visit probationer's residence at reasonable times for the purpose of examination and inspection in the enforcement of the conditions of probation or parole. The probationer shall...submit to reasonable searches of probationer's person, property, and possessions, as requested by the probation/parole officer. The probationer of good conduct and obey all laws. The probationer shall...respond truthfully to all inquiries from the probation/parole officer.
New Jersey state Administrative Office of the Courts, State of New Jersey: Standard Conditions of Adult Probation - Revised Form (Directive #3-07) court 2007, accessed June 2024 unspecified 13 You shall obey all federal, state, and municipal laws and ordinances. You may not leave the state of New Jersey for more than 24 hours without permission from your probation officer. You shall promptly report any change of address or residence to your probation officer. You shall submit to drug or alcohol testing at any time, as directed by your probation officer. You shall seek and maintain gainful employment, and promptly notify your officer when you change your place of employment or find yourself out of work. You shall support your dependents and meet your family responsibilities. You shall make payments on any fine, penalty assessment, restitution or other financial obligation as provided by Court order. Failure to comply may result in further Court action, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:46-2b; including attachment of your wages, filing of a civil judgment, and/or extension of your probation term. You shall permit your probation officer to visit your residence or any other suitable place. You shall submit at any time to a search conducted by a probation officer, without a warrant, of your person, place of residence, vehicle, or other personal property. You shall answer truthfully all inquiries made by your probation officer.
New Mexico state New Mexico Corrections Department, Division of Probation and Parole: Supervision Conditions probation department accessed June 2024 unspecified 15 I will not violate any of the laws or ordinances of the State of NM, or any other jurisdiction. I shall not endanger the person or property of another. I will get permission from my Probation/Parole Officer before...leaving the county where I am being supervised and/or residing. I shall not possess, use or consume any alcoholic beverages and will not at any time enter what is commonly known as a bar or lounge where alcoholic beverages are served or sold for consumption on the premises. I will get permission from my Probation/Parole Officer before...changing residence. I will not associate with any person identified by my Probation/Parole Officer as being detrimental to my Probation supervision, which may include persons having a criminal record, other probationers and parolees, and victims or witnesses of my crime or crimes. I shall not possess, use or consume any alcoholic beverages and will not at any time enter what is commonly known as a bar or lounge where alcoholic beverages are served or sold for consumption on the premises.

I will not buy, sell, consume, possess or distribute any controlled substances except those legally prescribed for my use by a State Certified Medical Doctor.
I will also provide urine or breath test specimens for laboratory analysis upon request of the Probation and Parole division. Unless exempted, I will make every effort to obtain and hold a legitimate job… I shall cooperate with my Probation Officer in any effort to assist me in obtaining employment. If I lose my job for any reason, I shall report this fact to my probation/Parole Officer within 48 hours of the change.

I will get permission from my Probation/Parole Officer before…changing jobs.
I will pay probation costs as determined by my Probation/Parole Officer on or before the designated date each month to the Corrections Department in the form of a money order or cashier's check. I will make every effort to…fulfill all financial obligations required of me including support of my family. I will permit any Probation/Parole Officer to visit me at my home or place of employment at any time. I will permit a warrant-less search by the Officer of my person, automobile, residence, property and/or living quarters if he/she has reasonable cause to believe the search will produce evidence of a violation of my conditions of probation. I shall not endanger the person or property of another. All communication with my Probation/Parole Officer will be truthful and accurate. I will get permission from my Probation/Parole Officer before...engaging in any major financial contract or debt.
New York Erie County Eric County Probation Department: General Rules of Probation probation department operated by court (local) accessed June 2024 unspecified 12 Probationer shall not violate any federal, state or local law which carries a possible jail sentence upon conviction. Probationer must notify the probation officer of any change in probationer’s place of residence. Probationer may not possess, use, distribute or have under his/her control any illegal drugs, narcotics, or other controlled substances or instruments for administering them except on the prescription of a licensed physician. Probationer agrees to submit to urinalysis, breathalyzer or blood test when requested to do so by the probation officer. Probation fees - Active/Reporting: 1 year or less $200.00; More than 1 year, not more than 2 years $300.00; More than 2 years $450.000. All fees must be paid in advance as a term of probation. Probationer must pay his/her fines and costs as ordered by the court.

Probationer must pay restitution through the court, as ordered by the court.

Probationer must pay the costs of counseling as ordered by the court.
Probationer may not operate a motor vehicle unless he/she has a valid operator’s license and current proof of financial responsibility.
New York NYC New York County Court Order: Conditions of Probation (C.P.L. 410.10, P.L. 65.10) - retrieved via correspondance with county court system probation department operated by court (local) 2005, retrieved in 2024 unspecified 18 Lead a law abiding life; refrain from violating federal, state, or local law. Remain within the jurisdiction of the Court unless granted permission to leave by the Court or the Probation Officer. Refrain from frequenting unlawful or disreputable places. Notify the Department of Probation prior to any change in address or employment. Do not consort with disreputable people. Submit to any assessments and/or tests to determine the presence of alcohol or illegal substances, if directed by the Department of Probation. Work faithfully at a suitable employment or pursue a course of study or vocational training approved by the Department of Probation that can lead to suitable employment. Submit proof of such employment, study, or training as directed by the Department of Probation.

Notify the Department of Probation prior to any change in address or employment.
Support dependents and meet other family responsibilities. Pay the mandatory surcharge, crime victim assistance fee, fine, sex offender registration fee, DNA databank fee, supplemental sex offender victim fee, and any other fee or surcharge imposed, as directed by the court. Keep a curfew, if directed by the Department of Probation. Avoid injurious or vicious habits; refrain from frequenting unlawful or disreputable places; and do not consort with disreputable people.
New York Suffolk County Suffolk County Court, Order and Conditions of Adult Probation - retrieved via correspondance with county court system probation department operated by court (local) 2019 unspecified 15 Refrain from violating any federal, state or local law. Remain within the jurisdiction of the Court unless granted permission to leave by the Court or the probation officer. Refrain from frequenting unlawful or disreputable places. Notify the Department of Probation prior to any change in address or employment. Refrain from consorting with disreputable persons. Submit to periodic tests to determine whether alcohol and/or controlled substances are being used. Work faithfully at a suitable employment or pursue a course of study or vocation training that can lead to suitable employment.

Notify the probation officer prior to any change in address or employment.
Support his or her dependents and meet other family responsibilities. Permit the probation officer to visit his or her place of abode or elsewhere. Submit to a warrantless search of your person, property, residence or vehicle under probationer's control, by a probation officer and his or her agent. Avoid injurious or vicious habits.
New York Westchester County Westchester County Department of Probation: Frequently Asked Questions probation department operated by court (local) accessed June 2024 unspecified unclear Adults and juveniles placed on probation must obey the law. Adults and juveniles placed on probation must…attend school and/or be suitably employed. If directed, they must make restitution or complete community service. They must…allow these officers to visit their homes.
North Carolina state N.C. Gen Stat §15A-1343 (2023) statute 2024 unspecified 18 A defendant must...commit no criminal offense in any jurisdiction. A defendant must...remain within the jurisdiction of the court unless granted written permission to leave by the court or his probation officer. A defendant must…not knowingly be present at or frequent any place where such illegal drugs or controlled substances are sold, kept, or used. A defendant must…obtain prior approval from the officer for, and notify the officer of, any change in address or employment. A defendant must…not knowingly associate with any known or previously convicted users, possessors, or sellers of any such illegal drugs or controlled substances. A defendant must…not use, possess, or control any illegal drug or controlled substance unless it has been prescribed for him or her by a licensed physician and is in the original container with the prescription number affixed on it; not knowingly associate with any known or previously convicted users, possessors, or sellers of any such illegal drugs or controlled substances; and not knowingly be present at or frequent any place where such illegal drugs or controlled substances are sold, kept, or used. A defendant must…supply a breath, urine, or blood specimen for analysis of the possible presence of prohibited drugs or alcohol when instructed by the defendant’s probation officer for purposes directly related to the probation supervision. If the results of the analysis are positive, the probationer may be required to reimburse the Division of Community Supervision and Reentry of the Department of Adult Correction for the actual costs of drug or alcohol screening and testing.

A defendant must…submit to drug and alcohol screening for analysis of the possible presence of prohibited drugs or alcohol when instructed by the defendant’s probation officer for purposes directly related to the probation supervision. If the results of the analysis are positive, the probationer may be required to reimburse the Division of Community Supervision and Reentry of the Department of Adult Correction for the actual costs of drug or alcohol screening and testing.
A defendant must…remain gainfully and suitably employed or faithfully pursue a course of study or of vocational training that will equip him for suitable employment. A defendant pursuing a course of study or of vocational training shall abide by all of the rules of the institution providing the education or training, and the probation officer shall forward a copy of the probation judgment to that institution and request to be notified of any violations of institutional rules by the defendant.

A defendant must…notify the probation officer if he fails to obtain or retain satisfactory employment.

A defendant must…obtain prior approval from the officer for, and notify the officer of, any change in address or employment.
A defendant a supervision fee as specified in subsection (c1). A defendant must...satisfy child support and other family obligations as required by the court. A defendant must…supply a breath, urine, or blood specimen for analysis of the possible presence of prohibited drugs or alcohol when instructed by the defendant’s probation officer for purposes directly related to the probation supervision. If the results of the analysis are positive, the probationer may be required to reimburse the Division of Community Supervision and Reentry of the Department of Adult Correction for the actual costs of drug or alcohol screening and testing. A defendant the costs of court, any fine ordered by the court, and make restitution or reparation as provided in subsection (d). A defendant must…permit the officer to visit him at reasonable times. A defendant must…submit at reasonable times to warrantless searches by a probation officer of the probationer’s person and of the probationer’s vehicle and premises while the probationer is present, for purposes directly related to the probation supervision, but the probationer may not be required to submit to any other search that would otherwise be unlawful.

A defendant must…submit to warrantless searches by a law enforcement officer of the probationer’s person and of the probationer’s vehicle, upon a reasonable suspicion that the probationer is engaged in criminal activity or is in possession of a firearm, explosive device, or other deadly weapon listed in G.S. 14-269 without written permission of the court.
North Dakota state N.D. Cent. Code §12.1-32-0710 statute 2023 unspecified 3 The court shall provide as an explicit condition of every probation that the defendant not commit another offense during the period for which the probation remains subject to revocation. The court shall provide as an explicit condition of probation that the defendant may not willfully defraud a urine test administered as a condition of probation. The court shall order supervision costs and fees of not less than fifty-five dollars per month unless the court makes a specific finding on record that the imposition of fees will result in an undue hardship.
Ohio Cuyahoga County Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas: Rules of Probation and Community Control (F 600.02) court (local) 2005, accessed June 2024 unspecified 13 Obey all local, state, and federal laws. Do not leave your county of residence without permission from your probation officer. You must obtain written permission prior to leaving the State of Ohio. You will inform your probation officer immediately of any changes in your residence, employment, or source of income. Do not associate with persons having known criminal records (including convicted co-defendants in your case). The only controlled substances you are permitted to have or to use are those properly prescribed by your doctor and you must provide proof of prescription. Submit as directed to observed DNA, drug or alcohol testing. You will inform your probation officer immediately of any changes in your residence, employment, or source of income.

You may not work on any job caring for the elderly, children, or mentally disabled without the permission of the Judge or Probation Department.
Pay all restitution, Probation Supervision Fees, Court Costs, fines, and other Court approved fees in regular monthly installments or as directed. Unless otherwise ordered by the court all fines and court costs must be paid in full within six (6) months of sentence or the probationer may begin paying the balance owed through Court Community Service. Pay all restitution, Probation Supervision Fees, Court Costs, fines, and other Court approved fees in regular monthly installments or as directed. Unless otherwise ordered by the court all fines and court costs must be paid in full within six (6) months of sentence or the probationer may begin paying the balance owed through Court Community Service. You shall consent to search and seizure by any Probation Officer or Law Enforcement Officer. Any search may be done without a warrant and include your person, property, place of residence, vehicle, or personal effects. Upon reporting to the Probation Department and when in Court you shall conduct yourself in an orderly manner. Report to your probation officer as directed. Complete the written report form accurately and completely. You are not to eat any foods containing poppy seeds while under supervision.

Within 30 days of instruction in these rules, you shall obtain and carry on your person at all times, a valid photo identification issued by the State of Ohio, Federal Government, another State where you reside, or other identification approved by the Probation Department. You shall produce this identification upon request.
Ohio Franklin County Franklin County Court of Common Pleas: Conditions of Supervision - not publicly available court (local) undated unspecified 7 I agree to obey all federal, state, and local laws and all rules and regulations of the Franklin County Common Pleas Court. I will obtain permission from my probation officer before leaving Franklin County and WILL NOT LEAVE THE STATE of OHIO without written permission from my probation officer. I will always keep my probation officer informed of my current place of residence, employment or source of income. When reporting to the probation department and when in court, I agree to conduct myself in an orderly manner which includes my not being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

I will not possess, use, purchase, or have under my control any narcotic drug or other controlled substance, including any instrument, device, or other object used to prepare them for administration, unless it is lawfully prescribed to me by a licensed physician. I will inform my probation officer of any such prescriptions.
I will…submit to any drug testing as required by the court or my probation officer. I will always keep my probation officer informed of my current place of residence, employment or source of income. When reporting to the probation department and when in court, I agree to conduct myself in an orderly manner which includes my not being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. I agree to report to my probation officer as directed and complete the written report form accurately and completely before asking for my probation officer.
Ohio Hamilton County Hamilton County Probation Department - not publicly available court (local) undated unspecified 12 I will obey all laws and understand that a conviction, while on probation, of a new traffic/criminal offense may result in violation of my probation. I will obtain instructions from my Probation Officer in regard to travel restrictions outside of Hamilton County and the State of Ohio. Instructions: __________ I will notify my Probation Officer immediately of any of the following changes: home residence, telephone number, employment, or marital status. I will not illegally obtain or use controlled substances. I will consent to medical tests to determine if I have violated this rule [I will not illegally obtain or use controlled substances]. I will make every reasonable effort during my probationary period to maintain a job, or participate in education or vocational training.

I will notify my Probation Officer immediately of any of the following changes: home residence, telephone number, employment, or marital status.
I will meet my financial obligations to probation that may include: probationary and EMU fees, Court fines and costs, and restitution. I will make regular payments as instructed. I will meet my financial obligations to probation that may include: probationary and EMU fees, Court fines and costs, and restitution. I will make regular payments as instructed. Upon the order of my Probation Officer, I will submit to a search of my person, and any purse, bag, or packages in my possession. During my probationary period, I will conduct myself properly, dress appropriately when reporting, and answer accurately all questions asked by probation personnel. I will… answer accurately all questions asked by probation personnel. I will notify my Probation Officer immediately of any of the following changes… marital status.
Ohio Montgomery County Montgomery County Common Pleas Court: General Conditions of Probation court (local) 2022 unspecified 11 I shall refrain from violation of any law (Federal, State, and City). I shall not leave the State of Ohio without the written permission of the Court or Montgomery County Adult Probation Department. I shall notify my Probation Officer of any change of residence immediately after the change. I shall not use or possess any controlled substances, drugs of abuse, or drug substitutes. I consent to medical tests to determine if I have violated this condition [I shall not use or possess any controlled substances, drugs of abuse, or drug substitutes.]. I understand that I will be observed by a Probation Officer when submitting urinalysis samples. (All medications need to be in original prescription bottle or packet.) I shall work regularly at a lawful occupation and support my legal dependents to the best of my ability.

When out of work, I shall notify my Probation Officer at once. I shall consult my Probation Officer prior to job changes.
I shall work regularly at a lawful occupation and support my legal dependents to the best of my ability. I shall be subject to searches as follows: During my period of supervision authorized Probation Officers who are engaged within the scope of their supervisory duties or responsibilities may search, with or without a warrant, the person of the offender, the place of residence of the offender, a motor vehicle, another item of tangible or intangible personal property, or other real property in which the offender has a right, title, or interest, or for which the offender has the express or implied permission of a person with a right, title, or interest to use, occupy, or possess, if the Probation Officers have reasonable grounds to believe that the offender is not abiding by the law or otherwise is not complying with the conditions of the offender’s supervision or other suspension.
Oklahoma Cleveland County District Court of Cleveland County, State of Oklahoma: Supervised Rules and Conditions court (local) 2023 unspecified 10-1411 The Defendant shall remain lawful in conduct and refrain from violations of any criminal law of any jurisdiction. The Defendant shall notify his/her Compliance Supervisor within 48 hours of event to provide important information such as police contact or current address and telephone number changes.12 The Defendant shall not consume or possess any controlled substance unless prescribed by a licensed medical practitioner.

The defendant shall not consume or possess any alcoholic beverage for the term of his/her supervisions.
The Defendant shall submit to random drug and alcohol surveillance techniques as requested and understands that the cost of such testing is at his/her expense. The Defendant shall maintain full time employment unless excused by the Court or Oklahoma Court Services, Inc. The Defendant shall pay $40.00 per month fees to Oklahoma Court Services for the term of the supervision. The Defendant shall remain current on any child support order collected and enforced by the Oklahoma Child Support Enforcement Division.13 The Defendant shall submit to random drug and alcohol surveillance techniques as requested and understands that the cost of such testing is at his/her expense. The Defendant shall permit his/her Compliance Supervisor, or dseignee of Oklahoma Court Services, Inc. to visit his/her residence, place of employment, or any other place without notice or restrictions as to time.14
Oklahoma Tulsa County Rules and Conditions of District Attorney Supervision in the District Court of Tulsa County, Oklahoma (Form 5359) court (local) 2015 unspecified 11 I will not violate city, state or federal laws. I will not leave the State of Oklahoma without written permission by the Supervising Authority, nor will I change my address without prior notification to the Supervising Authority. …nor will I visit places where illicit drugs are sold, dispensed or used. I understand I am not allowed to enter or loiter around bars, liquor stores, taverns, clubs or any area of an establishment that is designated for persons over the age of twenty-one (21) due to the sale and/or consumption of alcohol. I will not leave the State of Oklahoma without written permission by the Supervising Authority, nor will I change my address without prior notification to the Supervising Authority. I will not associate with persons who have a criminal record or who are involved in criminal activity, except when such association is approved by the Supervising Authority for the purposes of satisfying the Rules and Conditions of this District Attorney Supervision. I will not purchase, possess or consume any alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs of any kind. I will carry out all instructions of the Court and the Supervising Authority, including… urinalysis. I will work regularly at a lawful occupation and support my legal dependents as I am physically able and my treatment plan allows. If unemployed, I will provide the Supervising Authority weekly verification of employment searches until such employment is found. I will pay a monthly $40.00 Supervision Fee in the form of a money order or cashier’s check to the Supervising Authority. I will carry out all instructions of the Court and the Supervising Authority, including, but not limited to...curfew.
Oregon state (county probation agencies, but statewide conditions) O.R.S. §137.540 (2023) statute 2023 unspecified 11 The probationer shall…Obey all laws, municipal, county, state and federal, and in circumstances in which state and federal law conflict, obey state law. The probationer shall...Remain in the State of Oregon until written permission to leave is granted by the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency. The probationer shall...Not change residence without prior permission from the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency and inform the parole and probation officer of any change in employment. The probationer shall...Submit to testing for controlled substance, cannabis or alcohol use if the probationer has a history of substance abuse or if there is a reasonable suspicion that the probationer has illegally used controlled substances. The probationer shall...Not change residence without prior permission from the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency and inform the parole and probation officer of any change in employment. The probationer shall...Pay fines, restitution or fees ordered by the court. The probationer shall…Permit the parole and probation officer to visit the probationer or the probationer's work site or residence and to conduct a walk-through of the common areas and of the rooms in the residence occupied by or under the control of the probationer. The probationer shall…Consent to the search of person, vehicle or premises upon the request of a representative of the supervising officer if the supervising officer has reasonable grounds to believe that evidence of a violation will be found, and submit to fingerprinting or photographing, or both, when requested by the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency for supervision purposes. The probationer shall…Promptly and truthfully answer all reasonable inquiries by the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency.
Pennsylvania Allegheny County Fifth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, Division of Adult Probation: Rules of Probation and Parole court (local) 2024 unspecified 10 You must obey all local, state and federal laws. No travel outside Pennsylvania is permitted without written permission from your probation officer. International travel requires court permission. You must notify the probation office immediately of any change of address. You may not use or possess any controlled substances, unless legally prescribed for a medical or mental health need. You may be subject to random drug and alcohol testing. You must pay any restitution, fines, costs and supervision fees during the term of your court supervision. You will be required to establish a monthly payment plan based on your ability to pay. Failure to make payments may result in your case balance being sent to a collection agency. You must pay any restitution, fines, costs and supervision fees during the term of your court supervision. You will be required to establish a monthly payment plan based on your ability to pay. Failure to make payments may result in your case balance being sent to a collection agency. You must report to your assigned probation officer as required and/or allow your probation officer to visit you at your home or work site. Upon reasonable suspicion, probation officers are authorized to search you, your vehicle and your home without a warrant. Any weapons, illegal drugs/paraphernalia, intoxicants and/or contraband in your possession are subject to seizure.
Pennsylvania Bucks County Bucks County Adult Probation and Parole Department: Rules and Regulations of Probation and Parole court (local) 2020 unspecified 13 I will comply with all Federal, State, and local laws. My travel is limited to adjoining Counties within Pennsylvania. Any travel beyond those Counties, out of State, or overnight travel must be approved by my Probation/Parole Officer. I will discuss any possible change of address with my Officer and will not move without prior permission of the Probation/Parole Department. I am forbidden to use, possess, or distribute non-prescribed Controlled Substances and/or other mind altering substances. I will abstain from the excessive use of alcohol. I will submit urine, blood, saliva, breath and/or other specimens required for departmentally approved substance abuse detection tests. I will make every effort to obtain and hold a legitimate job and support my dependents. I will report promptly to my officer any change in my employment status. Unless waived by the Court, I understand I will be assessed an administrative fee of $ ____________ for each month of supervision ordered by the Court. I will make every effort to obtain and hold a legitimate job and support my dependents. I will pay all restitution, fines, costs and administrative fees in regular installments as directed by the Probation/Parole Officer. I will report to my Probation/Parole Officer as directed and permit this officer to visit me at my home or place of employment. I understand that the Adult Probation/Parole Department has the authority to search my person, place of residence, vehicle, or other personal property, including but not limited to electronic devices, without a warrant, if there is reasonable suspicion.
Pennsylvania Delaware County Delaware County Adult Probation and Parole Services: General Rules, Regulations and Conditions Governing Adult Probation/Parole court (local) accessed June 2024 unspecified 9 You will comply with all Municipal, County, State and Federal criminal laws, and abide by any written instructions of the Delaware County Court or your Probation/Parole Officer. You will not travel outside of Pennsylvania or the community to which you have been Probationed/Paroled to as defined by your Probation/Parole Officer, without written permission. You will live at the address/phone number listed above, and you may not change your residence without permission from your Probation/Parole Department. Abstain from the unlawful possession, or sale, of narcotics and dangerous drugs, and abstain from the use of Controlled substances within the meaning of Controlled Substance, Drug, device and Cosmetic Act (35P.S. 780-101 et. Seq., as amended to date) without a valid prescription. You will submit to random drug analysis and Breathalyzer test. You will make every effort to obtain and maintain employment and support your dependants [sic]. You are, of course, subject by Order of the Court and as a part of your sentence in this case, to pay all fines, costs and/or restitution imposed/monthly supervision fee of $40.00. You will make every effort to obtain and maintain employment and support your dependants [sic]. You are, of course, subject by Order of the Court and as a part of your sentence in this case, to pay all fines, costs and/or restitution imposed/monthly supervision fee of $40.00. You will permit a Probation/Parole Officer to search your residence upon their request. You will permit a Probation/Parole Officer to search your residence upon their request. Refrain from overt behavior, which threatens or presents a clear and present danger to yourself or others. You are not permitted to hunt while under the jurisdiction of the Court.
Pennsylvania Montgomery County Montgomery County Adult Probation and Parole Department: Rules and Conditions Governing Probation/Parole and Intermediate Punishment (APO) court (local) 2017 unspecified 12 I must comply with all local, state, and federal criminal laws. My daily travel is limited to the adjoining counties. Any travel beyond those counties, out of state, or overnight travel must be approved 72 business hours prior to the event. A travel permit must be obtained from my officer prior to my departure. Prior to changing my residence, I must have the permission of my officer. I will abstain from the unlawful possession, use or sale of narcotics or other dangerous drugs and drug paraphernalia…If deemed appropriate, I will abstain from the possession and/or consumption of alcohol.

I will request that my prescription medication be non-narcotic and non-addictive and notify my officer prior to consuming and/or using any prescribed medication or any over the counter medication. If my physician requires me to take any prescribed narcotic, pain, and/or potentially addictive medication, I may have to obtain a doctor's note describing my need for such treatment. I will not take anyone else's prescribed medication. I will not consume diet pills. I will not use and/or possess any other mood altering or hallucinogenic substance.
I will submit urine sample(s) and/or breathalyzer upon request of my probation/parole officer. I will make every effort to obtain and maintain employment and support my dependent(s). I will make every effort to obtain and maintain employment and support my dependent(s). I will pay all fines, costs, and restitution in monthly installments as directed by the Court. My officer will make supervision visits in my home. I will provide access to the dwelling in which I reside. I understand the Adult Probation and Parole Department has the authority to search my person, place of residence, or vehicle without a warrant, if he or she has reasonable suspicion. I will conduct myself in a manner that I will not create a danger to the community or myself. I will not consume diet pills.
Pennsylvania Philadelphia County First Judicial District of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Adult Probation & Parole Department: Rules of Probation & Parole court (local) accessed June 2024 unspecified 14 You must...obey all Federal, State and County criminal laws and city ordinances. You may not...leave Philadelphia without permission from your Probation/Parole officer. You must notify your Officer within 72 hours if any of the following occurs: a new arrest, a change of address, change of employment. You may not...unlawfully possess, use, sell or distribute controlled substances of any kind. You must...make every effort to seek and maintain employment. (Rules of Probation & Parole)

You must notify your Officer within 72 hours if any of the following occurs: a new arrest, a change of address, change of employment.
Pay supervision fee to the Philadelphia Adult Probation Department by ACT NO.35-1991 of the Pennsylvania General Assembly unless the fee is waived by the Court. You must...permit your Officer to visit you at your home or place of employment. You are subject to…A personal search and/or property search, including vehicle and seizure of any contraband found, if there is a reasonable suspicion that you are in violation of any of the conditions of supervision.
Rhode Island state RI Gen L §12-19-8.1. (2023) statute 2023 unspecified 9 Obey all laws. Remain within the state of Rhode Island except with the prior approval, specifically or as an agreed routine, of the probation and parole office. Notify the probation and parole officer immediately of any change of address, telephone number, or employment. Make every effort to keep steadily employed or attend school or vocational training.

Notify the probation and parole officer immediately of any change of address, telephone number, or employment.
Pay restitution, court costs, and fines, if assessed, in one or several sums, based on the defendant's ability to pay;
South Carolina state SC Code §24-21-430 (2023) statute 2023 unspecified 13 The probationer shall…refrain from the violations of any state or federal penal laws. The probationer shall…avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful character. The probationer shall…avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful character.

The probationer shall…follow the probation agent’s instructions and advice regarding recreational and social activities.
The probationer shall…submit to a urinalysis or a blood test or both upon request of the probation agent. The probationer shall…work faithfully at suitable employment as far as possible. The probationer shall…support his dependents. The probationer shall…pay a fine in one or several sums as directed by the court. The probationer shall…submit to curfew restrictions. The probationer shall…permit the probation agent to visit at his home or elsewhere. Before a defendant may be placed on probation, he must agree in writing to be subject to a search or seizure, without a search warrant, based on reasonable suspicions, of the defendant’s person, any vehicle the defendant owns or is driving, and any of the defendant’s possessions by: (1) any probation agent employed by the Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services; or (2) any other law enforcement officer. The probationer shall…avoid injurious or vicious habits.
South Dakota state (county probation agencies, but statewide conditions) State of South Dakota Circuit Court: Standard Conditions of Adult Probation court accessed June 2024 both 10 You shall obey all federal, state, and tribal laws and municipal ordinances. You shall remain within the boundaries of this state unless you have secured written permission three days in advance from your Court Services Officer. You shall obtain advanced permission from your Court Services Officer prior to changing your phone number, employment, educational or residence status. You shall not have affiliation with any gangs, their members, or associates, and that [sic] you not wear or present gang clothing or signs. It is necessary for you to maintain employment or be engaged in a specific program approved by your Court Services Officer. In the event you lose your job or are terminated from a program, you shall notify your Court Services Officer within 48 hours.

You shall obtain advanced permission from your Court Services Officer prior to changing your phone number, employment, educational or residence status.

You shall advise your current and any future employers, including temporary positions, of your probation and the nature of your crime to allow for communication between employer and court services officer for setting up wage assignments or inquiry about other job related issues.
You shall support your dependents to the best of your ability. You shall not miss any appointments with your Court Services Officer, and comply with their instructions and be prompt and truthful with any questions that may be asked of you.
Tennessee Knox County Knox County: Conditions of Probation - retrieved via correspondence with county court system court (local) undated, retrieved 2024 both 13 The probationer shall obey the laws of the United States, and the laws of any State or Municipality the probationer is located. The probationer will obtain permission from the Probation Officer before changing his or her address or employment or before leaving the State. The probationer shall not… be in places of business whose primary purpose is the sale of alcoholic beverages (taverns, bars, etc.).

The probationer shall not…visit places where intoxicants or drugs are unlawfully sold, dispensed or used.
The probationer will obtain permission from the Probation Officer before changing his or her address or employment or before leaving the State. The probationer shall not associate with persons of bad character. The probationer shall not possess or use alcoholic beverages or controlled substance drugs unless prescribed for you by a licensed physician. The probationer will obtain permission from the Probation Officer before changing his or her…employment.

The probationer shall work diligently at a lawful occupation…to the best of his or her ability OR be enrolled as a full-time student in pursuit of a career goal during the term of his or her probation period.
$45.00 per month fee for clients placed on probation on diversion pursuant to TCA 40-35-313. The probationer shall… support his or her dependents, if any. The probationer shall pay all costs imposed by the Court, and or by the State or County in connection with this case. The probationer shall not be away from his or her place of residence at late or unusual hours of the night, such hours to be determined by the Probation Officer who will also give permission for night employment if necessary. The probationer shall allow the Probation Officer to visit his or her home, job site, or elsewhere and carry out all instruction given by the Officer, whether oral or in writing. The probationer will make a complete and truthful report to the Probation Officer in person or in writing as directed. If convicted of a felony, the probationer shall not receive, own, possess, ship or transport any firearm or ammunition. (Ref. Gun Control Act of 1968, Public Law 90-618 Title I. section 922 entitled “Unlawful Acts.”) All other probationers require express permission of the Court for use of firearms.
Tennessee Rutherford County Rutherford County Probation and Recovery Services: General Rules of Probation court (local) accessed June 2024 unspecified 10 I will obey the laws of the United States, or any State in which I may be, as well as any municipal ordinances. I will get permission from my Case Manager before leaving the county of my residence or the State. I will not enter an establishment whose prime purpose is to sell alcoholic beverages (bars, taverns, liquor stores, etc. - if applicable). I will inform my Case Manager before changing my residence or employment. I will not use intoxicants of any kind (beer, whiskey, wine, etc.) to excess. I will not use nor have in my possession narcotic drugs or marijuana. I will submit to random drug screens as directed. I will work at a lawful occupation and support my dependents to the best of my ability. I will pay all required fees (fines, costs, restitution, supervision, drug screen, class fees, etc.) as instructed.15 I will work at a lawful occupation and support my dependents to the best of my ability. I will pay all required fees (fines, costs, restitution, supervision, drug screen, class fees, etc.) as instructed. I will pay all required fees (fines, costs, restitution, supervision, drug screen, class fees, etc.) as instructed. I will allow my Case Manager to visit my home, employment site, or elsewhere, and will carry out all instructions he/she gives me.
Tennessee Shelby County Shelby County: Order of Probation - retrieved via correspondence with county court system court (local) 2015, retrieved in 2024 unspecified 9 Probationer shall not violate any law of the United States of America, of the State of Tennessee, or of any other State in which he may be, or any ordinance of a municipality having jurisdiction over probationer.

Probationer shall not participate in any activity which results in being arrested.
Probationer shall not frequent places where intoxicants are sold or places of questionable resort or amusement.. Probationer shall immediately report any change of address or of employment to the Probation Officer supervising this case. Probationer shall not use intoxicants of any kind to excess. Probationer shall immediately report any change of address or of employment to the Probation Officer supervising this case. Probationer shall pay the probation supervision fee of forty-five ($45.00) dollars each month for the period of supervised probation. Probationer shall pay the fine(s) on or before _________ . Probationer shall not engage in conduct inconsistent with good citizenship.
Texas Dallas County Dallas County Probationer Brochure court (local) accessed June 2024 unspecified 9 Refraining from committing new crimes. Avoiding all visits to bars and night clubs. Abstaining from abusing alcoholic beverages, other drugs. Paying probation and court fees ordered by the court. Providing your dependents and family members with the needed economic support. Paying probation and court fees ordered by the court.
Texas Harris County Harris County Community Supervision & Corrections Department: Frequently Asked Questions court (local) accessed June 2024 unspecified 11 Commit no offense against the laws of this state or any other state or the United States. Remain within Harris County, Texas or _______ unless the Court or supervision officer authorizes you to leave. Avoid persons and places of disreputable or harmful character. Avoid persons and places of disreputable or harmful character. Avoid injurious or vicious habits. (The use of illegal drugs and alcohol.) Submit to random urine specimen analysis. Work faithfully at suitable employment and notify the HCCSCD of any changes in your employment status within 48 hours of such change. Support your dependents as required by law. Pay any fines, fees, or restitution assessed through the HCCSCD. Permit the community supervision officer to visit you at your home, place of employment or elsewhere. Avoid injurious or vicious habits. (The use of illegal drugs and alcohol.)
Texas Tarrant County Tarrant County Community Supervison and Corrections Department: Frequently Asked Questions court (local) accessed June 2024 both 16 Commit no offense against the laws of this State or of any other State or of the United States. Remain within Tarrant County, Texas, unless the court or supervision officer authorizes you to leave. Avoid persons and places of disreputable or harmful character. Notify the supervision officer of Tarrant County, Texas, if your address or employment is changed within five days from the date of change. Avoid persons and places of disreputable or harmful character. Avoid injurious or vicious habits and abstain from the illegal use of controlled substances, marijuana, cannabinoids or excessive consumption of any alcoholic beverage. Submit to an assessment for substance abuse. Attend and successfully complete treatment. Submit non-diluted urine for testing for controlled substances and cannabinoids at the direction of the supervision officer and pay for urine testing as required. Work faithfully at suitable employment and furnish proof of employment to your supervision officer.

Notify the supervision officer... if your...employment is changed within five days from the date of change.

Provide proof of GED or high school diploma or complete education programs as directed by the supervision officer.
Support your dependents. Submit non-diluted urine for testing for controlled substances and cannabinoids at the direction of the supervision officer and pay for urine testing as required. Pay fees, fines, court costs, restitution if assessed. Permit the supervision officer to visit you at your home or elsewhere at any time. Avoid injurious or vicious habits and abstain from the illegal use of controlled substances, marijuana, cannabinoids or excessive consumption of any alcoholic beverage. Submit to an assessment for substance abuse. Attend and successfully complete treatment.
Texas Travis County Travis County Adult Probation: Probationer Handbook court (local) 2019 unspecified 15 Commit no offense against the laws of this State or of any other State or of the United States. Remain within ______ (Travis County or [another county] or State of Texas) unless given permission. Do not change residence without permission and report changes of employment to Supervision Officer as directed. Avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful character. Avoid the use of all narcotics, habit forming drugs, alcoholic beverages, and controlled substances. Submit a urine or breath specimen at the direction of the Supervision Officer and pay all costs if required. Work faithfully at suitable employment as far as possible.

Report changes of employment to Supervision officer.
Support your dependents. Submit a urine or breath specimen at the direction of the Supervision Officer and pay all costs if required. Court ordered fees must be paid in full and completed 60 days prior to discharge. Permit the supervision officer to visit you at your home or elsewhere at any time. Avoid injurious or vicious habits. While on community supervision, you must have on your person at all times a current, valid Texas Department of Public Safety photo identification card or a valid Texas Department of Public Safety photo driver’s license. You must obtain this photo identification within thirty (30) days of the data of your community supervision.
Utah state Utah Department of Corrections: Probation Standard Conditions court 2015, accessed June 2024 unspecified 13 Obey all state, federal and municipal laws, and court orders. Not leave the state of Utah, even briefly, or any other state to which I am released or transferred without prior written permission from the AP&P Officer. Establish and reside at a residence of record and not change residence without first obtaining permission from the AP&P. Without approval from the AP&P Officer, I will not knowingly associate with any person who is involved in criminal activity or who has been convicted of a felony. Abstain from the illegal use, possession, control, delivery, production, manufacture or distribution of controlled substances. Submit to tests of breath or body fluids to ensure compliance with the Probation Agreement. Unless otherwise authorized by the AP&P Officer; seek, obtain and maintain verifiable, lawful, full-time employment (32 hours per week minimum) as approved by the AP&P Officer. Notify the AP&P Officer of any change in my employment within 48 hours of the change. Agree to pay a supervision fee of $30 per month unless granted a waiver by the Department of Corrections Comply with curfews as directed by the AP&P Officer. Permit visits to my place of residence, my place of employment or elsewhere by officers of Adult Probation and Parole for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the conditions of the Probation Agreement. Permit officers of Adult Probation and Parole to search my person, residence, vehicle or any other property under my control without a warrant at any time, day or night upon reasonable suspicion to ensure compliance with the conditions of the Probation Agreement. Be cooperative, compliant and truthful in all dealings with Adult Probation and Parole. Permit visits to my place of residence…I will not interfere with this requirement by having vicious dogs, perimeter security doors, refusing to open the door, etc.
Vermont state State of Vermont Superior Court: Deferred Sentence and Probation Order court 2021 unspecified 616 You shall not be convicted of another crime or engage in criminal behavior. Your probation officer may restrict or prohibit travel to any state as required by the Interstate Compact For Adult Offender Supervision. You shall give your probation officer your home address, mailing address, telephone number, and email address. If any of those change, you must notify your probation officer within 24 hours. You shall provide your probation officer with the location of your job and employment status. If you change or lose your job, you must notify your probation officer within 72 hours. Upon request, you must allow your probation officer to visit you at reasonable times wherever you are staying.
Virginia state Virginia Department of Corrections: Conditions of Probation Supervision (Operating Procedure 920.1 Attachment 2) court 2016, accessed June 2024 unspecified 11 I will obey all Federal, State and local laws and ordinances. I will not leave the State of Virginia or travel outside of a designated area without permission of the Probation and Parole Officer. I will not change my residence without the permission of the Probation and Parole Officer. I will not use alcoholic beverages to the extent that it disrupts or interferes with my employment or orderly conduct.

I will not unlawfully use, possess or distribute controlled substances or related paraphernalia.
I will maintain regular employment and I will notify the Probation and Parole Officer promptly of any changes in my employment. I will permit the Probation and Parole Officer to visit my home and place of employment. I will follow the Probation and Parole Officer’s instructions and will be truthful, cooperative, and report as instructed.
Washington state Washington Department of Corrections: Conditions, Requirements, and Instructions (DOC 07-024) court 2023 both 12 I will obey all laws. For causes under court/Board jurisdiction, this condition may only be imposed by the court/Board. I must obtain written permission from the case manger before traveling outside the county in which I reside or outside Washington State. I must obtain permission from the case manager before changing residence, even for one night. I will notify the case manager before changing employment.

I will notify the case manager before changing education programs.
The court has ordered me to pay Legal Financial Obligations (LFOs), including accrued interest. I agree to pay not less than ____ per month beginning _____ to the Clerk of _____ County. I consent to allow home visits to monitor my compliance with supervision. These visits include access for purposes of visual inspection all areas of residence in which I have exclusive or joint control/access.

Department employees may make contact with me at my residence, at my place of employment, or other known areas where I may be.

I will allow Department employees unrestricted access to my residence.
I am aware that I am subject to search and seizure of my person, residence, automobile, or other personal property if there is reasonable cause on the part of Department employees to believe that I have violated the conditions/ requirements or instructions above.

I am also aware that, for the safety and security of Department employees, I am subject to a pat search or other limited security search without reasonable cause when I am in, on, or about to enter Department premises, and when I am about to enter a Department vehicle.
I have been advised that I am not authorized to possess any deadly weapons...This includes, but is not limited to... sling shots... sandbags...
West Virginia state WV Code §62-12-9 (2023) statute 2023 unspecified 6 The probationer may not, during the term of his or her probation, violate any criminal law of this or any other state or of the United States. The probationer may not, during the term of his or her probation, leave the state without the consent of the court which placed him or her on probation. The probationer pay a fee, not to exceed $20 per month, to defray costs of supervision: Provided, That the court conducts a hearing prior to imposition of probation and makes a determination on the record that the offender is able to pay the fee without undue hardship.
Wisconsin state Wisconsin Department of Corrections: Standard Rules of Community Supervision statute, court, and Department of Corrections17 accessed June 2024 unspecified 18 Avoid all conduct which is in violation of federal or state statute, municipal or county ordinances, tribal law. Inform your agent of your whereabouts and activities as he/she directs.

Obtain approval and a travel permit from your agent prior to leaving the State of Wisconsin.
Obtain approval from your agent prior to changing residence or employment. In the case of an emergency, notify your agent of the change within 72 hours. Make yourself available for tests and comply with ordered tests by your agent including but not limited to urinalysis, breathalyzer, DNA collection and blood samples. Obtain approval from your agent prior to changing residence or employment. In the case of an emergency, notify your agent of the change within 72 hours. Pay court ordered obligations and monthly supervision fees as directed by your agent per Wisconsin Statutes, and Wisconsin Administrative Code. Pay court ordered obligations and monthly supervision fees as directed by your agent per Wisconsin Statutes, and Wisconsin Administrative Code. Make yourself available for searches including but not limited to residence, property, computer, cell phone or other electronic device under your control. Avoid all conduct…which is not in the best interest of the public welfare or your rehabilitation. Provide true, accurate, and complete information in response to inquiries by DOC staff. Obtain written approval from your agent prior to purchasing, trading, selling or operating a motor vehicle.

Obtain approval from your agent prior to borrowing money or purchasing on credit.

Not vote in any federal, state or local election as outlined in Wisconsin Statutes s.6.03(1)(b) if you are a convicted felon, until you have successfully completed the terms and conditions of your felony sentence and your civil rights have been restored.
Wyoming state Wyoming: Standard Supervision Probation Conditions Court Order court undated unspecified 8 The Defendant shall have no violations of any state, federal, or local law. The Defendant shall not leave the State of Wyoming without prior approval of the supervising probation agent and not before securing a written travel pass. The Defendant shall keep the supervising agent advised of his/her current address, phone number and living arrangements. Any changes will be reported to the supervising agent within 24 hours of the occurrence. The Defendant will allow the supervising probation agent to visit her/his home, employment site or elsewhere the Defendant may be for routine home visit or other matters related to supervision of the case. The Defendant shall be subject to search and seizure of his/her person, vehicle, residence or other area he/she may be occupying whenever the supervising agent has reason to believe said Defendant has violated the conditions of the Judgment and Sentence. The Defendant shall maintain a telephone at his/her residence unless reason can be shown to your supervision agent why such service is not available.


Probation conditions are frequently imposted statewide or at the county (or city) level. The jurisdiction reflects the location for which we were able to find standard conditions.
When available, we have linked to the primary source where we found the standard conditions. Some conditions are not publicly available.
The authority responsible for setting the standard conditions of probation in this jurisdiction. Most often, this authority is a state judiciary (court), statewide statute, or a local/municipal court.
The year of the standard conditions, when available.
Offense level
Some standard probation conditions are for felony offenses only, while misdemeanor probation may be supervised differently (often at the county or local level).
Number of standard conditions
The number of standard conditions listed in our source material for each jurisdiction.
Obey all laws
Conditions mandating that people on probation“obey the law.”
Movement: Geographic
Conditions restricting the geographic movement of people on probation. These restrictions can prohibit unsanctioned travel outside a county, a state, or another designated geographic area.
Movement: Specific places
Conditions prohibiting people on probation from entering specific places or establishments, including those that serve alcohol or where people may be using drugs.
Movement: Residence changes
Conditions requiring people on probation to report changes in their home address.
Conditions prohibiting contact between people on probation and other people, most often people with felony convictions or who have been incarcerated.
Drug and alcohol use
Conditions regarding drug and alcohol use for people on probation.
Drug and alcohol testing
Conditions regarding testing for drugs and alcohol people on probation.
Work and/or school
Conditions that require people on probation to be employed or engaged in an education/vocational program. Incldues conditions requiring that people on probation notify their probation officers of changes in employment status.
Financial: Probation fees
Financial conditions that require people on probation pay supervision fees.
Financial: Dependent support
Financial conditions that require people on probation financially support their dependents or other family members.
Financial: Drug tests
Conditions that hold people on probation financially responsible for the costs of drug and alcohol testing ordered by the probation department.
Financial: Other
Financial conditions that require people on probation to pay court fines and fees and restitution, among other financial obligations.
Conditions implementing a curfew for people on probation, usually to be determined by the probation officer, not the court or statute.
Conditions outling probation officer visits to homes, places of work, and almost anywhere else.
Conditions stating people on probation are subject to searches by probation departments, most often without a warrant or any notice.
“Be good”
Conditions that require people to“be good,” frequently without defining what that looks like.
“Injurious or vicious habits”
Conditions that require people on probation to“avoid injurious or vicious habits,” most often without an description of what such habits are.
Conditions mandating that people on probation be“truthful” in all interactions with their probation officer.
Other conditions of note
Other conditions we found noteworthy and/or surprising in our research.


  1. The bulk of the standard conditions are set in statute (Ala. Code §15-22-52), but the State of Alabama’s Unified Judicial System Order of Probation contains additional standard conditions, as authorized by statute.  ↩

  2. Conditions 1-9 are for “low and moderate risk individuals serving probation levels 1 and 2,” while Conditions 10-13 are for “higher risk individuals serving level 3 probation.”  ↩

  3. This condition only applies to people serving probation levels 1 and 2.  ↩

  4. This condition only applies to people serving probation levels 1 and 2.  ↩

  5. This is not included in the list of conditions, but is contained in the probation sentencing order, and is therefore required by the court.  ↩

  6. The Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections describes the conditions of supervision listed here as the “parole and probation conditions for all people under community supervision in the state of Louisiana.” Therefore, we interpreted these to be the standard conditions of probation, although there is subsequent text that states “When the court places a defendant on probation, it shall require the defendant to refrain from criminal conduct and to pay a supervision fee to defray the costs of probation supervision, and it may impose any specific conditions reasonably related to his rehabilitation, including any of the following.” The statute (CCRP 895) offers this same list of conditions, but clarifies that the court may impose any conditions included in this list or any additional conditions.  ↩

  7. Massachusetts ended its use of probation fees in 2020”, but the state sent this court order (last revised in 2020) in response to our 2024 request for information regarding standard probation conditions.  ↩

  8. While this court order is from a district court, not the state judiciary, the Mississippi Department of Corrections shared this in response to our information request for documentation of statewide probation conditions.  ↩

  9. While the language in this statute does not clearly identify these as standard conditions of probation, the state judiciary pointed us to this statute in response to our request for information on standard conditions of probation in Nebraska.  ↩

  10. The relevant court order (State of North Dakota Courts: Conditions for Sentence to Probation, Form 9A) lists 26 possible conditions of probation. It appears that at sentencing, the conditions of probation are checked off when applicable. For this reason, we deferred to the list of the explicit conditions required in statute to identify the standard conditions.  ↩

  11. In Cleveland County, Oklahoma, we reviewed two court orders, signed on the same day by the same judge for felony offenses. The standard conditions are very similar, although one court order has an additional 3 conditions not included in the other court order: a condition requiring notification of police contact, address changes, or phone number changes within 48 hours; a condition requiring remaining current on any child support order, a condition stating that the individual cannot possess a firearm under federal law, and a condition allowing the probation officer to visit any place at any time.  ↩

  12. One of the court orders we reviewed included this standard condition, but the other court order, signed on the same day by the same judge did not include this condition in the list of standard conditions at the top of the order.  ↩

  13. One of the court orders we reviewed included this standard condition, but the other court order, signed on the same day by the same judge did not include this condition in the list of standard conditions at the top of the order.  ↩

  14. One of the court orders we reviewed included this standard condition, but the other court order, signed on the same day by the same judge did not include this condition in the list of standard conditions at the top of the order.  ↩

  15. Conditions include: “Any person whose income is below 125% of the Federal Poverty Level shall have all probation and any other discretionary fees and court costs waived. The court retains discretion to make inquiries into any indigency claims to determine if there is willful indigency and, thus not indigent.”  ↩

  16. Vermont has a short list of standard conditions (six conditions) and list of 31 pre-written special conditions that simply need to be selected at the time of sentencing.  ↩

  17. The standard conditions state: “The following rules are governed by administrative code, court ordered conditions, and any goals or objectives set by the Department of Corrections.”  ↩

See column label definitions and footnotes

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