One Size Fits None:

How 'standard conditions' of probation set people up to fail

By Emily Widra
October 2024

Appendix Table 2: Probation fees in standard conditions

In our survey of standard probation conditions in our 2024 report, One Size Fits None: How ‘standard conditions’ of probation set people up to fail, we found that out of the 76 jurisdictions we found standard probation conditions for 33 jurisdictions included a condition requiring the payment of supervision fees. Sixteen of these jurisdictions’ conditions included the amount of money owed and we collected the amount owed in the 17 other jurisdictions from other sources, most often the state statutes.

This table includes, when possible, the minimum amount owed monthly and for a 12-month period of probation. In five jurisdictions, we were not able to find the minimum amount as the statutes appeared to only specify a maximum. In those cases, we calculated the 12-month cost based on the maximum. In addition, two jurisdictions did not have monthly probation fees but did require a one-time fee, and these jurisdictions are included below.

State Jurisdiction Condition regarding probation fees Additional source for fee amount Initial user fee (minimum) Supervision fee Cost for 12 months
Alabama state Pay to the Probation Officer $40.00 per month during the probation period, pursuant to law. $40 $480
Arkansas state You must pay a monthly supervision fee and applicable program fees unless granted an exemption. Any offender on probation, parole, or transfer under supervision of the Division of Community Correction shall pay to the division a monthly fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00). AR Code §16-93-104 (2020) $35/month $420
Idaho state I will comply with Idaho Code 20-225, which authorizes the IDOC to collect a cost of supervision fee. I am responsible for paying my cost of supervision fees, and I will make timely payments as prescribed in my monthly cost of supervision bill. IDOC currently assesses a monthly fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) per month. Idaho Department of Corrections, Cost-of-Supervision Fees $60/month $720
Indiana Allen County You shall pay an administration fee of $100.00, an initial probation user fee of $100.00 per convicted crime, and a supervision fee of $30.00 per month and all other expenses which may be required to complete your probation. $100 $30/month $460
Indiana Lake County I shall pay…Probation fees. In addition to any other conditions of probation, the court may order each person convicted of a misdemeanor to pay: (1) not more than a fifty dollar ($50) initial probation user’s fee; (2) a monthly probation user’s fee of not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than twenty dollars ($20) for each month that the person remains on probation; IN Code §35-38-2-1 (2023) $50 $10-20/month minimum $170
Indiana Marion County Probation User Fee: Misdemeanor Rate $50 + $20/month, Felony Rate: $100 + $30/month. $50 $20/month $290
Indiana Porter County In addition to other conditions of Probation, all individuals on Probation shall pay an Administration Fee, an Initial User Fee, and a Monthly User Fee.
Probation User Fees: Felony Administration Fee of $100.00; Felony Initial User Fee of $25.00-100.00; Felony Monthly User Fee of $15.00-$30.00; Misdemeanor Administration Fee of $50.00; Misdemeanor Initial User Fee of $50.00; Misdemeanor Monthly User Fee of $10.00-$20.00.
$50 initial user fee + $50 administration fee $10/month $170
Iowa Polk County Defendant shall pay any probation administration fees. A person placed on probation or parole and subject to supervision by a district department shall be required to pay an enrollment fee of three hundred dollars to the district department to offset the costs of supervision. IA Code §905.14 (2023) $300 one-time enrollment fee $300
Kansas Shawnee County Pay the district court a correctional supervision fee of $60 (misdemeanor) or $120 (felony), which the judge may reduce or waive. $60/month $720
Louisiana state When the court places a defendant on probation, it shall require the defendant …to pay a supervision fee to defray the costs of probation supervision When the court places the defendant on supervised probation, it shall order as a condition of probation a monthly fee of not less than sixty nor more than one hundred ten dollars payable to the Department of Public Safety and Corrections or such other probation office, agency, or officer as designated by the court, to defray the cost of supervision which includes salaries for probation and parole officers. When the court places the defendant on supervised probation, it shall order as a condition of probation the payment of a monthly fee of eleven dollars. The monthly fee established in this Paragraph shall be in addition to the fee established in Paragraph C. LA Code Crim Pro Art. 895.1 (2023) $65 minimum $60/month + $11/month minimum $917
Maine state You shall…pay to the Department of Corrections a supervision fee of $ __ per month. The court shall attach as a condition of probation that the person pay, through the Department of Corrections, a supervision fee of between $10 and $50 per month, as determined by the court, for the term of probation. If the court does not set a supervision fee, the supervision fee is $10 per month. 17-A ME Rev Stat §1807 (2023) $10-50/month minimum $120
Michigan state If sentenced in circuit court, the probationer shall pay a probation supervision fee as prescribed in section 3c of this chapter. During the completion of the Presentence Investigation Report, a supervision fee amount of $30.00 per month shall be recommended for probation supervision without an EM or $60.00 per month for supervision with an electronic monitoring device. Michigan Department of Corrections Policy Directive 06.02.110 $30/month $360
Mississippi state The defendant shall…pay to the Mississippi Department of Corrections such monthly reporting fee as authorized by the laws of Mississippi, said fees, to be paid monthly by Western Union. Any offender on probation, parole, earned-release supervision, post-release supervision, earned probation or any other offender under the field supervision of the Community Services Division of the department shall pay to the department the sum of Fifty-five Dollars ($55.00) per month. Miss. Code Ann. §47-7-49 $55/month $660
Missouri state I shall pay a monthly intervention fee in an amount set by Missouri Department of Corrections pursuant to section 217.690, RSMo. This payment shall be due and payable on the first day of the first month following placement on probation, or acceptance of an interstate case in the state of Missouri or on the first day of the fourth month following parole or conditional release. The division of probation and parole has discretionary authority to require the payment of a fee, not to exceed sixty dollars per month, from every offender placed under division supervision on probation, parole, or conditional release, to waive all or part of any fee, to sanction offenders for willful nonpayment of fees, and to contract with a private entity for fee collections services. MO Rev Stat §217.690 (2024) maximum $60/month maximum $720
New Mexico state I will pay probation costs as determined by my Probation/Parole Officer on or before the designated date each month to the Corrections Department in the form of a money order or cashier’s check. The defendant upon conviction shall be required to pay the actual costs of the defendant’s supervised probation service to the adult probation and parole division of the corrections department or appropriate responsible agency for deposit to the corrections department intensive supervision fund not exceeding one thousand eight hundred dollars ($1,800) annually to be paid in monthly installments of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and not more than one hundred fifty dollars ($150), as set by the appropriate district supervisor of the adult probation and parole division, based upon the financial circumstances of the defendant. NM Stat §31-20-6 (2023) $25-150/month minimum $300
New York Erie County Probation fees - Active/Reporting: 1 year or less $200.00; More than 1 year, not more than 2 years $300.00; More than 2 years $450.000. All fees must be paid in advance as a term of probation. $200 one-time fee for 1 year of supervision $200
North Carolina state A defendant must…pay a supervision fee as specified in subsection (c1). $40 $480
North Dakota state The court shall order supervision costs and fees of not less than fifty-five dollars per month unless the court makes a specific finding on record that the imposition of fees will result in an undue hardship. minimum $55/month minimum $660
Ohio Cuyahoga County Pay all restitution, Probation Supervision Fees, Court Costs, fines, and other Court approved fees in regular monthly installments or as directed. Unless otherwise ordered by the court all fines and court costs must be paid in full within six (6) months of sentence or the probationer may begin paying the balance owed through Court Community Service. If the court places the offender under the control and supervision of a probation agency, the court may require the offender, as a condition of community control, to pay a monthly supervision fee of not more than fifty dollars for supervision services. Ohio Rev. Code §2951.021 maximum $50/month maximum $600
Ohio Hamilton County I will meet my financial obligations to probation that may include: probationary and EMU fees, Court fines and costs, and restitution. I will make regular payments as instructed. If the court places the offender under the control and supervision of a probation agency, the court may require the offender, as a condition of community control, to pay a monthly supervision fee of not more than fifty dollars for supervision services. Ohio Rev. Code §2951.021 maximum $50/month maximum $600
Oklahoma Cleveland County The Defendant shall pay $40.00 per month fees to Oklahoma Court Services for the term of the supervision. $40 $480
Oklahoma Tulsa County I will pay a monthly $40.00 Supervision Fee in the form of a money order or cashier’s check to the Supervising Authority. $40 $480
Pennsylvania Allegheny County You must pay any restitution, fines, costs and supervision fees during the term of your court supervision. You will be required to establish a monthly payment plan based on your ability to pay. Failure to make payments may result in your case balance being sent to a collection agency. Supervision fee—An amount of at least $25 which is specified to be paid to the Court, unless reduced. 37 Pa. Code §68.2 minimum $25/month minimum $300
Pennsylvania Bucks County Unless waived by the Court, I understand I will be assessed an administrative fee of $ ____________ for each month of supervision ordered by the Court. Supervision fee—An amount of at least $25 which is specified to be paid to the Court, unless reduced. 37 Pa. Code §68.2 minimum $25/month minimum $300
Pennsylvania Delaware County You are, of course, subject by Order of the Court and as a part of your sentence in this case, to pay all fines, costs and/or restitution imposed/monthly supervision fee of $40.00. $40 $480
Pennsylvania Philadelphia County You are subject to…Pay supervision fee to the Philadelphia Adult Probation Department by ACT NO.35-1991 of the Pennsylvania General Assembly unless the fee is waived by the Court. Supervision fee—An amount of at least $25 which is specified to be paid to the Court, unless reduced. 37 Pa. Code §68.2 minimum $25/month minimum $300
Tennessee Knox County $45.00 per month fee for clients placed on probation on diversion pursuant to TCA 40-35-313. $45 $540
Tennessee Rutherford County I will pay all required fees (fines, costs, restitution, supervision, drug screen, class fees, etc.) as instructed. Except in those cases waived by the director as hardship cases, any person who is placed on parole or any person who is granted suspension of sentence and probation by a court of competent jurisdiction, and who is under the supervision of the department, and based on the person’s ability to pay, shall be required to contribute fifteen dollars ($15.00) per month toward the cost of the person’s supervision and rehabilitation. TN Code §40-28-201 (2023) $15/month $180
Tennessee Shelby County Probationer shall pay the probation supervision fee of forty-five ($45.00) dollars each month for the period of supervised probation. $45 $540
Texas Dallas County Paying probation and court fees ordered by the court. Except as otherwise provided by this article, a judge who grants community supervision to a defendant shall set a reimbursement fee of not less than $25 and not more than $60 to be paid each month during the period of community supervision by the defendant. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. S42A.652 $25-60/month $300
Utah state Agree to pay a supervision fee of $30 per month unless granted a waiver by the Department of Corrections $30/month $360
West Virginia state The probationer pay a fee, not to exceed $20 per month, to defray costs of supervision: Provided, That the court conducts a hearing prior to imposition of probation and makes a determination on the record that the offender is able to pay the fee without undue hardship. maximum $20/month maximum $240
Wisconsin state Pay court ordered obligations and monthly supervision fees as directed by your agent per Wisconsin Statutes, and Wisconsin Administrative Code. The department shall charge a fee not to exceed $60 per month to probationers, parolees, and persons on extended supervision to partially reimburse the department for the costs of providing supervision and services. Wis. Admin. Code §DOC 328.07 (2024) maximum $60/month maximum $720


Probation conditions are frequently imposted statewide or at the county (or city) level. The jurisdiction reflects the location for which we were able to find standard conditions.
Condition regarding probation fees
The text of the standard probation condition referring to probation or supervision fees. For sourcing and additional conditions, see Appendix Table 1.
Additional source for fee amount
When the actual amount of the fee was not included in the conditions, we retrieved that information from other sources, most often the state statute.
Initial user fee (minimum)
This is a fee sometimes required when starting community supervision. When mentioned in the conditions or the statute that set the probation fee, we included the“initial user fee” in our calculations of the cost of probation for 12 months of supervision. This is not an exhaustive list of places that charge“initial user fees.”
Supervision fee
The supervision fee owed, most often a monthly fee. When the amounts presented were ranges or differed for misdemeanors and felonies, we listed the lowest amount.
Cost for 12 months
The amount of money an individual owes for their probation supervision fees, including “initial user fees.” When the amounts presented were ranges or differed for misdemeanors and felonies, we based this calculated cost on the lowest amount.

See column label definitions

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