Research Library
Our mission is to empower activists, journalists, and policymakers to shape effective criminal justice policy, so we go beyond our original reports and analyses to curate a database of virtually all the empirical criminal justice
research available online.
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- COVID-19 (79) The pandemic’s impact on prisons and jails
- Community Impact (270) Impact of the criminal legal system on housing, schools, employment, neighborhoods, and more
- Conditions of Confinement (419) Prison and jail conditions such as solitary confinement, inhospitable environments, labor, discipline, food, and more
- Crime and Crime Rates (384) Curated research on crime, crime rates, and victimization
- Death Penalty (164) Information and data on capital punishment and executions
- Disability (30) Research on the prevalence of, and challenges faced by, people with disabilities in the criminal legal system
- Drug Policy (234) Punishing and treating drug use in the criminal legal system
- Economics of Incarceration (308) The economic drivers and consequences of mass incarceration
- Education (129) Curated research on education programs in prisons and the school-to-prison pipeline
- Families (149) The criminal legal system’s impacts on families
- Felon Disenfranchisement (105) Barring people from the polls because of criminal convictions
- General (162) Broad-based research and information about the criminal legal system
- Gun Control (50) Information and data about gun violence, firearms, and gun control policy
- Health impact (367) Research on access to healthcare, chronic and infectious disease, mortality, and more
- Immigration (69) Research on the incarceration and detainment of immigrants
- Incarceration Rates Growth Causes (477) Research documenting the growth of prison and jail populations
- International Incarceration Comparisons (58) Curated research on incarceration trends worldwide, and how they compare to the U.S.
- Jails (282) Research on jail populations, jail conditions, jail construction, and more
- LGBT (28) Information and data on the mass criminalization and incarceration of LGBTQ+ people
- Mental Health (174) The prevalence and treatment of mental illness in the criminal legal system
- Police and Policing (345) Information and data on arrests, traffic stops, law enforcement interactions, and more
- Poverty and wealth (150) How fines, fees, debt, and criminalization punish poor people
- Pretrial Detention (160) Research on the costs and outcomes of detaining people before trial
- Prison Gerrymandering (34) Research on prison-based gerrymandering (see also
- Privatization (101) How private companies exploit incarcerated people and their families
- Probation and parole (121) Information about community supervision policies, conditions, violations, and more
- Public Opinion (82) Public perceptions of crime, prison, reform, and more
- Race and ethnicity (415) Racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal legal system
- Recidivism and Reentry (393) Challenges and outcomes for people released from incarceration, including collateral consequences
- Sentencing Policy and Practices (273) The rise and impact of excessive criminal sentences
- Sexual offenses (51) The unique punishment of sex-related crimes through registries, civil commitment, and other means
- Trials (233) Research on prosecutors, judges, public defense, court caseloads, and more
- Women (212) Research on gender disparities in the criminal legal system
- Youth (487) Research about youth in the criminal legal system
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Some of the most recently added reports are:
Wednesday, December 18 2024:
- Crumbling Conditions Create Crisis in Minnesota Prisons,
Office of the Ombuds for Corrections.
February, 2024.
"One [issue] that stands out...the extremely high and uncomfortable temperatures in living units in the summer, especially in the top tiers of antiquated facilities...the condensation from summer humidity makes the galleys...slippery."
- Visits and Phone Calls,
New Jersey Office of the Corrections Ombudsperson.
April, 2024.
"In 2023, the Department of Corrections imposed 4,925 disciplinary sanctions involving the loss of telephone privileges on 2,475 unique individuals (about 19% of the incarcerated population)."
- In-Custody Deaths in Ten Maryland Detention Centers, 2008-2019,
Carmen Johnson et al and the UCLA BioCritical Studies Lab.
August, 2023.
"The detention centers with the most instances of in-custody death in our study sample are situated in jurisdictions with both high rates of poverty and large numbers of Black residents."
- Report: Los Angeles County Jail Deaths 2009,
Alexander Li, Grace Sosa, Terence Keel, UCLA BioCritical Studies Lab.
February, 2023.
"This report provides summary data on deaths reported by [LA Sheriff's Department] in Los Angeles County Jails, as well as trends in demographic information and death determinations, during the year 2009, one of the most lethal years on record."
- Natural Causes? 58 Autopsies Prove Otherwise Evaluating the Autopsies of 58 Deaths in Los Angeles County Jails,
Nicholas Shapiro, Terence Keel, UCLA Carceral Ecologies Lab, BioCritical Studies Lab.
June, 2022.
"Our study shows that young Black and Latinx men are not dying merely from"
- Medicaid Expansion and Mortality Among Persons Who Were Formerly Incarcerated,
Pasangi S. Perera et al.
September, 2024.
"After Medicaid expansion, White individuals who were formerly incarcerated in RI experienced a sustained decrease of 388 deaths per 100,000 person-years per year...3 times that experienced by all racially minoritized individuals."
- Medical Debt Behind Bars: The Punishing Impact of Copays, Fees, and Other Carceral Medical Debt,
National Consumer Law Center.
September, 2024.
"Charging incarcerated people copays or other medical fees for healthcare does not appear to help bring down healthcare costs for prisons or jails... the amount collected may be minimal and insufficient to reduce costs."
- Examining The Impact and Reasons for Technical Violations of Mandatory Supervised Release on Prison Admissions in Illinois,
David Olson, Don Stemen, & Patrick Griffin.
"Although technical violators account for 20% to 30% of all admissions to IDOC, they tend to stay in prison for a shorter period of time than court-sentenced individuals."
- Georgia Courts Access and Fairness Survey Results,
A.L. Burruss Institute of Public Service and Research at Kennesaw State University.
September, 2019.
"40.9% strongly agreed, while 36.1% agreed, with the statement "The way my case was handled was fair.""
- The Second Look Movement: A Review of the Nation's Sentence Review Laws,
Sentencing Project.
May, 2024.
"The report provides an overview of the second look laws passed by 12 state legislatures that provide judicial sentence review hearings beyond opportunities provided to those with [juvenile life without parole] sentences."
- Women's Justice: A Preliminary Assessment of Women in the Criminal Justice System,
Council on Criminal Justice and the Women's Justice Commission.
July, 2024.
"Women in the criminal justice system face distinct challenges and have a unique set of needs that frequently go unaddressed."
- Pregnant Women in State Prisons and Local Jails: Federal Assistance to Support Their Care,
United States Government Accountability Office.
October, 2024.
"Officials from the Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Office of Justice Programs told us that while their grant programs are not specifically for providing maternal health care in prisons and jails...award funds could be used for this purpose."