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  • Bottleneck: The Place of County Jails in California's COVID-19 Correctional Crisis Hadar Aviram, May, 2021“The closure of prisons created a bottleneck in jails, jamming the flow of residents in and out of county facilities. This resulted in serious overcrowding, which was documented in several lawsuits brought on behalf of jail population.”
  • The People's Plan for Prison Closure Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB), April, 2021“Accomplishing our goal of closing ten prisons in five years will be hard. It will require political courage. But history is watching us...”
  • Do District Attorneys Represent Their Voters? Evidence from California's Era of Criminal Justice Reform Michael W. Sances, January, 2021“While voter preferences vary greatly across issues and geography, DA's almost always take the conservative position.”
  • Legal Ruralism and California Parole Hearings: Space, Place, and the Carceral Landscape Kathryne M. Young, December, 2020“[Parole] commissioners report that prisons' location in rural areas affects the rehabilitative resources available, which are seen as an important aspect of their readiness for release.”
  • Medicare and People Leaving Incarceration: A Primer for California Advocates During the Pandemic Justice in Aging, August, 2020“Though access to Medicare benefits is suspended during incarceration, Medicare enrollment rules remain in place. This affects both individuals who turn 65 while in custody and those who were enrolled in Medicare before incarceration.”
  • Voting in California Jails: A community toolkit ACLU of Northern California, August, 2020“There are roughly 82,000 people in California's jails and practically all of those individuals who are adult citizens have the right to vote.”
  • Proposition 47's Impact on Racial Disparity in Criminal Justice Outcome Public Policy Institute of California, June, 2020“The African American-white arrest rate gap narrowed by about 5.9 percent, while the African American-white booking rate gap shrank by about 8.2 percent.”
  • Fee Abolition and the Promise of Debt-Free Justice for Young People and Their Families in California: A Status Report on the Implementation of Senate Bill 190 Berkeley Law Policy Advocacy Clinic, October, 2019“In violation of SB 190, some counties continue to assess prohibited fees against young people ages 18-21 in criminal court for home detention, electronic monitoring, and drug testing.”
  • report thumbnail How many people in your state go to local jails every year? Prison Policy Initiative, September, 2019(The number of people who go to jail each year varies dramatically from state to state. In South Dakota, 2,888 people per 100,000 go to jail each year, while in California 934 per 100,000 go.)
  • Unlocking the Bar: Expanding Access to the Legal Profession for People with Criminal Records in California Stanford Center on the Legal Profession & Stanford Criminal Justice Center, July, 2019“Successive barriers impede access to California's legal profession for qualified candidates with criminal records.”
  • "Nothing Good Happens in There:" Closing and Repurposing Youth Detention Facilities in California Impact Justice, July, 2019“Our experience in this field has demonstrated time and again that simply closing a facility is not enough: The real focus of the work must be in developing and implementing repurposing strategies which truly benefit the community.”
  • The Effect of Sentencing Reform on Crime Rates: Evidence from California's Proposition 47 Patricio Dominguez-Rivera, Magnus Lofstrom, and Steven Raphael, July, 2019“We find little evidence that the changes in correctional populations, arrests, and convictions reclassifications ushered in by California's proposition 47 impacted violent crime rates in the state.”
  • The California Death Penalty is Discriminatory, Unfair, and Officially Suspended. So Why Does Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey Still Seek to Use It? ACLU, June, 2019“All of the 22 people who have received death sentences while Lacey has been in office are people of color.”
  • Recidivism of Felony Offenders in California Public Policy Institute of California, June, 2019“We find that rearrest and reconviction rates have declined for felony offenders released from October 2011 to October 2015.”
  • California Crime Survivors Speak: A Statewide Survey of California Victims' Views on Safety and Justice Californians for Safety and Justice, April, 2019“By a nearly a five to one margin, victims say that prison either makes it more likely someone will commit crimes or has no public safety impact at all. Only a small percentage believe that prisons help rehabilitate people.”
  • Towed into Debt: How Towing Practices in California Punish Poor People Western Center on Law & Poverty, March, 2019“For many Californians, a vehicle tow means the permanent loss of their car and, along with it, the loss of employment, access to education and medical care, and, for some, their only shelter.”
  • Repairing the Road to Redemption in California Californians for Safety and Justice, September, 2018(This report highlights the lifetime consequences of having a conviction in California for individuals, families, and communities and includes recommendations to increase legal remedies and remove unnecessary restrictions.)
  • Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Arrests for Drug Possession After California Proposition 47, 2011-2016 Mooney et al., August, 2018“Reducing criminal penalties for drug possession can reduce racial/ethnic disparities in criminal justice exposure and has implications for improving health inequalities linked to social determinants of health.”
  • Can We Downsize Our Prisons and Jails Without Compromising Public Safety? Findings from California's Prop 47 Bradley J. Bartos and Charis E. Kubrin, August, 2018“Our findings reveal that Prop 47 had no effect on homicide, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, and burglary. At the same time, we find that larceny and motor vehicle thefts appear to have increased moderately.”
  • The Impact of Proposition 47 on Crime and Recidivism Public Policy Institute of California, June, 2018(This report finds no evidence that violent crime increased as a result of Proposition 47.)
  • The Impact of Early Representation: An Analysis of the San Francisco Public Defender's Pre-Trial Release Unit California Policy Lab, June, 2018(In October 2017, the San Francisco Public Defender's Office piloted the Pre-Trial Release Unit (PRU) which doubled the likelihood of release at arraignment - from 14% to 28% - for arrestees who received arrest-responsive interventions from the PRU.)
  • Don't Stop Now: California leads the nation in using public higher education to address mass incarceration. Will we continue? Corrections to College California, March, 2018“This publication highlights California's successful efforts to build public higher education access for thousands of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students, both in custody and on college campuses throughout the state.”
  • report thumbnail The dismal state of transgender incarceration policies Prison Policy Initiative, November, 2017“Even in supposed progressive bastions such as California and Vermont, a trans person is not assured of the full range of basic rights that the federal commission deemed necessary for their safety while incarcerated.”
  • Officer Health and Wellness: Results from the California Correctional Officer Survey Amy E. Lerman, November, 2017(This report summarizes the results from a correctional officer study examining mental and physical wellness; exposure to violence; attitudes towards rehabilitation and punishment; job training and management; work-life balance; and training and support.)
  • Pretrial Detention Reform: Recommendations to the Chief Justice Judicial Branch of California Pretrial Detention Reform Workgroup, October, 2017(California's pretrial detention system unnecessarily compromises victim & public safety because it bases a person's liberty on financial resources, not their likelihood of future criminal behavior, exacerbating socioeconomic disparities & racial bias.)

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