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  • Prison Inmates at Midyear 2009 Statistical Tables Bureau of Justice Statistics, June, 2010“Of the 16 states reporting decreases, California (down 3,644), Texas (down 2,347), and Michigan (down 1,554) reported the largest decreases.”
  • Michigan Breaks the Political Logjam A New Model for Reducing Prison Populations ACLU, November, 2009“[Michigan's] new policies are designed to provide offenders with individualized programing in prison, and re-entry services upon release, that are most likely to assure success on parole, based on evidence of what works to reduce crime and save money.”
  • Reclaiming Michigan's Throwaway Kids: Students Trapped in the School-to-Prison Pipeline Michigan ACLU, 2009“When school administrators refer some student discipline matters to law enforcement agencies, there is a consequent criminalization of many students whose offenses would otherwise have been dealt with entirely by school officials.”
  • Growth in Michigan's Corrections System: Historical and Comparative Perspectives Citizen's Research Counsel of Michigan, June, 2008Michigan's prison population growth is the product of a combination of several different factors including: increases in felony dispositions, swelling prison commitments, higher recidivism rates, and an increased average prisoner length of stay.”
  • When A Historical Analysis of Life Sentences Imposed in Michigan Since 1900 Citizens Alliance on Prisons & Public Spending, September, 2006“The historical record makes it indisputably clear that a life sentence in Michigan did not always mean”
  • Foreign Nationals in Michigan Prisons an examination of the costs Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Spending, April, 2006“The Governor should appoint an independent panel to review all alien prisoners, making recommendations for commutation and culling those who are eligible for removal before serving their entire sentence. The Governor should then request their removal.”
  • Second Chances Juveniles serving life without parole in Michigan prisons American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, January, 2006“The majority (221) of juvenile lifers are minority youth, 211 of whom are African-American. The percentage of African-American juvenile lifers (69%) is greatly disproportionate to the general population in Michigan, which is 15% African-American.”
  • Penny-Wise & Pound-Foolish: Assaultive offender programming and Michigan's prison costs Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Spending and American Friends Service Committee, Criminal Justice Program, April, 2005(Michigan Department of Corrections offers assaultive offender programming for people in prison for assault, the report examines the administrative shortfalls of this program and proposes solutions.)
  • Prisoner Reentry in Michigan Urban Institute, October, 2004
  • No way out Michigan's parole board redefines the meaning of Citizens Alliance on Prisons & Public Spending, September, 2004(When judges imposed a life sentence, they assumed that the prisoner would be parolled in 10-15 years, but in the 1990's the parol board started denying parol, in effect changing the sentence, contributing to overcrowding and increasing costs of prisons.)
  • Drug Policies in the State of Michigan: Economic Effects Justice Policy Institute, May, 2003
  • Nowhere to Hide: Retaliation Against Women in Michigan State Prisons Human Rights Watch, September, 1998

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