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  • Misguided Measures The Outcomes and Impacts of Measure 11 on Oregon's Youth Partnership for Safety and Justice, July, 2011“Over the three-year period from 2006 to 2008, data from the 36 Oregon counties show no discernible pattern between the number of young people charged with a Measure 11 offense and the juvenile crime rate.”
  • Access Denied in Oregon Partnership for Safety and Justice, November, 2006“The astronomical growth of incarceration in the U.S. over the past 25 years has created a wide range of social challenges, not least of which is how to respond to formerly incarcerated people upon their re-entry into the community.”
  • Oregon's Measure 11 Sentencing Reform: Implementation and System Impact RAND Corporation, January, 2005
  • Crime Trends and Incarceration Rates in Oregon Justice Strategies, June, 2004
  • Reducing Disproportionate Minority Confinement: The Multnomah County Oregon Success Story and its Implications Justice Policy Institute, January, 2002

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