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  • Guilty Property: How Law Enforcement Takes $1 Million in Cash from Innocent Philadelphians Every Year -- and Gets Away with It ACLU of Pennsylvania, June, 2015“Every year, Pennsylvania law enforcement agencies take roughly $14 million in cash, cars, and homes from property owners and never give it back.”
  • A Changing Landscape: Pennsylvania Counties Reevaluate Policies on Immigration Detainers Sheller Center for Social Justice at the Temple University Beasley School of Law, March, 2015(Pennsylvania counties are moving away from honoring ICE detainers; a number of counties cited that these changes were undertaken in order to comply with the Third Circuit Court of Appeals' decision in Galarza to avoid the possibility of legal liability.)
  • Investigation of the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections' Use of Solitary Confinement on Prisoners with Serious Mental Illness and/or Intellectual Disabilities U.S. Department of Justice, February, 2014“The manner in which PDOC subjects prisoners with SMI to prolonged periods of solitary confinement involves conditions that are often unjustifiably harsh and in which these prisoners routinely have difficulty obtaining adequate mental health care...”
  • The Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Recidivism Report: Youth with a 2007 Case Closure  Pennsylvanie Juvenile Court Judges' Commission, April, 2013“Youth with only one written allegation in their juvenile offending history (i.e., first time offenders) reoffended at a rate of 13%. Conversely, juveniles with four or more previous written allegations re-offended at a rate of 37%.”
  • Recidivism Report 2013 Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, February, 2013“...the 1-year reincarceration rates of releases from 2005 to 2011 for those who were paroled to the street were consistently lower than for those paroled to a Community Corrections Center.”
  • Florida Senate Report: Review Penalties for Drug-Free Zone Violations Florida Senate, October, 2012“The Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing did not find that "length of sentence or imposition of a mandatory minimum term per se were predictors of recidivism.”
  • Justice Reinvestment in Pennsylvania A Comprehensive Public Safety Plan for the Commonwealth Council of State Governments Justice Center, May, 2012(Comprehensive public safety plan that reduces costly inefficiencies in PA's criminal justice system and reinvests savings in law enforcement strategies that deter crime, local diversion efforts that reduce recidivism & services for crime victims.)
  • The Effects of Parental Incarceration on Children: Needs and Responsive Services Joint State Government Commission, General Assembly of Pennsylvania, December, 2011“In accordance with the HR 203 and SR 52, the present report focuses on ameliorative intervention, at mitigating the negative impacts of parental incarceration on children, and assisting these children in becoming healthy, productive and responsible adults”
  • A Constitutional Default: Services to Criminal Defendants in Pennsylvania Joint State Government Commission, General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, December, 2011(A study of the Commonwealth's indigent defense system concluded that the Supreme Court's mandate of free counsel has been ignored by the General Assembly and is not being fulfilled in Pennsylvania.)
  • This is a Prison: Glitter is Not Allowed Experiences of Trans and Gender Variant People in Pennsylvania's Prison System Hearts on a Wire Collective, 2011“Accounts of prison conditions... show the intensity of discrimination, abuse, medical neglect, and punitive isolation... on the inside. Incarcerated T/GV individuals report dismissal, intimidation, or retaliation when attempting to file grievances.”
  • report thumbnail Importing Constituents Prisoners and Political Clout in Pennsylvania Prison Policy Initiative, June, 2009“The legislative commission that drew Pennsylvania's districts in 2001 met the federal standard of population equality, but only because prisoners were counted in the wrong place.”
  • The APPD Randomized Controlled Trial in Low Risk Supervision: The Effect of Low Risk Supervision on Rearrest First Judicial Court of Pennsylvania, October, 2008“There was no difference in either the rate of any arrest or an arrest for a serious offense between low risk offenders supervised in large caseloads and low risk offenders supervised in standard caseloads.”
  • The Pennsylvania Death Penalty Assessment Report An Analysis of Pennsylvania's Death Penalty Laws, Procedures, and Practices American Bar Association, October, 2007“The study found that defendants were more than twice as likely to receive the death penalty when the jury was composed of six or more white male jurors...”
  • Models for Change: Building Momentum for Juvenile Justice Reform Justice Policy Institute, December, 2006“This brief tells the story of how the four Models for Change states -- Pennsylvania, Illinois, Louisiana, and Washington -- are already moving to reform and reshape their own state juvenile justice systems.”
  • Pennsylvania Parole and Life Imprisonment Jon E. Yount, February, 2004([This report] provides an overview of the evolution of parole in Pennsylvania and how this "penological measure" has or has not been applied to terms of life imprisonment.)
  • Pennsylvania's Motivational Boot Camp 2003 Report to the Legislature Pennsylvania Sentencing Commission, January, 2004
  • Pennsylvania: An Assessment of Access to Counsel and Quality of Representation in Delinquency Proceedings American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Center, October, 2003
  • Report on Racial and Gender Bias in the Pennsylvania Judicial System Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, March, 2003
  • Pennsylvania's Motivational Boot Camp 2002 Report to the Legislature Pennsylvania Sentencing Commission, January, 2002
  • Color of the Keystone: Racial and Ethnic Disparity in the Use of Incarceration in Pennsylvania Justice Policy Institute and National Center on Institutions and Alternatives, August, 2001
  • Some Days Are Harder Than Hard: Welfare Reform and Women With Drug Convictions in Pennsylvania Center for Law and Social Policy, December, 1999
  • Forgotten Prisoners: A Follow-Up Report on Refugee Women Incarcerated in York County, Pennsylvania Women's Commission for Refugee Women & Children, July, 1998
  • Felon Disenfranchisement: Pennsylvania's Sinister Face of Vote Dilution Jon E. Yount, March, 1998

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