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  • Officer-Involved Shootings in Texas: 2016-2019 Texas Justice Initiative, August, 2020“Shootings of civilians and their subsequent deaths caused by officers have been increasing over the four years”
  • Second Look for Justice, Safety and Savings: A Plan to Address Rehabilitated Youth Serving Extreme Sentences in Adult Prisons Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, May, 2020Texas' 40-year requirement before parole can be considered a harsh outlier, rendering its ban on juvenile LWOP virtually meaningless because the "remedy" is equally punitive and extreme.”
  • The Future of Dignity: Insights from the Texas Women's Dignity Retreat Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, March, 2020“Female incarceration in Texas has increased at more than twice the rate of male incarceration over the past 40 years.”
  • Reversing the Pipeline to Prison in Texas: How to Ensure Safe Schools AND Safe Students Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, February, 2020“Traditional, punitive models of student discipline are not only ineffective, but harmful to students and communities.”
  • Ending the War on Drugs in Travis County, Texas: How Low-Level Drug Possession Arrests are Harmful and Ineffective TCJC, Grassroots Leadership, Texas Harm Reduction Alliance, and the Civil Rights Clinic at the University of Texas School of Law, February, 2020“Between 2013 and 2017, the number of low-level Possession of a Controlled Substance (POCS) cases in Travis County increased by 43 percent,3 and Travis County courts saw a 66 percent increase in the overall number of new felony drug possession cases.”
  • Diverted Opportunities: Gaps in Drug Treatment for Justice System-Involved Populations in Harris County, Texas Katharine Neill Harris and Jay Jenkins, December, 2019“Findings from this project are consistent with prior research that suggests the justice system is generally not designed to meet the needs of a large segment of the diverted population.”
  • Torture By Another Name: Solitary Confinement in Texas Texas Civil Right Project, October, 2019“Our continued investigation has confirmed that people are still suffering severe harm in Texas' solitary confinement cells and are being deprived of minimal life necessities.”
  • The Role of Police Unions in the 21st Century Texas Public Policy Foundation, September, 2019“However, police unions have more recently become involved in policy issues beyond those bounded by typical labor relations--for instance, criminal justice public policy and training; and union involvement can become problematic.”
  • The Public Finance of Capital Punishment Alex Lundberg, April, 2019“In Texas the cost of trial is borne primarily at the county level. A panel of Texas county spending over the last decade shows counties meet the expense of trial by raising property tax rates and by reducing public safety expenditure.”
  • An Analysis of Texas Jail Bookings: How Texas Counties Could Save Millions of Dollars by Safely Diverting People From Jail Texas Appleseed, April, 2019“Our overarching finding is that tens of thousands of people who are booked into Texas jails each year never need to be booked in jail at all.”
  • Return to Nowhere: The Revolving Door Between Incarceration and Homelessness Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, February, 2019“People experiencing homelessness are 11 times more likely to face incarceration when compared to the general population, and formerly incarcerated individuals are almost 10 times more likely to be homeless than the general public.”
  • report thumbnail Red states, blue states: What do these mean for people on parole? Prison Policy Initiative, January, 2019(In 2016, Massachusetts returned almost a quarter of its entire parole population to prison for technical violations, while Texas returned only 1%..)
  • A Failure in the Fourth Degree: Reforming the State Jail Felony System in Texas Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, October, 2018“This report demonstrates through data and personal interviews with 140 incarcerated individuals the defective nature of Texas' state jail system, and it puts forth actionable policy recommendations for consideration by the 2019 Texas Legislature”
  • Out of Sight: LGBTQ Youth and Adults in Texas' Justice Systems Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, October, 2018“LGBTQ people are more likely to experience abuse and harassment by staff and others in the correctional facility, improper placement and solitary confinement, and denial of health care and programming.”
  • Young Adults and Community Supervision The Need for a Developmentally Appropriate Approach to Probation Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, August, 2018“The purpose of this report is to highlight evidence-based probation practices that improve outcomes, strengthening public safety and changing the life trajectory of young adults who might otherwise spend years in prison.”
  • report thumbnail Texas prisons, we've got some questions about your commissary vendors Prison Policy Initiative, July, 2018“Incarcerated people can't hunt for the best price -- they are captive to the questionable decisions of commissary purchasing managers.”
  • Officer-involved Shootings and Custodial Deaths in Texas Texas Justice Initiative, June, 2018(Overall, most deaths that occur in Texas law enforcement custody are due to natural causes, but that nearly half of all deaths of inmates housed alone in a jail cell are suicides.)
  • An Unsupported Population The Treatment of Women in Texas' Criminal Justice System Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, April, 2018(This report explores the unique issues facing women impacted by the criminal justice system, including challenges within Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) facilities.)
  • A "Rigged System": How the Texas Grievance System Fails Prisoners and the Public Prison Justice League, June, 2017(Prisoners in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice lack confidence in the available grievance system to adequately address their complaints, noting a range of issues such as delays in receiving a response and concerns about oversight.)
  • Capital Punishment, 2014-2015 Bureau of Justice Statistics, May, 2017“Two states accounted for 80% of the executions [in 2016]: Georgia executed nine inmates, and Texas executed seven.”
  • Raise the Age: 17-Year-Olds in the Criminal Justice System Texas Appleseed, April, 2017Texas is one of only seven states in which 17-year olds accused of committing crimes are automatically shuffled into the adult criminal justice system rather than the juvenile justice system, regardless of the crime.”
  • Emptying the 'New Asylums': A Beds Capacity Model to Reduce Mental Illness Behind Bars Treatment Advocacy Center, January, 2017“In Texas, reducing the average hospital stay from 189 days to 186 days would reduce forensic bed waits from an average of two months to three days.”
  • Preventable Tragedies: How to Reduce Mental-Health Related Deaths in Texas Jails The University of Texas School of Law Civil Rights Clinic, November, 2016“In Texas, state health officials estimate that 30 percent of jail inmates have one or more serious mental illnesses.”
  • A Texas Sized Failure: Sexual Assaults in Texas Prisons Prison Justice League & the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault, November, 2016“Regardless of claims that PREA standards are being implemented in Texas prisons, reports from prisoners themselves indicate that sexual assaults in Texas correctional facilities remain a serious problem.”
  • Responsible Prison Project: Reshaping The Texas Prison System for Greater Public Safety Aaron Flaherty, David Graham, Michael Smith, William D Jones, and Vondre Cash, October, 2016“It has often been said that those who are closest to a problem are closest to its solution. That is no less true for those who are in prison.”

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