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  • Effects of New York City's Neighborhood Policing Policy Brenden Beck, Joseph Antonelli, and Gabriela Piñeros, October, 2020(We find [New York City's)
  • New York's Ferguson Problem: How the state's racist fee system punishes poverty, lacks transparency, and is overdue for reform No Price on Justice, September, 2020“A national study found that 34 New York localities are about as reliant, if not more reliant, on fines and fees revenue as Ferguson was during the period investigated.”
  • NYPD Officer Misconduct Analysis New York University's Public Safety Lab, September, 2020“We find that precincts with higher percentages of Black residents had higher levels of excess misconduct complaints, both all and substantiated, between 2006-2019.”
  • Tracking Enforcement Trends in New York City: 2003-2018 Data Collaborative for Justice, September, 2020“There were 5.8 enforcement actions among Black people for every one enforcement action among White people in 2018.”
  • Criminal Justice System Involvement and Food Insufficiency: Findings from the 2018 New York City Community Health Survey Paywall :( Alexander Testa and Dylan B.Jackson, September, 2020“Personal and family history of CRJ involvement is associated with a higher likelihood of experiencing moderate-to-severe food insufficiency.”
  • Sending New Yorkers to Jail: Police Unions, Campaign Contributions, and the Political Fight to Rollback Bail Reform Center for Community Alternatives, Citizen Action of New York, and the Public Policy and Education Fund of New York, June, 2020(On average, Senators who voted to expose more New Yorkers to money bail received 10 times as much in law enforcement union donations as those who voted in opposition.)
  • Injustice and the Disappearance of Discretionary Detention under Trump: Detaining Low Risk Immigrants without Bond Robert Koulish and Katherine Evans, May, 2020“The data show that officers have manipulated the risk tool by subjecting low-risk immigrants to blanket detention, which has come to define the no-release Trump immigration policy in the New York City area.”
  • Bail Reform Revisited: The Impact of New York's Amended Bail Law on Pretrial Detention Center for Court Innovation, May, 2020“When compared to the original reforms passed in 2019, the amendments will produce a 16 percent relative increase in the use of money bail and pretrial detention among New York City criminal cases and a 16 percent increase in the pretrial jail population.”
  • Racial Disparities in NYPD's COVID-19 Policing: Unequal Enforcement of 311 Social Distancing Calls The Legal Aid Society, May, 2020“Although the official data released by the city is limited and incomplete, the data that is available demonstrates the disproportionate impacts of the NYPD's pandemic policing on Black and Latino New Yorkers.”
  • Racial Inequities in New York Parole Supervision Kendra Bradner and Vincent Schiraldi, March, 2020“Black and Latinx people are significantly more likely than white people to be under supervision, to be jailed pending a violation hearing, and to be incarcerated in New York State prisons for a parole violation.”
  • report thumbnail Mapping disadvantage: The geography of incarceration in New York Prison Policy Initiative and VOCAL-NY, February, 2020“A relatively small number of areas in New York are disproportionately impacted by incarceration, and high imprisonment rates correlate with other community problems related to poverty, employment, education, and health.”
  • Driving While Black and Latinx: Stops, Fines, Fees, and Unjust Debts New York Law School Racial Justice Project, February, 2020“Traffc debt suspensions disproportionately harm New Yorkers of color, and will continue to do so if the current law remains unchanged.”
  • Health Behaviors and Outcomes Associated With Personal and Family History of Criminal Justice System Involvement, New York City, 2017 Paywall :( Maria Baquero, Kimberly Zweig, and Sharon B. Meropol, January, 2020New York City adults with personal or family CJS involvement, or both, were more likely to report adverse health outcomes and behaviors.”
  • Gang Takedowns in the De Blasio Era: The Dangers of 'Precision Policing' The Policing and Social Justice Project at Brooklyn College, December, 2019“Gang policing replicates the harms of mass incarceration strategies that have come under increased scrutiny. It is dangerous and discriminatory and will not uplift neighborhoods struggling with intra-community violence, gang-related or otherwise.”
  • Paying for Jail: How County Jails Extract Wealth from New York Communities Worth Rises and Brooklyn Community Bail Fund, December, 2019“We estimate that in 2017 the 57 counties outside of New York City extracted over $25.1 million for phone calls, $14.1 million for commissary, and $0.2 million for disciplinary tickets.”
  • Pushed Out and Locked In: The Catch-22 for New York's Disabled, Homeless, Sex-Offender Registrants Allison Frankel, November, 2019New York should immediately stop detaining people solely because they are homeless, and divert its attention from sex-offender regulations that have no demonstrable impact on public safety.”
  • Trapped Inside: The Past, Present, and Future of Solitary Confinement in New York New York Civil Liberties Union, October, 2019“40,000 solitary confinement sanctions were given in 2018. One-quarter were in the form of special housing unit, or SHU sanctions, the most restrictive form of isolation.”
  • School Discipline, Safety, and Climate: A Comprehensive Study in New York City Center for Court Innovation, October, 2019“Students with disabilities, those who were chronically absent, and those who were economically disadvantaged were more likely to be arrested than their counterparts.”
  • Assessing Potential Impacts of 2020 Bail Reforms in New York City Data Collaborative for Justice, September, 2019“Had the 2020 Bail Reforms been in place in 2018, 20,349 of the 31,609 cases where bail was set would have resulted in release without bail.”
  • Fees, Fines and Fairness: How Monetary Charges Drive Inequity in New York City's Criminal Justice System New York City Comptroller, September, 2019“100,000 civil judgments were issued in just one year for failure to pay criminal court debts in New York City, all but criminalizing poverty.”
  • New York, New York: Highlights of the 2019 Bail Reform Law Vera Institute of Justice, July, 2019“If implemented effectively, a conservative estimate of the legislation's impact suggests that New York can expect at least a 40 percent reduction overall in the state's pretrial jail population.”
  • The Treatment of People with Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System: The Example of Oneida County, New York Alexander Black, Kylie Davis, Kenneth Gray, Connor O'Shea, Alexander Scheuer, June, 2019“The sub-standard condition of inpatient psychiatric facilities, due to deinstitutionalization and capital flight, means that there are not nearly enough beds or psych wards to house, let alone care for, all individuals with severe mental health issues.”
  • Bail Reform in New York: Legislative Provisions and Implications for New York City Center for Court Innovation, April, 2019“In New York City, 43 percent of the almost 5,000 people detained pretrial on April 1, 2019 would have been released under the new legislation. Outside of New York City, the effects could be even greater.”
  • Reducing Crime Through Environmental Design: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment of Street Lighting in New York City Crime Lab New York & Science in Service of Cities, April, 2019“After accounting for potential spatial spillovers, we find that the provision of street lights led, at a minimum, to a 36 percent reduction in nighttime outdoor index crimes.”
  • Pretrial Release Without Money: New York City, 1987-2018 New York City Criminal Justice Agency, March, 2019“In 2018 there were more than three times as many releases without money than money bails.”

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