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  • Improving Long-Term Employment Outcomes: Promising Findings from New York State Center for Employment Opportunities, February, 2019“12 months post-enrollment [Center for Employment Opportunities] participants were 52% more likely to be employed than their counterparts in the comparison group.”
  • Moving Beyond Youth Prisons: Lessons from New York City's Implementation of Close to Home Columbia University Justice Lab, February, 2019(New York City's Close to Home initiative represented more than moving jurisdictional control over residential services from one place to another. Rather, it was a fundamental shift in philosophy, which prioritized communities over incarceration.)
  • report thumbnail New York State's elderly prison boom: An update Prison Policy Initiative, November, 2018“Even as the incarceration rate for all other age groups declines, the number of people age 50 and over incarcerated in New York continues to rise rapidly.”
  • A New Path to Justice: Getting Women Off Rikers Island Vera Institute of Justice, November, 2018“The advisory group developed several recommendations for how New York City can embrace a different approach at three critical junctures in the criminal justice system: (1) at arrest; (2) at arraignment; and (3) when women are held at RMSC.”
  • New York Should Re-examine Mandatory Court Fees Imposed on Individuals Convicted of Criminal Offenses and Violations New York City Bar, November, 2018“Courts should not prioritize revenue-raising over the successful re-integration of incarcerated persons back into society.”
  • Un-Meetable Promises: Rhetoric and Reality in New York City's Human Trafficking Intervention Courts Global Health Justice Partnership of the Yale Law School and Yale School of Public Health, September, 2018(Embedding social services in a criminal justice context enables an overreach by the courts as gatekeepers and managers of service; mitigating immediate harms to sex workers requires shrinking (not expanding) the authority of the courts over defendant.)
  • New York State Parole Board: Failures in Staffing and Performance The Parole Preparation Project and The Release Aging People in Prison Campaign, August, 2018(This report examines the status of the New York State Parole Board, finding that severe staffing shortages, unlawful procedures, and unethical behavior threaten the board's integrity and fail both incarcerated people and the public.)
  • Understanding Risk and Needs in Misdemeanor Populations: A Case Study in New York City Center for Court Innovation, June, 2018“Despite the low-level nature of most criminal behavior, many defendants have serious needs for treatment and services that, if left unmet, can lead to a revolving door of more low-level arrests and re-arrests.”
  • Toward Misdemeanor Justice: Lessons from New York City Greg Berman & Julian Adler, June, 2018“This article seeks to articulate a new approach to misdemeanor justice that reconciles the maintenance of public safety with the urgent need to reduce unnecessary incarceration.”
  • Swept Up in the Sweep: The Impact of Gang Allegations on Immigrant New Yorkers New York Immigration Coalition, May, 2018“By broadly casting immigrant Latinx youth as gang members to be targeted for incarceration and deportation, even the outward pretense of basic rights and due process is pushed to the side.”
  • Presumed Innocent for a Price: The Impact of Cash Bail Across Eight New York Counties New York Civil Liberties Union, March, 2018(This report shows that over a five year period, tens of thousands of New Yorkers were jailed without having had their day in court simply because they could not pay bail.)
  • Less is More in New York: An Examination of the Impact of State Parole Violations on Prison and Jail Populations Columbia University Justice Lab, January, 2018(This research brief examines the decline in the number of people in New York's state prisons and local jails, including Rikers Island, and the simultaneous rise in the number of people incarcerated for state parole violations.)
  • Empire State of Incarceration Vera Institute of Justice, December, 2017(This report analyzes county-level factors that lead people to jail in New York state, providing a deeper understanding of the drivers of local incarceration.)
  • Raising the Bar: State Trends in Keeping Youth Out of Adult Courts (2015-2017) Campaign for Youth Justice, October, 2017(Between 2015 & 2017, nine states and the District of Columbia have passed laws to limit or remove youth from adult facilities. In Oregon and New York, lawmakers passed bills in 2017 to categorically ban incarcerating youth with adults in the coming year.)
  • Against the Odds: Experimenting with Alternative Forms of Bail in New York City's Criminal Courts Vera Institute of Justice, September, 2017“If New York City courts opted more frequently for alternative forms of bail, they could potentially reduce the use of pretrial detention without compromising other important considerations of compliance with court appearances and public safety.”
  • report thumbnail What "Stop-and-Frisk" Really Means: Discrimination & Use of Force Prison Policy Initiative, August, 2017“This report analyzes the racially disparate use of force in police stops in New York City in 2011.”
  • The Unintended Impact of Pretrial Detention on Case Outcomes: Evidence from New York City Arraignments Emily Leslie and Nolan G. Pope, August, 2017“Our results indicate a strong causal relationship between pretrial detention and case outcomes. We see consistent evidence that detainees plead guilty more often to more serious offenses and some evidence that they serve longer sentences.”
  • Consequences of Policing Prostitution: An Analysis of Individuals Arrested and Prosecuted for Commercial Sex in New York City Urban Institute, April, 2017“The history of criminalizing prostitution is long, but its modern incarnation in New York City is inextricably intertwined with "broken windows policing," which originated in the early 1990s.”
  • New York City's Pretrial Supervised Release Program: An Alternative to Bail Vera Institute of Justice, April, 2017“The supervised release program (SR) in NYC is an example of a new approach to handling cases pretrial. SR gives judges the option to release some defendants who would otherwise be detained due to their inability to make bail.”
  • Jail in New York City: Evidence-Based Opportunities for Reform Center for Court Innovation, March, 2017“The report models the impact of several potential reform scenarios based on risk score including the possible cost savings to the city from downsizing the jail system.”
  • Report to the New York City Housing Authority: Applying and Lifting Permanent Exclusions for Criminal Conduct Vera Institute of Justice, February, 2017“The New York Housing Authority has a commitment to maintain the safety of its residents, but must also recognize the important role of families and housing for people involved with the criminal justice system when considering permanent exclusions.”
  • Trends in Admission To The New York City Department of Correction 1995-2015 Misdemeanor Justice Project at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, December, 2016“From 1995 to 2015, the number of annual admissions to the New York City DOC dropped by nearly half (46.9 percent) from 121,328 to 64,458 admissions.”
  • Coming Home: An Evaluation of the New York City Housing Authority's Family Reentry Pilot Program Vera Institute of Justice, November, 2016“The study revealed that participants reuniting with their families both received support and supported others as they took on familial roles, especially as caregivers for elderly parents.”
  • Isolated in Essex: Punishing immigrants through solitary confinement New Jersey Advocates for Immigrant Detainees, American Friends Service Committee, and New York University School of Law Immigrants Rights Clinic, June, 2016“This report completes the picture by presenting an analysis of previously unavailable data regarding the use of disciplinary solitary confinement ("disciplinary segregation") against immigrant detainees in Essex County Correctional Facility[.]”
  • Collateral Damage: The Health Effects of Invasive Police Encounters in New York City Abigail A. Sewell and Kevin A. Jefferson, April, 2016“It shows that, holding constant crime levels, segregation measures, and known sociodemographic correlates of health, community-level Terry stop patterns associate with individual-level illness.”

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