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  • Effective Approaches for Reducing Prostitution in Texas: Proactive and Cost-Efficient Strategies to Help People Leave the Streets Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, April, 2013“There have been no studies that have shown prostitution to be a significant danger to public safety, whereas a tradition of punitive responses to prostitution has clearly demonstrated the high social and economic costs.”
  • Effective Approaches for Reducing Graffiti in Texas: Strategies to Save Money and Beautify Communities Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, March, 2013“Efforts aimed at eradicating graffiti should revolve around diversion of graffitists into positive, artistic endeavors that include communities, while reserving the prosecution of graffitists only for those who are involved in other, more serious crimes.”
  • The Case for Independent Oversight of Texas' Prison System: Pursuing Accountability, Efficiency, and Transparency Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, March, 2013“For Texas communities and the State, there are clear public safety and cost-savings benefits to developing a system of independent, external oversight for Texas prisons, but those living and working in the prisons on a daily basis will benefit most.”
  • Improving Discovery in Criminal Cases in Texas: How Best Practices Contribute to Criminal Justice Texas Appleseed, February, 2013“Witness statements are often crucial to the evaluation and defense of a criminal case. While most states require pre-trial disclosure of witness statements or lists, Texas does not.”
  • Wrong Way for Texas The Driver Responsibility Program: A Texas-Sized Failure Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, February, 2013“Surcharges levied under the DRP are significantly higher for DWI offenses than those assessed for other traffic offenses. Over the past decade, Texas' rate for alcohol-impaired fatalities has increased compared to other states.”
  • Effective Approaches to Drug Crimes In Texas: Strategies to Reduce Crime, Save Money, and Treat Addiction Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, January, 2013“Specifically, policy-makers must support the efforts of practitioners who are seeking to effectively treat those with substance abuse by improving and making more widely available community-based rehabilitation and treatment diversion alternatives.”
  • Adult and Juvenile Correctional Population Projections Fiscal Years 2013 to 2018 State of Texas Legislative Budget Board, January, 2013“The Texas adult incarceration population is projected to remain relatively flat in fiscal years 2013 and 2014 and begin a gradual increase to reach 156,877 by the end of fiscal year 2018.”
  • Texas Death Penalty Developments in 2012: The Year in Review Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, December, 2012“Seven of the new death row inmates in 2012 are African-American, one is Hispanic, and one is a white female. Over the last five years, nearly 75% of all death sentences in Texas have been imposed on people of color - 46% African-American and 28% Hispanic.”
  • Report to the Governor and Legislative Budget Board on the Monitoring of Community Supervision Diversion Funds Texas Department of Criminal Justice, December, 2012“The felony direct community supervision population increased 5.2% from August 31, 2005 (157,914 offenders) to August 31, 2012 (166,054 offenders), while the number of felony technical revocations decreased 10.9% between FY2005 (13,504) & FY2012 (12,034).”
  • Putting How to Reform Texas' Expensive, Ineffective State Jail System Texas Public Policy Foundation, November, 2012“State jails were designed to be a low-cost alternative to prison, with dual goals of reducing prison populations and reducing recidivism rates in low-risk defendants. Unfortunately, state jails are universally failing in their objective.”
  • The Texas Commission on Jail Standards: The State's Solution for Implementing A Strong County Jail System While Protecting Counties From Liability Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, November, 2012Texas Commission on Jail Standards guards Texas counties from damaging lawsuits, specifically by setting constitutional jail standards for counties to follow, conducting facility inspections, and enforcing compliance with rules and procedures.”
  • Community Solutions for Youth in Trouble Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, October, 2012“A 2012 survey of county juvenile probation chiefs in Texas found community-based programming to be the second-highest need for increased funding. Texas legislators should expand their investment in community programs.”
  • Girls' Experiences in the Texas Juvenile Justice System 2012 Survey Findings Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, October, 2012“46% of the surveyed girls report that the staff, programs, and treatment in county juvenile facilities did not help them deal with past trauma; an additional 4% said that county facilities actually did more harm than good in dealing with past trauma.”
  • States Report Reductions in Recidivism Council of State Governments Justice Center, September, 2012“This brief highlights significant statewide recidivism reductions achieved in Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, and Vermont.”
  • Defendants Whose Death Sentences Have Been Reduced Because of a Finding of "Mental Retardation" since Atkins v. Virginia Death Penalty Information Center, July, 2012“The authors found that states that significantly deviated from accepted clinical methods for determining intellectual disability, such as Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Texas, had the lowest success rates.”
  • Does Strengthening Self-Defense Law Deter Crime or Escalate Violence? Evidence from Castle Doctrine Texas A&M University, June, 2012“[R]esults indicate that castle doctrine laws increase total homicides by around 8 percent. Put differently, the laws induce an additional 600 homicides per year across the 21 states in our sample that enacted castle doctrine laws.”
  • Juvenile Justice Alternative Edu. Programs Performance Assessment Report School Year 2010-2011 Texas Juvenile Justice Department, May, 2012“The average passing rate for reading/ELA was 68.8% compared to 38.2% for math. The overall passing rates are up from 67.6% in reading/ELA and 34.5% for math in school year 2008-2009.”
  • Thinking Outside the Cell Alternatives to Incarceration for Youth with Mental Illness Texas Appleseed, April, 2011“...youth should be supported close to their families and home environments and that detention should always be a last resort.”
  • Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics, April, 2011“The five states eligible to receive the largest total state allocation included California ($51.1 million), Texas ($34.0 million), Florida ($30.9 million), New York ($24.8 million), and Illinois ($18.9 million).”
  • Restructuring Texas' Juvenile Justice System Saving Money, Saving Communities & Saving Youth Texas Appleseed, March, 2011“Building a continuum of care – reserving secure facilities for only those youth who cannot be safely treated in the community – provides for quality treatment.”
  • Justice Assistance Grant Program, 2012 Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2011“The five largest total state allocations included California ($32.9 million), Texas ($22.7 million), Florida ($19.5 million), New York ($16.0 million), and Illinois ($12.0 million).”
  • Texas' School-to-Prison Pipeline Ticketing, Arrest & Use of Force in Schools Texas Appleseed, December, 2010“Where a child attends school, and not the nature of the offense, is the great determining factor in whether a student will be arrested at school.”
  • Prison Inmates at Midyear 2009 Statistical Tables Bureau of Justice Statistics, June, 2010“Of the 16 states reporting decreases, California (down 3,644), Texas (down 2,347), and Michigan (down 1,554) reported the largest decreases.”
  • Justice for Immigration's Hidden Population Protecting the Rights of Persons with Mental Disabilities in the Immigration Court and Detention System Texas Appleseed, March, 2010“Detention often exacerbates mental illness,3 separates immigrants with mental disabilities from therapeutic services and family, frequently leads to misdiagnosis, and interrupts continuity of care.”
  • The Death Penalty in 2007: Year End Report Death Penalty Information Center, December, 2007“Almost all (86%) of the executions in 2007 were in the South, and 62% of the executions took place in one state, Texas. Executions have declined 57% since 1999.”

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