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  • Latino Voices: The Impacts of Crime and Criminal Justice Policies on Latinos Californians for Safety and Justice, June, 2014“...the data that does exist — specifically research on Latino victimization rates and their treatment in the justice system — paints a troubling picture of”
  • Liberal but Not Stupid: Meeting the Promise of Downsizing Prisons Joan Petersilia and Francis T. Cullen, Stanford Journal of Criminal Law and Policy, June, 2014“The issue of downsizing will also remain at the forefront of correctional discourse because of the court-ordered reduction in imprisonment in California...a 'criminology of downsizing' must be developed to foster effective policy interventions.”
  • Female Realignment Report: An Examination of Female Offenders Released from State Prison in the First Year of Public Safety Realignment California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, May, 2014“ shows that there is very little difference between female offenders and their outcomes following release after completing their State prison term pre- and post-Realignment”
  • Key Factors in California's Jail Construction Needs Public Policy Institute of California, May, 2014“This report highlights two important factors in addressing jail capacity constraints: aging jail facilities and long - term needs.”
  • Voting Rights Barriers and Discrimination in 21st Century California 2000-2013 Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area, March, 2014“Structural vote dilution and discrimination continue to plague California. These voting rights violations are just as real today as they were when the VRA was first enacted in 1965...”
  • No More Shackles A report on... California's counties under the new law that limits the use of restraints on pregnant prisoners Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, February, 2014“...specification that a prisoner known to be pregnant or in recovery after delivery shall never be restrained by the use of leg irons, waist chains, or handcuffs from behind the body.”
  • Voices from the Field: How California Stakeholders View Public Safety Realignment Stanford Criminal Justice Center, January, 2014“What is the result of California's great prison experiment? Even after conducting 125 interviews with agencies across California, it remains a challenge to adequately summarize the changes that Realignment (AB 109) has wrought across the state.”
  • The New Normal? Prosecutorial Charging in California After Public Safety Realignment Stanford Criminal Justice Center, January, 2014“As for specific substantive conclusions, the undramatic one is that most charging or recommendation preferences remain consistent with traditional severity factors and do not manifest major alterations in light of AB 109.”
  • Voices from the Field How California Stakeholders View Public Safety Realignment Stanford Criminal Justice Center, January, 2014“...counties now must handle virtually all drug and property crime sentences, which represented 54% of all felony arrestees convicted in California in 2010.”
  • Assessing Judicial Sentencing Preferences After Public Safety Realignment: A Survey of California Judges Stanford Criminal Justice Center, January, 2014“Our study finds that 57% of judges preferred to give an 1170(h) sentence over a felony probation sentence, except when the hypothetical contains information about the offender's substance abuse or mental illness.”
  • California's 58 Crime Rates: Realignment and Crime in 2012 Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, January, 2014“he present analysis finds California's 58 counties vary dramatically in their implementation of Realignment and in their respective crime rates.”
  • Neither here nor there: Incarceration and family instability Kristin Turney, University of California, Irvine, January, 2014“[F]indings suggest that, regardless of level of relationship commitment, maintaining relationships while one partner is behind bars is difficult.”
  • Follow the Money: How California Counties Are Spending Their Public Safety Realignment Funds Stanford Criminal Justice Center, January, 2014“Sheriff and Law Enforcement spending is generally a product of local needs (crime conditions and dedication to law enforcement) and preference for punishment. Programs and Services spending fundamentally revolves around electoral confidence in the Sheriff”
  • Reallocation of Responsibility: Changes to the Correctional System in California Post-Realignment Stanford Criminal Justice Center, January, 2014California has decarcerated under Realignment. The state prison population has decreased by 29,886 people since 2010, while the jail population has modestly increased by 8,229 people.”
  • California Prison Downsizing and Its Impact on Local Criminal Justice Systems Joan Petersilia, Harvard Law & Policy Review, 2014“Everyone agreed county officials are working more collaboratively toward reducing recidivism, and that new funding has fostered innovative programming. But our interviews also found counties carry out an initiative...imposed overnight.”
  • Realignment Report An Examination of Offenders Released from State Prison in the First Year of Public Safety Realignment California Department of Corrections And Rehabilitation, December, 2013“...the one-year return to prison rate was substantially less post-Realignment, since most offenders in this cohort were ineligible to return to prison on a parole violation.”
  • Central California Women's Facility (CCWF) Health Care Evaluation Court Medical Experts, December, 2013“We find that the Central California Women's Facility (CCWF) is not providing adequate medical care, and that there are systemic issues resulting in preventable morbidity and mortality and that present an on-going serious risk of harm to patients.”
  • Funding Public Safety Realignment Public Policy Institute of California, November, 2013“Achieving lower rates of recidivism is a key goal for the state because the share of individuals returning to crime has a direct bearing on the state's ability to reduce prison crowding.”
  • Realigning the Revolving Door: An Analysis of California Counties' AB 109 2011-2012 Implementation Plans Stanford Law School Criminal Justice Center, September, 2013“Sheriff's departments were allocated the largest amount of funding at $125,655,502, or 34.9 percent of all expenditure.”
  • Progress Report: Three Strikes Reform (Proposition 36) Stanford Law School Three Strikes Project and NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, September, 2013“Fewer than 2% of the prisoners released under Prop 36 have been charged with new crimes, according to state and county records. The average recidivism rate over a similar period of time for non-Prop 36 inmates leaving California prisons is 16%.”
  • The Effect of Immigration Detainers in a Post-Realignment California CJCJ, August, 2013“89 percent of said non-criminal ICE detentions in California are in local jails and facilities. These detentions cost taxpayers approximately $16.3 million for local jail holds during the 30-month period studied”
  • Crime in California 2012 California Attorney General and California Department of Justice, August, 2013“The homicide rate remained at a rate 18 percent lower than the average homicide rate for the prior ten years.”
  • Impact of Realignment on County Jail Populations Public Policy Institute of California, June, 2013“Between June 2011 and June 2012, the state prison population declined by 26,600 inmates. Concurrently, California's county average daily jail population grew by about 8,600 inmates...”
  • Realignment Report A One-year Examination of Offenders Released from State Prison in the First Six Months of Public Safety Realignment California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, May, 2013“The 1-year arrest/conviction rates of offenders released pre and post-Realignment is similar, but the 1-year return to prison rate was substantially less post-Realignment since most offenders in this cohort were ineligible to return on a parole violation.”
  • Lifer Parole Recidivism Report California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, January, 2013“Lifer parolees receive fewer new convictions within three years of being released to parole (4.8 vs. 51.5%, respectively). They also have a markedly lower return to prison recidivism rate than non-lifer parolees (13.3 vs. 65.1%, respectively).”

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