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  • Blueprint for a Public Health and Safety Approach to Drug Policy New York Academy of Medicine and the Drug Policy Alliance, March, 2013“This report finds two clear themes: 1) structural issues (like income disparities, education, & opportunity) profoundly shape experiences of drug policies; 2) when problematic drug use does occur, our response should involve help instead of sanctions.”
  • The Dose-Response of Time Served in Prison on Mortality: New York State, 1989-2003 Evelyn J. Patterson, University of Vanderbilt, March, 2013“After controlling for a variety of demographic and offense-related factors...each year in prison increased the odds of death by 15.6% in this 1989 to 1993 parole increased odds of death of 78% for somebody who spent 5 years in prison.”
  • Under Custody Report: Profile of Inmate Population Under Custody on January 1, 2013 State of New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, January, 2013“This report...presents information on inmates and incarcerated parolees held under Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) custody on January 1, 2013.”
  • How New York City Reduced Mass Incarceration: A Model for Change? Vera Institute of Justice, the Brennan Center for Justice, and the JFA Institute, January, 2013“From 1988 to 2008, the number of felonies reported by New York City to the FBI dropped from 719,887 to 198,419 – a remarkable 72 percent reduction. Outside of New York City, the number of crimes declined by half as much, only 38 percent.”
  • Addressing Racial Disparities In Bail Determinations New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy, 2013“...Seventy-five percent of pretrial detainees are charged with relatively minor property crimes, drug offenses or other non-violent acts, and remain in jail simply because the money bond was set in an amount they cannot afford to pay.”
  • Children of Incarcerated Parents in New York State: A Data Analysis NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services, 2013“Almost half (49%) of survey respondents reported being the parent of a child under the age of 21.”
  • Criminal Records, Race, and Redemption New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy, 2013“...poor individuals of color disproportionately shoulder the weight of a criminal record.”
  • In Search of Racial Justice: The Role of the Prosecutor New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy, 2013“ of every three African American males born today can expect to go to prison in his lifetime, as can one of every six Latino males. One of every eighteen African American females and one of every forty-five Hispanic females face a similar fate.”
  • Policing Immigration New York University School of Law; University of Chicago Law School, 2013“The data undermine the government's claim that Secure Communities is principally about making communities more secure from crime.”
  • Boxed In The True Cost of Extreme Isolation in New York's Prisons New York Civil Liberties Union, September, 2012New York has nearly 5,000 SHU beds located in 39 prisons, including two dedicated extreme isolation prisons which cost about $76 million a year. From 2007-11, New York issued more than 68,100 sentences to extreme isolation for violations of prison rules.”
  • A Decade of Bail Research in New York City New York City Criminal Justice Agency, Inc., August, 2012“Defendants who are detained pretrial are more likely to be convicted, if convicted they are more likely to be sentenced to incarceration, and if incarcerated, their sentences are likely to be longer.”
  • Under Custody Report: Profile of Incarcerated Offender Population Under Custody on January 1, 2012 State of New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, January, 2012“This report...presents information on offenders held under Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) custody on January 1, 2012.”
  • Commissioner's policy paper on Prison Safety and Inmate Programming New York Department of Correctional Services, November, 2011
  • Arrests Effected by SSA or Officers assigned to School Safety Division New York City Police Department, October, 2011
  • Risks of Drug-Related Death, Suicide, and Homicide During the Immediate Post-Release Period Among People Released From New York City Jails, 2001-2005 New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, August, 2011“...formerly incarcerated people in NYC were 8 times more likely to die of drug-related causes and 5 times more likely to die from homicide during the first 2 weeks after release than were nonincarcerated NYC residents in the same 2-week period.”
  • Balancing Punishment and Treatment Alternatives to Incarceration in New York City Vera Institute of Justice, May, 2011“For those concerned about public safety, these results are good news; they show that many felony offenders can be sent to rigorous community programs rather than jail without increasing the risk to the public.”
  • Profile of Inmate Population Under Custody on January 1, 2011 State of New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, April, 2011“The majority of inmates under custody (60%) self-reported at the time of admission to the Department that they had at least one living child.”
  • Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics, April, 2011“The five states eligible to receive the largest total state allocation included California ($51.1 million), Texas ($34.0 million), Florida ($30.9 million), New York ($24.8 million), and Illinois ($18.9 million).”
  • Justice Assistance Grant Program, 2012 Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2011“The five largest total state allocations included California ($32.9 million), Texas ($22.7 million), Florida ($19.5 million), New York ($16.0 million), and Illinois ($12.0 million).”
  • Criminal Justice Interventions for Offenders With Mental Illness Evaluation of Mental Health Courts in Bronx and Brooklyn, New York Urban Institute, 2011“Findings from the impact analysis indicate that mental health court participants are significantly less likely to recidivate, as compared to similar offenders with mental illness who experience business-as-usual court processing...”
  • The Price of Freedom: Bail and Pretrial Detention of Low Income Nonfelony Defendants in New York City Human Rights Watch, December, 2010“People should not have to endure jail simply because they are too poor to buy their way out, particularly when there are other ways of ensuring that such defendants make their scheduled court appearances.”
  • Profile of Inmate Population Under Custody on January 1, 2010 (New York) State of New York Department of Correctional Services, May, 2010“Forty percent (40%) of female inmates were serving a sentence for a Violent Felony crime compared to 61% for male inmates. In contrast, 24% of female inmates were sentenced for a drug crime compared to 17% percent of male inmates.”
  • Stop, Question & Frisk Policing Practices In New York City A Primer Center on Race, Crime and Justice at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, March, 2010“In 2009 alone, Blacks and Hispanics combined were stopped 9 times more than Whites.”
  • Profile of Inmate Population Under Custody on January 1, 2009 (New York) State of New York Department of Correctional Services, June, 2009“The majority of inmates under custody (59.2%) report at least one living child. Approximately 11% of under custody inmates reported four or more living children.”
  • New York State Assisted Outpatient Program Evaluation New York State Department of Public Health, June, 2009

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