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  • The Rockefeller Drug Laws: Unjust, Irrational, Ineffective New York Civil Liberties Union, March, 2009New York's mandatory-minimum drug sentencing scheme has [...] not reduced the availability of drugs or deterred their use; it has not made us safer.”(This report documents the harms of mandatory-sentencing drug laws, focusing on their ineffectiveness and racial and fiscal impact. This report suggests a that rehabilitative approach to drug policy would be more sucessful.)
  • Profile of Inmate Population Under Custody on January 1, 2008 (New York) State of New York Department of Correctional Services, March, 2008“The majority of inmates (52.1%) were committed from New York City. An additional 11.4% were committed from suburban New York.”
  • report thumbnail Phantom constituents in the Empire State: How outdated Census Bureau methodology burdens New York counties Prison Policy Initiative, July, 2007
  • Profile of Inmate Population Under Custody on January 1, 2007 (New York) State of New York Department of Correctional Services, June, 2007“Of the 63,473 inmates under custody on February 17, 2007, 33,496 (52.8%) had a verified GED, high school diploma or higher degree, and 29,977 (47.2%) were without verified academic degrees.”
  • Impacts of Jail Expansion in New York State: A Hidden Burden Center for Constitutional Rights, May, 2007“The growth in the number of people held in jail has not been caused by an increase in crime, as index crime reports decreased by 30 percent in the last decade in upstate and suburban New York overall.”(Construction of new prisons in New York poses a financial, employment and environmental burden on communities.)
  • Addressing Key Criminal Justice Issues in the 21st Century Correctional Association of New York, February, 2007“This special report presents some of our top reform proposals for the state's new administration to consider and the benefits they will provide for people caught up in the criminal justice system and for society as a whole.”
  • Custody and Control Conditions of Confinement in New York's Juvenile Prisons for Girls Human Rights Watch, September, 2006“[G]irls experience abusive physical restraints and other forms of abuse and neglect, and are denied the mental health, educational, and other rehabilitative services they need.”
  • Profile of Inmates Under Custody on January 1, 2006 State of New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision., June, 2006
  • Re-Entry and Reintegration: The Road to Public Safety New York State Bar Association, Special Committee on Collateral Consequences of Criminal Proceedings, May, 2006“Countless families are affected: over ten million children have parents who were imprisoned at some point in the children's lives. In addition, disparate racial and economic impacts are well-documented.”
  • Studies of Voting Behavior and Felony Disenfranchisement Among Individuals in the Criminal Justice System in New York, Connecticut, and Ohio Sentencing Project, September, 2005(Prisoners with felony convictions)
  • A Look At The Impact Schools Drum Major Institute, June, 2005“...the Impact Schools initiative has brought increased police and security presence into 22 New York City middle and high schools...”(The report shows that low income, over-crowding and race are as characteristic of the schools as their crime-rates.)
  • Discrimination in Low Wage Labor Markets: Findings from an Experimental Audit Study in New York City Devah Pager and Bruce Western, June, 2005
  • Profile of Inmates Under Custody on January 1, 2005 New York Department of Correctional Services, April, 2005
  • Implementation of "Kendra's Law" Is Severely Biased New York Lawyers For The Public Interest, Inc., April, 2005“There are major racial, ethnic, and geographic disparities throughout New York State in the implementation of "Kendra's Law" [,which allows courts to mandate outpatient treatment for some people with mental illness].”
  • report thumbnail Actual Constituents: Students and Political Clout in New York Prison Policy Initiative, October, 2004(how students are counted in the Census, why that makes sense (as opposed to how prisoners are counted) and why it makes no sense at all for some counties to discourage students from voting locally)
  • Unjust and Counterproductive: New York's Rockefeller Drug Laws Physicians for Human Rights, September, 2004
  • Characteristics of New Commitments 2003 New York Department of Correctional Services, June, 2004
  • Profile of Inmate Population Under Custody on January 1, 2004 New York Department of Correctional Services, 2004“There were 65,197 inmates under custody on January 1, 2004, of whom 62,284 (95.5%) were men and 2,913 (4.5%) were women.”
  • Patterns of Criminal Conviction and Incarceration Among Mothers of Children in Foster Care in New York City Vera Institute of Justice, December, 2003
  • Lockdown New York: Disciplinary Confinement in New York State Prisons Correctional Association, October, 2003
  • The Effect of Earning a GED on Recidivism Rates State of New York Department of Correctional Services, September, 2003“[T]hose inmates who earned a GED while incarcerated returned to custody within three years at a significantly lower rate than offender who did not earn a GED while incarcerated.”
  • Upstate New York's Population Plateau: The Third-Slowest Growing 'State' Brookings Institution, August, 2003“Nearly 30 percent of new residents in Upstate New York in the 1990s were prisoners.”
  • Capital Punishment in New York State Statistics from Eight Years of Representation New York Capital Defender Office, August, 2003
  • Profile of Inmates Under Custody on January 1, 2003 New York Department of Correctional Services, May, 2003
  • Profile of Inmates Under Custody on January 1, 2002 New York Department of Correctional Services, January, 2003

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