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Your search returned 0 categories and 25 Links.

  • Crisis in Corrections: The DOC Staff Shortage and the Inmate Experience Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition (CCJRC), January, 2024“An overwhelming 93% of respondents incarcerated in Colorado say there is a staffing shortage at their facility, and 85% say that the shortage is either significant or moderate.”
  • Identifying the Impact of Incarceration on Parenting: An Examination of Incarcerated Parents' Perceptions in the "Reading for a Change" Program in Colorado Paywall :( Kyle C. Ward et al, August, 2022“Using semi-structured interviews, incarcerated parents...indicated considerable barriers to visits, high costs of keeping in touch, significant impacts on the family at home...”
  • report thumbnail Where people in prison come from: The geography of mass incarceration in Colorado Prison Policy Initiative and Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition, July, 2022“The five most populous counties in the state -- El Paso, Denver, Arapahoe, Jefferson, and Adams -- are home to over 65% of the state's imprisoned population (over 9,000 imprisoned people), but are home to only 55% of the state's total population.”
  • Fentanyl in Colorado: Overview and recommendations for addressing the overdose crisis Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition, March, 2022(This brief describes the failure to prevent fentanyl overdose by increasing criminal punishment, and instead offers public health and harm reduction strategies like increasing medication-assisted treatment in prisons and jails.)
  • The Pandemic Behind Bars: COVID-19, Vaccination, and the People in Colorado's Prisons and Jails Colorado Health Institute, January, 2021“Outbreaks at prisons, jails, and other correctional and detention facilities account for 1 in every 24 cases of COVID-19 in Colorado since the start of the pandemic, and 15 of the 20 largest outbreaks in the state have occurred in prisons and jails.”
  • The Cannabis Effect on Crime: Time-Series Analysis of Crime in Colorado and Washington State Ruibin Lu et al., October, 2019“Our results suggest that marijuana legalization and sales have had minimal to no effect on major crimes in Colorado or Washington.”
  • Cashing in on Cruelty: Stories of death, abuse and neglect at the GEO immigration detention facility in Aurora ACLU of Colorado, September, 2019“The decision to stop Mr. Samimi's methadone, and subsequent failure to recognize and treat his withdrawal properly, exposes a critical lack of competency, compassion and proper medical care inside the facility.”
  • Investing Justice Resources to Address Community Needs Urban Institute, February, 2018(This report provides an overview of a Colorado based program designed to coordinate the flow of resources to community-led organizations providing direct services to formerly incarcerated people navigating the reentry process.)
  • report thumbnail The Wireless Prison: How Colorado's tablet computer program misses opportunities and monetizes the poor Prison Policy Initiative, July, 2017“Tablets could be an important rehabilitative tool, but not when GTL puts profit above service.”
  • To Protect and Serve: Trends in State-Level Policing Reform, 2015-2016 Vera Institute of Justice, April, 2017Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Utah and Washington have enacted laws that either limit the use of certain types of force, such as chokeholds, or mandate or strengthen police training on the legal boundaries of justifiable force.”
  • Marijuana Legalization in Colorado: Early Findings Colorado Department of Public Safety, March, 2016“The total number of marijuana arrests decreased by 46% between 2012 and 2014, from 12,894 to 7,004.”
  • Too High a Price: What Criminalizing Homelessness Costs Colorado Homeless Advocacy Policy Project, February, 2016“Cities issue citations to homeless residents at a staggering rate.”
  • No Right to Rest: Criminalizing Homelessness in Colorado The Denver Homeless Out Loud Report Team, April, 2015“In addition to formal citation and arrest, this survey finds evidence of extrajudicial harassment of homeless people. Both police and private security forces commonly harass and enforce punishments on homeless people, even without legal authority to do so”
  • Department of Corrections Colorado Correctional Industries Performance Audit Colorado Office of the State Auditor, January, 2015“Although statute requires CCI to operate in a profit-oriented manner, CCI's industries operations earned profit margins on average of less than 1 percent from Fiscal Years 2009 through 2014.”
  • Justice Derailed: A case study of abusive and unconstitutional practices in Colorado city courts ACLU of Colorado, 2015Colorado's municipal courts operate with little meaningful statewide oversight or accountability, providing an opportunity for civil liberties violations and other abusive practices to occur unnoticed, unreported, and unaddressed by state agencies.”
  • A Program Evaluation of In-Prison Components The Colorado Department of Corrections Sex Offender Treatment and Monitoring Program Central Coast Clinical and Forensic Psychology Services, Inc., January, 2014“Many sexual offenders who could successfully be managed in the community, had they effectively participated in treatment, may instead spend additional years in prison. This will represent a great cost to the Colorado taxpayer...”
  • Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Colorado's continued warehousing of mentally ill prisoners in solitary confinement ACLU of Colorado, July, 2013“As of March 2013, CDOC housed at least 87 seriously mentally ill prisoners in solitary confinement, 54 of whom have been living in isolation for over a year and 14 of whom have been in solitary confinement for more than 4 years.”
  • Increasing Court-Appearance Rates and Other Benefits of Live-Caller Telephone Court-Date Reminders: The Jefferson County, Colorado, FTA Pilot Project and Resulting Court Date Notification Program Timothy R. Schnake, Michael R. Jones, and Dorian M. Wilderman, June, 2012“Telephone reminders using live callers work. They increase court appearance rates, dramatically reducing the significant costs associated with FTAs (failures to appear) and FTA warrants.”
  • Colorado Department of Corrections Administrative Segregation and Classification Review National Institute of Corrections, October, 2011“Currently about 7% (1,427) of the prison population is in administrative segregation, which is significantly above the national average of 1-2 %.”
  • Separate but Unequal The Federal Criminal Justice System in Indian County University of Colorado Law Review, December, 2010“The”
  • Community Based Management Pilot Programs for Youth with Mental Illness... Program Evaluation Report: Year Four Colorado Department of Public Safety, October, 2005(The number of new offenses after the program is strongly influenced by the program. Of program completers, 46% fewer individuals received a new court case in the 12 months after the program as the 12 months before.)
  • Incarceration and Correctional Spending in Colorado A Legislator's Handbook on Criminal Justice Policy, 2003 Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition, February, 2003
  • Private Prisons and Public Money Hidden Costs Borne by Colorado's Taxpayers Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition, September, 2002
  • Survey on Drug Use and Drug Policy Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition, September, 2001“voter attitudes and opinions toward issues relating to drug abuse and drug policy in Colorado
  • High Country Lockup: Children in Confinement in Colorado Human Rights Watch, September, 1997

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