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  • Stepping on the Gas: Accelerating Florida's Economic Growth by Restoring the Freedom to Drive Fines and Fees Justice Center, February, 2023“As of November 2022, 716,383 Floridians cannot legally drive because of unpaid fines and fees--1 in 24 driving-age adults.”
  • A Statewide Analysis of the Impact of Restitution and Fees on Juvenile Recidivism in Florida Across Race & Ethnicity Alex R. Piquero, Michael T. Baglivio, and Kevin T. Wolff, February, 2023“The current study demonstrates youth assigned fees evidence significantly higher recidivism than similarly situated youth not assigned fees, as measured by an adjudication for a new criminal offense committed within 365 days.”
  • The "Profane Margins" of the State: Florida Sheriff Walter R. Clark and the Local History of Crime, Policing, and Incarceration Paywall :( Cindy Hahamovitch, 2023“[...] we can find sheriffs with myriad responsibilities, unbridled power, and little oversight almost everywhere in the United States.”
  • Ticketing and Turnout: The Participatory Consequences of Low-Level Police Contact Jonathan Ben-Menachem and Kevin T. Morris, December, 2022“Few analyses directly investigate the causal effect of lower-level police contact on voter turnout. To do so, we leverage individual-level administrative ticketing data from Hillsborough County, Florida.”
  • Justice for Girls Blueprint: The Way Forward for Florida Delores Barr Weaver Policy Center, July, 2022“Statewide, Black girls make up only 21% of girls ages 10-17, but they represent 45% of the girls who were arrested, 52% of girls on probation caseloads, 47% of girls incarcerated, and 52% of the girls transferred into the adult criminal justice system.”
  • Addressing Florida's Parole System Right on Crime, June, 2022“A moderate reintroduction of parole is long overdue, and modifying Florida's truth in sentencing thresholds, even gradually, will provide incentive for productive behavior and supervision.”
  • report thumbnail New data: The changes in prisons, jails, probation, and parole in the first year of the pandemic Prison Policy Initiative, January, 2022“Most of the drop in prison populations occurred within the federal Bureau of Prisons and just three states: California, Florida, and Texas.”
  • Driver's License Suspension for Unpaid Fines and Fees: The Movement for Reform Joni Hirsch and Priya Sarathy Jones, Fines and Fees Justice Center, September, 2021“In Florida, 72% of all driver's licenses suspension notices are issued for nonpayment of fines and fees. That is nearly 1.2 million suspension notices in Florida alone.”
  • Youth Justice Under the Coronavirus: Linking Public Health Protections with the Movement for Youth Decarceration Sentencing Project, September, 2020“Despite almost two decades of declines in U.S. youth incarceration, The Sentencing Project reveals more than 1,800 incarcerated youth have tested positive for COVID-19 since March, including more than 300 cases in Florida and Texas.”
  • Trauma and Loss During Reentry: Early Findings from a Multi-State Trial Florida State University Institute for Justice Research and Development, May, 2020“47% of our participants experienced at least one traumatic event in the 8 months after their release from incarceration.”
  • The Wandering Officer Ben Grunwald & John Rappaport, April, 2020“In any given year over the last three decades, an average of roughly 1,100 full-time law-enforcement officers in Florida walk the streets having been fired in the past, and almost 800 having been fired for misconduct.”
  • The Hidden Costs of Florida's Criminal Justice Fees Rebekah Diller, Brennan Center for Justice, August, 2019“Since 1996, Florida added more than 20 new categories of financial obligations for criminal defendants and, at the same time, eliminated most exemptions for those who cannot pay”
  • Unequal Treatment: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Miami-Dade Criminal Justice ACLU Florida Greater Miami, July, 2018(This report finds that from arrest to sentencing, racial disparities exist at each decision point in the Miami-Dade County's criminal justice system.)
  • One War. Two Races. Bias Reigns in Florida's War on Drugs Herald Tribune, January, 2018“Blacks represent 17 percent of Florida’s population but have accounted for 46 percent of the state’s felony drug convictions since 2004.”
  • Collective Bargaining and Police Misconduct: Evidence from Florida Dhammika Dharmapala, Richard H. McAdams, and John Rappaport, January, 2018“Collective bargaining rights lead to about a 27% increase in complaints of officer misconduct for the typical sheriff's office.”
  • Florida Criminal Justice Reform: Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities The Project on Accountable Justice, November, 2017(This report is an effort to help Florida's citizens and policy makers understand the nature of some of the problems found in the criminal justice system, notably resulting in dangerous prisons. It also suggests opportunities for reform.)
  • The Death Penalty in Five Florida Counties: Disproportionately Used Against Persons with Significant Mental Impairments Fair Punishment Project, January, 2017“These findings have raised a legitimate question as to whether Florida's capital punishment scheme-even one with a unanimous jury requirement- is capable of limiting application of the death penalty to the most culpable offenders.”
  • Caged In: Solitary Confinement's Devastating Harm on Prisoners with Physical Disabilities American Civil Liberties Union, January, 2017“In Florida, only 44 of 792 grievances by prisoners with disabilities were resolved from 2013 to 2015.”
  • Florida: An Outlier in Denying Voting Rights Brennan Center for Justice, December, 2016“With roots tracing back to Reconstruction and the Jim Crow period, racial discrimination has stifled the right to vote in Florida for hundreds of years.”
  • Key findings from statewide surveys in Florida, North Carolina, Nevada, Kentucky, Missouri, and Wisconsin Justice Action Network; The Tarrance Group, February, 2016“[T]here is broad consensus that the federal criminal justice system jails too many non-violent criminals and spends too much on jailing nonviolent offenders.”
  • Racial Disparities in Florida Safety Belt Law Enforcement ACLU, February, 2016“American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) analysis of the most recent seatbelt citation data confirms that the Florida Safety Belt Law has been applied more often to Black motorists than white motorists.”
  • The Impact of Race, Gender, and Geography on Florida Executions Frank R. Baumgartner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, January, 2016Florida's use of the death penalty in the modern era has been marked by substantial disparities by the race and gender of the victim of the crime, and by geography.”
  • Driving on Empty: Florida's Counterproductive and Costly Driver's License Suspension Practices Fines & Fees Justice Center, 2015“Between 2015-2017, more than 3.5 million suspension notices were issued for unpaid court debt.”
  • Prison and Crime: A Complex Link Pew Public Safety Performance Project, September, 2014“New York and Florida had divergent imprisonment rates, but both cut crime rates by the same amount.”
  • Florida's Aging Prisoner Problem Florida Tax Watch, September, 2014“Between 2000 and 2014, the elderly prison population grew from 5,605 to 21,002, at an average increase of 9.9 percent per year, a rate more than three times higher than the general prison population.”

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