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  • report thumbnail Working in "a meat grinder": A research roundup showing prison and jail jobs aren't all that states promise they will be Prison Policy Initiative, May, 2022“A 2016 paper studying correctional officers in Michigan estimated that 34% of participants had PTSD, 36% had depression, and 25% had both.”
  • report thumbnail Parole boards approved fewer releases in 2020 than in 2019, despite the raging pandemic Prison Policy Initiative, February, 2021“In over half of the states we studied--Alabama, Iowa, Michigan, Montana, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina - between 2019 and 2020, there was either no change or a decrease in parole grant rates.”
  • The Right to Counsel in Wayne County, Michigan: Evaluation of Assigned Counsel Services in the Third Judicial Circuit Sixth Amendment Center, August, 2019“Every aspect of the Sixth Amendment right to counsel is impaired.”
  • Expungement of Criminal Convictions: An Empirical Study J.J. Prescott and Sonja B. Starr, March, 2019(Among those legally eligible for expungement in Michigan, just 6.5% obtain it within five years of eligibility.)
  • Decarceration Strategies: How 5 States Achieved Substantial Prison Population Reductions The Sentencing Project, September, 2018(This report summarizes key strategies and practices used by Connecticut, Michigan, Mississippi, Rhode Island, and South Carolina to reduce their prison populations, followed by extensive reviews for each of the five states.)
  • The Effects of Mass Incarceration on Conditions of Confinement in Michigan's Prisons Michigan Bar Journal, September, 2017“The explosion of Michigan’s prison population from 1975 through 2006 led to conditions of confinement that were often detrimental to prisoners’ rehabilitation.”
  • Reducing Youth Arrests Keeps Kids Healthy and Successful: A Health Analysis of Youth Arrest in Michigan Human Impact Partners, June, 2017“We evaluate the health and equity impacts of youth arrest (for kids under the age of 17) in Michigan, with a focus on the city of Detroit, and Wayne and Washtenaw Counties.”
  • report thumbnail The steep cost of medical co-pays in prison puts health at risk Wendy Sawyer, Prison Policy Initiative, April, 2017“In Michigan, it would take over a week to earn enough for a single $5 co-pay, making it the free world equivalent of over $300. In 13 states co-pays are equivalent to charging minimum wage workers more than $200.”
  • Exonerations in 2016: The National Registry of Exonerations The National Registry of Exonerations, University of Michigan Law School, March, 2017“A record 94 exonerations in 2016 were cases in which no crime actually occurred.”
  • Race and Wrongful Convictions in the United States National Registry of Exonerations, University of Michigan Law School, March, 2017“Innocent black murder suspects, especially those who are falsely convicted...are additional victims of murders committed by others. Those who have been exonerated spent on average more than 14 years in prison before they were released.”
  • Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wayne County: Time to Join the National Consensus Fair Punishment Project, July, 2016“Wayne County makes up only 18% of the state's population, yet it accounts for at least 40% of the individuals serving these [juvenile life without parole] sentences in Michigan.”
  • It Take a Village: Diversion for Police and Families Vera Institute of Justice, June, 2016“This brief explores the creative, collaborative, and community-focused work being done in Nevada, Connecticut, Nebraska, Michigan, Illinois, and Oregon to find productive responses to youth “acting out.””
  • Snapshot of Indigent Defense Representation in Michigan's Adult Criminal Courts Michigan Indigent Defense Commission, February, 2016“The first survey of indigent defense court systems is just one part of an extensive, multipronged data gathering strategy that the MIDC will use to initiate comprehensive system change.”
  • 10,000 fewer Michigan prisoners: Strategies to reach the goal Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Spending, June, 2015“This report establishes credible estimates of how many prison beds could be saved by adopting each strategy.”
  • Flint DDACTS Pilot Evaluation: Summary of Findings Michigan Justice Statistics Center, July, 2014“Indeed, the target areas experienced a 19 percent reduction in violent crime and a 30 percent reduction in robberies. This compared to 7 and 2 percent reductions, respectively, in the rest of the city.”
  • Youth Behind Bars Examining the impact of prosecuting and incarcerating kids in Michigan's criminal justice system Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency, May, 2014“...Michigan broadened juvenile prosecutors' discretion to automatically file in criminal court, expanded the number of juvenile offenses requiring an adult sentence, and allowed children of any age to be criminally convicted and sent to prison.”
  • Rate of False Conviction of Criminal Defendants Who are Sentenced to Death University of Michigan Law School, March, 2014“The rate of exonerations among death sentences in the United States is far higher than for any other category of criminal convictions.”
  • Michigan's Parolable Lifers: The Cost of a Broken Process Citizens Alliance on Prisons & Public Spending, February, 2014“When most of today's parole-eligible lifers were sentenced, it was by judges who believed both a life sentence and a 40-year minimum term meant release within 16 years.”
  • Parolable Lifers in Michigan: Paying the price of unchecked discretion Citizens Alliance on Prisons & Public Spending, February, 2014“With the average annual cost of incarcerating an aging prisoner at roughly $40,000, each decision to continue a lifer for five years costs taxpayers about $200,000. Research demonstrates that lifers have by far the lowest re-offense rates of all parolees”
  • Racial Disparity in Federal Criminal Sentences University of Michigan Law School, 2014(Blacks defendants receive federal sentences that are almost 10 percent longer than those of comparable whites arrested for the same crimes. Most of this disparity can be explained by prosecutors' initial charging decisions.)
  • Risk of Recidivism Facing Offenders upon their Return to Community Michigan Justice Statistics Center, June, 2013“The purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth, dynamic examination of the recidivism experiences of a small sample of 39 male parolees to Lansing, Michigan.”
  • States Report Reductions in Recidivism Council of State Governments Justice Center, September, 2012“This brief highlights significant statewide recidivism reductions achieved in Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, and Vermont.”
  • Violent Crime against the Elderly Reported by Law Enforcement in Michigan 2005-2009 Bureau of Justice Statistics, June, 2012“Three out of 10 elderly victims of reported violence were victimized by their own child or grandchild.”
  • Pitfalls and Promises The Real Risks to Residents and Taxpayers of Privatizing Prisons and Prison Services in Michigan Michigan Corrections Organization, February, 2012“Taxpayers want to save money. Private prisons want to make money. These are inherently opposite interests, since the only way for private prisons to make money is for the government to give it to them. The drive for growth can be counterproductive...”
  • A Stubborn Legacy: The Overwhelming Importance of Race in Jury Selection in 173 Post-Batson North Carolina Capital Trials Michigan State University College of Law, 2012“Over the twenty-year period we examined, prosecutors struck eligible black venire members at about 2.5 times the rate they struck eligible venire members who were not black.”

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