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Your search returned 0 categories and 9 Links.

  • Capital Punishment, 2021 - Statistical Tables Bureau of Justice Statistics, November, 2023“Five states (Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Alabama, and Mississippi) and the BOP executed a total of 11 prisoners in 2021. Among the prisoners executed, 10 were male and 1 was female.”
  • Removing Barriers to Pretrial Appearance Lessons Learned from Tulsa County, Oklahoma, and Hennepin County, Minnesota Urban Institute, June, 2021“Most respondents agreed or strongly agreed that Court Ride [in Hennepin Cty, Minn.] had reduced barriers to court appearance (87.51%) and FTA rates for their clients (78.13%), and that it had reduced the number of their clients in custody (64.51%).”
  • report thumbnail Parole boards approved fewer releases in 2020 than in 2019, despite the raging pandemic Prison Policy Initiative, February, 2021“In over half of the states we studied--Alabama, Iowa, Michigan, Montana, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina - between 2019 and 2020, there was either no change or a decrease in parole grant rates.”
  • Polluting our prisons? An examination of Oklahoma prison locations and toxic releases, 2011-2017 Paywall :( Maggie Leon-Corwin, Jericho R McElroy, Michelle L Estes, Jon Lewis, Michael A Long, January, 2020“Our results find that prison zip codes have greater TRI emissions compared to non-prison zip codes.”
  • Policing, Poverty, and Racial Inequality in Tulsa, Oklahoma Human Rights Watch, September, 2019“Human Rights Watch found that, beyond the statistical disparities of treatment by police of the different races, black people nearly all had personal experiences of abusive policing, ranging from extreme violence towards themselves or family members, to m”
  • Greater Oklahoma City Chamber Criminal Justice Reform Task Force: Report and Recommendations Vera Institute of Justice, December, 2016“The Oklahoma County pretrial justice system needs greater collaboration and oversight to ensure that the jail—the county’s most restrictive and most costly criminal justice resource—is being used judiciously.”
  • Study of Incarcerated Women and Their Children Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth, January, 2010“Over three‐fourths of the women had only a high school education or less. Two‐thirds had been physically and/or sexually abused as a child.”
  • Importing Constituents: Prisoners and Political Clout in Oklahoma Prison Policy Initiative, September, 2009([B]y relying on Census Bureau counts of prison populations to pad out legislative districts with prisons, Oklahoma is inflating the votes of residents who live near prisons at the expense of every other resident in the state.)
  • Estimated Prevalence of Felons Among the Oklahoma Adult Population Oklahoma Criminal Justice Resource Center, September, 2006“Nearly one in seven adult males and one in every 30 adult females in Oklahoma have either been to prison or supervised on probation.”

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