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Your search returned 0 categories and 6 Links.

  • America's Favorite Antidote: Drug-Induced Homicide in the Age of the Overdose Crisis Leo Beletsky, September, 2019“At a time of crisis, drug-induced homicide laws and prosecutions represent a false prophecy of retribution, deterrence, and incapacitation.”
  • To Protect and Serve: Trends in State-Level Policing Reform, 2015-2016 Vera Institute of Justice, April, 2017“Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Utah and Washington have enacted laws that either limit the use of certain types of force, such as chokeholds, or mandate or strengthen police training on the legal boundaries of justifiable force.”
  • Right to Counsel in Utah: An Assessment of Trial-Level Indigent Defense Services Sixth Amendment Center, October, 2015Utah’s trial courts do not uniformly provide counsel to indigent defendants at all critical stages of criminal cases as required by the U.S. Supreme Court[.]”
  • Disparities in Discipline: A Look at School Disciplinary Actions for Utah's American Indian Students The University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law, 2014(In Utah, American Indian students are almost four times (3.8) more likely to receive a school disciplinary action compared to their white counterparts.)
  • From Fingerpaint to Fingerprints: The School-to-Prison Pipeline in Utah The University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law, 2014“There were 1,230 disciplinary actions in 2011-12, the most recent school year for which data is available.”
  • A Performance Audit of Inmate High School Education Utah Legislative Auditor General, August, 2012“In fiscal year 2011, over 5,200 inmates were enrolled in adult education, which is about 22 percent of Utah's entire adult education program.”

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