Regulating the prison phone industry

Our big-picture report
Explainers about phone justice
Contracts database
Our advocacy
Press coverage

The cost of everyday communication is arguably the worst price-gouging that people behind bars and their loved ones face. Why? Because prisons and jails profit by granting monopoly telephone contracts to the company that will charge families the most.

For twenty years, families had been calling on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide relief from the exorbitant bills that the prison phone companies charge just to stay in touch. Recognizing yet another way that mass incarceration punishes entire communities, the Prison Policy Initiative joined with partners across the country to help generate the research and advocacy that was necessary for change.

We’ve won some real victories at the FCC lowering rates and halting industry consolidation, we’re pushing for states to take action, and we’re keeping this industry and the perverse incentives it offers the sheriffs in the news. This page provides an overview of our research and advocacy:

Our big-picture report

report thumbnail for State of Phone Justice reportState of Phone Justice 2022:
The problem, the progress, and what's next

How much should it cost to stay in touch with Mom or Dad when they're locked up? We gathered data showing that while some jails and their phone companies provide calls for as low as 1 or 2 cents a minute, the vast majority charge 10 times that amount or more. Data from 50 state prison systems and over 3,000 local jails and other facilities show that families are paying exorbitant rates, while companies find new ways to price-gouge them through an expanding array of non-phone products.

FCC briefings and older reports










Read our FCC briefings and older reports

Correctional phone industry contracts

We've made our collection of correctional phone industry contract documents public. Search them to see what companies are profting in your area.

Explainers about phone justice

See all explainers

Our advocacy

Beyond our national work seeking stronger federal regulations, raising the issue of prison phone exploitation in the press, and sparking state-level advocacy, we've also been deeply involved in several states' regulatory proceedings.

Our work in California

We're calling for the California Public Utilities Commission to reduce the cost of calling home from California prisons and jails by imposing rate and fee caps. For more information, see:

Our work in Iowa

We pushed the Iowa Utilities Board to regulate several jail phone providers — and won. Our campaign in Iowa is part of our national strategy to encourage state regulators to address unreasonable rates and fees charged by the jail phone industry. For more information, see:

Our work in Nevada

We are participating in Nevada's legislatively-mandated regulatory proceeding on the cost of in-state calling from prisons and jails. Our filings are available below:

Our work in Colorado

In 2021, the Colorado legislature re-regulated telecommunications services delivered to incarcerated people. In June 2022, we filed a demographic analysis of incarcerated Coloradans and urged the Colorado Public Utilities Commission to address prison and jail telecommunications rates as part of the Commission's work on promoting equity

Our work in New York

We found data showing that upstate New York county jails take huge commissions -- often 80% or more -- on revenue from phone calls. Our data sparked a bill in the New York State Legislature (likely to be reintroduced in 2022).

  • Read our report from March 2021 on jail phone rates and kickbacks in New York, including a table of data for 57 counties.

See the details of our work in California, Iowa, Nevada, Colorado, and New York

Our work in the news

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