March 2025
Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2025by Wendy Sawyer and Peter Wagner (Older versions for 2024 , 2023 , 2022 , 2020 , 2019 , 2018 , 2017 , 2016 , 2015 , and 2014 .)
February 2025
Cut-rate care: The systemic problems shaping ‘healthcare’ behind barsby Brian Nam-Sonenstein
January 2025
Bad Behavior: How prison disciplinary policies manufacture misconductby Brian Nam-Sonenstein and Nell Haney
November 2024
Winnable criminal justice reforms: Promising state reform issues for 2025by Sarah Staudt
(Older versions for 2024 , 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020 , 2019 , 2018 , 2017 , 2016 , 2015 , and 2014 .)
October 2024
One Size Fits None:
How 'standard conditions' of probation set people up to failby Emily Widra
June 2024
States of Incarceration: The Global Context 2024by Emily Widra (Older versions for 2021 , 2018 , 2016 and 2014 .)
May 2024
Shadow Budgets: How mass incarceration steals from the poor to give to the prisonby Brian Nam-Sonenstein
March 2024
Women's Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2024by Aleks Kajstura and Wendy Sawyer (Older versions for 2023 , 2019 , 2018 and 2017 .)
June 2022–October 2023
Where People in Prison Come From: The geography of mass incarcerationby the Prison Policy Initiative and partner organizations
May 2023
Excessive, unjust, and expensive: Fixing Connecticut's probation and parole problemsby Leah Wang and gabriel sayegh
May 2023
Punishment Beyond Prisons: Incarceration and supervision by stateby Leah Wang (Older version for 2018 and 2016 .)
March 2023
SMH: The rapid & unregulated growth of e-messaging in prisons by Mike Wessler
(Older versions for 2016 .)
December 2022
State of Phone Justice: The problem, the progress and what's nextby Peter Wagner and Wanda Bertram
(Older version for 2019 )
October 2022
All profit, no risk: How the bail industry exploits the legal systemby Wendy Sawyer
June 2022
Chronic Punishment: The unmet health needs of people in state prisonsby Leah Wang
April 2022
Executive Inaction: States and the federal government fail to use commutations as a release mechanismby Naila Awan and Katie Rose Quandt
April 2022 Beyond the Count: A deep dive into state prison populationsby Leah Wang, Wendy Sawyer, Tiana Herring, and Emily Widra
September 2021 States of Emergency: The Failure of Prison System Responses to COVID-19
by Tiana Herring and Maanas Sharma
July 2021 Building exits off the highway to mass incarceration: Diversion programs explained
by Leah Wang and Katie Rose Quandt
April 2021 Slamming the Courthouse Door: 25 years of evidence for repealing the Prison Litigation Reform Act
by Andrea Fenster and Margo Schlanger
February 2021 Rigging the jury: How each state reduces jury diversity by excluding people with criminal records
by Ginger Jackson-Gleich
December 2020 Mass Incarceration, COVID-19, and Community Spread
by Gregory Hooks and Wendy Sawyer
October 2020 Eligible, but excluded: A guide to removing the barriers to jail voting
by Ginger Jackson-Gleich and Rev. Dr. S. Todd Yeary, Rainbow PUSH Coalition
August 2020 Lives on the Line: Women with Incarcerated Loved Ones and the Impact of COVID-19 Behind Barsby Essie Justice Group, Color of Change, and Prison Policy Initiative
June 2020 Failing Grades: States' Responses to COVID-19 in Jails & Prisonsby Emily Widra & Dylan Hayre
April 2020 Reforms Without Results: Why states should stop excluding violent offenses from criminal justice reformsby Alexi Jones
February 2020 Mapping disadvantage: The geography of incarceration in New Yorkby Prison Policy Initiative and VOCAL-NY
December 2019 Youth Confinement: The Whole Pie 2019by Wendy Sawyer (Older version for 2018. )
November 2019 The Company Store and the Literally Captive Market: Consumer Law in Prisons and Jailsby Stephen Raher
August 2019 Arrest, Release, Repeat: How police and jails are misused to respond to social problemsby Alexi Jones and Wendy Sawyer
May 2019 Does our county really need a bigger jail? a guide to avoiding unnecessary jail expansionby Alexi Jones
February 2019 Failure should not be an option: Grading the parole release systems of all 50 statesby Jorge Renaud
November 2018 Eight Keys to Mercy: How to shorten excessive prison sentencesby Jorge Renaud
October 2018
Getting Back on Course: Educational exclusion and attainment among formerly incarcerated peopleby Lucius Couloute
August 2018
Nowhere to Go: Homelessness among formerly incarcerated peopleby Lucius Couloute
July 2018
Out of Prison & Out of Work: Unemployment among formerly incarcerated peopleby Lucius Couloute and Dan Kopf
June 2018 States of Women's Incarceration: The Global Context 2018by Aleks Kajstura (Older version for 2015 .)
May 2018 The Company Store: A Deeper Look at Prison Commissariesby Stephen Raher
January 8, 2018 The Gender Divide: Tracking women's state prison growthby Wendy Sawyer
August 17, 2017 What “Stop-and-Frisk” Really Means: Discrimination & Use of Forceby Rose Lenehan
May 31, 2017 Era of Mass Expansion: Why State Officials Should Fight Jail Growthby Joshua Aiken (We recommend reading our updated 2024 version instead.)
January 25, 2017 Following the Money of Mass Incarcerationby Peter Wagner and Bernadette Rabuy
December 12, 2016 Reinstating Common Sense: How driver's license suspensions for drug offenses unrelated to driving are falling out of favorby Joshua Aiken
December 8, 2016 Punishing Poverty: The high cost of probation fees in Massachusettsby Wendy Sawyer
September 1, 2016 Comment on the Census Bureau's Proposed 2020 Residence Criteria and Residence Situationsby Aleks Kajstura, Peter Wagner and Brenda Wright
May 19, 2016 Protecting Written Family Communication in Jails: A 50-State Surveyby Corey Frost
May 10, 2016 Detaining the Poor: How money bail perpetuates an endless cycle of poverty and jail timeby Bernadette Rabuy and Daniel Kopf
January 21, 2016 You've Got Mail: The promise of cyber communication in prisons and need for regulationby Stephen Raher
October 2015 Separation by Bars and Miles: Visitation in state prisonsby Bernadette Rabuy and Daniel Kopf [En Espanol: Separacion por rejas y distancia: Visitacion en las prisiones estalales ]
July 2015 The Racial Geography of Mass Incarcerationby Peter Wagner and Daniel Kopf
July 2015 Prisons of Poverty: Uncovering the pre-incarceration incomes of the imprisonedby Bernadette Rabuy and Daniel Kopf [En Espanol: Las prisiones de la pobreza: Descubriendo los sueldos de los encarcelados antes del encarcelamiento ]
March 2015 Proposed Amendments to Regulation E: Curb exploitation of people released from custody
by Stephen Raher
February 2015 The Right Investment? Corrections Spending in Baltimore City
by the Justice Policy Institute and the Prison Policy Initiative
January 2015 Screening Out Family Time: The for-profit video visitation industry in prisons and jails by Bernadette Rabuy and Peter Wagner
May 2014 Breaking Down Mass Incarceration in the 2010 Census: State-by-State Incarceration Rates by Race/Ethnicityby Leah Sakala
May 2014 Tracking State Prison Growth in 50 States by Peter Wagner
May 2014 Suspending Common Sense in Massachusetts: Driver's license suspensions for drug offenses unrelated to drivingby Leah Sakala
March 2014 Reaching too far: How Connecticut's large sentencing enhancement zones miss the markby Aleks Kajstura
October 2013 Prison Gerrymandering in Massachusetts: How the Census Bureau prison miscount invites phantom constituents to town meeting by Aleks Kajstura
May 2013 Please Deposit All of Your Money: Kickbacks, Rates, and Hidden Fees in the Jail Phone Industryby Drew Kukorowski, Peter Wagner and Leah Sakala
April 2013
Imported "Constituents": Incarcerated People And Political Clout In Connecticut by Peter Wagner. Foreword by Bilal Dabir Sekou, PhD, and Cheri Quickmire
February 2013 Return to Sender: Postcard-only Mail Policies in Jailby Leah Sakala
September 2012 The Price To Call Home: State-Sanctioned Monopolization In The Prison Phone Industryby Drew Kukorowski
May 2012 One Last Chance to Avoid Prison-Based Gerrymandering in Kansasby Peter Wagner and Brenda Wright Prison Policy Initiative and Dēmos
Spring 2012 Breaking the Census: Redistricting in an Era of Mass Incarcerationby Peter Wagner William Mitchell Law Review , Volume 38, Number 4
January 2012 Prison Populations Create Complications at Redistricting Timeby Peter Wagner, published in Missouri Municipal Review
March 2011 Primer for reporters on county or municipal redistricting & prison-based gerrymanderingby Peter Wagner
February 2011 Preventing Prison-Based Gerrymandering in Redistricting: What to Watch Forby Peter Wagner and Brenda Wright Prison Policy Initiative and Demos [En Espanol: Prevenir la manipulacion de los li'mites de los distritos electorales sobre la base de la poblacion reclusa: que' es lo que hay que evitar ]
March 2010 Importing Constituents: Incarcerated People and Political Clout in Californiaby Aleks Kajstura and Peter Wagner
March 2010 Importing Constituents: Incarcerated People and Political Clout in Connecticutby Peter Wagner and Christian de Ocejo
March 2010 Importing Constituents: Prisoners and Political Clout in Minnesota by Aleks Kajstura
March 2010 Fixing prison-based gerrymandering after the 2010 Census: A 50 state guideby Peter Wagner, Aleks Kajstura, Elena Lavarreda, Christian de Ocejo, and Sheila Vennell O'Rourke
March 2010 Importing Constituents: Incarcerated People and Political Clout in Maryland by Peter Wagner and Olivia Cummings
February 2010
Importing Constituents: Prisoners and Political Clout in Illinois by Brett Blank and Peter Wagner
October 2009 Importing Constituents:
Prisoners and Political Clout in Massachusetts by Elena Lavarreda, Peter Wagner and Rose Heyer
September 2009 Importing Constituents:
Prisoners and Political Clout in Oklahoma by Peter Wagner and Elena Lavarreda
June 2009
Importing Constituents:
Prisoners and Political Clout in Pennsylvania
by Peter Wagner and Elena Lavarreda
January 2009
Reaching too far, coming up short: How large sentencing enhancement zones miss the mark
by Aleks Kajstura, Peter Wagner and Leah Sakala
January 2009 Phantom Constituents in Maine’s Regional School Unit 13: How the Census Bureau’s outdated method of counting prisoners harms democracy
by Peter Wagner
July 2008
The Geography of Punishment: How Huge Sentencing Enhancement Zones Harm Communities, Fail to Protect Children
by Aleks Kajstura, Peter Wagner and William Goldberg,
March 2008
Importing Constituents: Prisoners and Political Clout in Wisconsin
By John Hejduk and Peter Wagner
February 2008
Phantom Constituents in Tennessee’s Boards of County Commissioners
By Peter Wagner and JooHye DellaRocco
December 2007 Report to U.N. Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination that U.S. Census practices dilute votes of minority populations
by Demos and Prison Policy Initiative
July 2007
Phantom constituents in the Empire State: How outdated Census Bureau methodology burdens New York counties
By Peter Wagner, Meghan Rudy, Ellie Happel and Will Goldberg
April 2007 Democracy Toolkit Interactive tools to help rural citizens determine if prison populations in legislative districts are diluting their right to equal representation by Peter Wagner
September 2006
Do you know where the children are? A Report of Massachusetts Youth Unlawfully Held Without Bail, by Barbara Fedders (Criminal Justice Institute at Harvard Law School and Prison Policy Initiative Board Member) and Barbara Kaban (Children’s Law Center)
February 2006 Why the Census Bureau can and must start collecting the home addresses of incarcerated people
Submitted by Peter Wagner, Eric Lotke and Andrew Beveridge to the U.S. Census Bureau on February 10, 2006 in advance of the Bureau’s report to the Appropriations Committee on using prisoners’ homes of record in the Census
April 2005 Prisoners of the Census: Electoral and Financial Consequences of Counting Prisoners Where They Go, Not Where They Come From by Eric Lotke and Peter Wagner, Pace Law Review Volume 24, Number 2, Spring 2004
January 2005 Brief Amici Curiae In Support Of Plaintiff-Appellant Jalil Abdul Muntaqim, a/k/a/ Anthony Bottom, Urging Reversal Of The District Court On Behalf Of National Voting Rights Institute And Prison Policy Initiative
December 2004 Importing Constituents: Prisoners and Political Clout in Nevada by Peter Wagner released by the Prison Policy Initiative and the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
December 2004 Importing Constituents: Prisoners and Political Clout in Montana by Peter Wagner
November 2004 Importing Constituents: Prisoners and Political Clout in Texas by Peter Wagner and Rose Heyer
October 2004 Jim Crow in Massachusetts? Prisoner disenfranchisement by Peter Wagner
October 2004 Actual Constituents: Students and Political Clout in New York by Peter Wagner
July 2004 Importing Constituents: Prisoners and Political Clout in Ohio by Peter Wagner and Rose Heyer
April 2004 Too big to ignore: How counting people in prisons distorted Census 2000 by Rose Heyer and Peter Wagner
April 2003 The Prison Index: Taking the Pulse of the Crime Control Industry by Peter Wagner Published by the Prison Policy Initiative and the Western Prison Project
April 2002 Importing Constituents: Prisoners and Political Clout in New York by Peter Wagner